Big Brother 16

Derrick is the one with the pig nose, those nostrils are huge.

Caleb is only about 5'7" from what I recall.

DE tonight, you know the first boot, the second one depends - unless Hayden, Donny, or Nicole manage to win HOH, they're all going to be targets for the next one.
Hour and a half to showtime, it's going to be good tonight. Double eviction, first jury house people.

It should start to get a little more dramatic soon.

I want to see Christine or Frankie out in the second eviction.

Jocasta will go but's like the whole house against Hayden. Nicole and Donny.

One of those three will go next unless somehow Hayden or Donny wins.
Derrick is the one with the pig nose, those nostrils are huge.

Caleb is only about 5'7" from what I recall.

DE tonight, you know the first boot, the second one depends - unless Hayden, Donny, or Nicole manage to win HOH, they're all going to be targets for the next one.

I watch the feeds and Derrick is really good at the art of manipulation but he also has a Gangster Lord air about him too.

Frankie is really good at social manipulation.

When Derrick and Frankie faceoff BSing each other it's so fun to watch. :lol:
Hour and a half to showtime, it's going to be good tonight. Double eviction, first jury house people.

It should start to get a little more dramatic soon.

I want to see Christine or Frankie out in the second eviction.

Jocasta will go but's like the whole house against Hayden. Nicole and Donny.

One of those three will go next unless somehow Hayden or Donny wins.

Very possible for either of them to win.
Wish I could get eastern time and watch it at 5pm instead of having to wait til 8pm.
Hour and a half to showtime, it's going to be good tonight. Double eviction, first jury house people.

It should start to get a little more dramatic soon.

I want to see Christine or Frankie out in the second eviction.

Jocasta will go but's like the whole house against Hayden. Nicole and Donny.

One of those three will go next unless somehow Hayden or Donny wins.

Very possible for either of them to win.

It would make the game more interesting if they did.

:lmao: ...
GinaMarie is the prime example of SKANK.

Meanwhile....Hayden gone. :(

And Nicole is still a dumb bimbo.

Victoria is still a waste of space.

Jocasta....hallelujah and Praise the Lord she is gone. Another waste.

Zach disgusts me. They really need to stop letting druggies in there cuz he is banging off the walls without whatever he takes to keep him from being so crazy and hyper.

Derrick has this game sewn up. He's a cop for a reason. Just end this sucky season and hand him the money already.

Christine grosses me out.

Caleb is an idiot.

Frankie=ick. Dude needs to grow the fuck up.

If I forgot anyone else, its because they are forgetable.
I never watch BB after dark. I would if there were something to see...which is usually not the case.
Yees, GM is the one that made the finals her year but lost big - I remember she did her purge thing in the house and production demanded she wear extensions, which she hated. Memories can be strange.

The DE episode just ended here, but when I saw who won the second HOH, I knew it didn't look good. Funny how the oldest person in the house by far won the POV, but he's still on the outside. Donny is looking better than Nicole right now but I felt sorry for her when she realized the betrayal, although her nominations were both flawed. Hayden was just a kid who took it in stride.

And next week, they're going to bring back that stupid BOB? They'll be only two people NOT HOH or nominees then. That Derrick guy is not nearly as good as he thinks he is, he'd better get out Frankie before Frankie stabs him in the back.
Hour and a half to showtime, it's going to be good tonight. Double eviction, first jury house people.

It should start to get a little more dramatic soon.

I want to see Christine or Frankie out in the second eviction.

Me too! Unfortunately it was Hayden....which I didn't care if he left, he always has that big silly ole grin on his face - acts like a goof.
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I wonder who they will nominate. If they were smart (and they aren't) they would target Derrick, Cody, Frankie and Zack.
Nicole and Christine just won LOL OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's great. I was just saying, as the program ended, that if Nicole wanted to stay a bit longer she would have to win HOH. Now, she'll have to pick two bimbos that can't win the insure she remains HOH, and start making deals with people she can trust.

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