Big Bain Backfire

What was left was a Country with an unsustainable debt. Obama also left the taxpayer with the pension obligation.

Exactly what Obama and his union cronies are doing to America.

And you were too stupid to know that Bush financing tax cuts for the top, using debt, wasn't going to impact the known fact that the boomers would be retiring? Are you really this clueless, or just another right wing liar?

Yay!!! It's Boosh's fault!!! It was just a matter of time.

:rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bush is the gold standard in conservative governance.
Romney's claim is that his 'expertise' at working for a company that used private capital to maximize profits represents his case for why he would be a good president.

It's nonsensical.

The president doesn't work in the private sector; the president doesn't work with private capital; the president's job is not to 'maximize profits'.

Romney is making the absurd argument that he was good at one thing and that's why he should be hired to do some other thing, despite the latter having nothing to do with, or no resemblance to, the former.

It's like a guy applying for a carpenter's job and claiming he'd be best for the job because he has years of experience as an accountant.

Obama's sum total of executive experience amounts to having run his school newspaper.

It shows.
What was left was a Country with an unsustainable debt. Obama also left the taxpayer with the pension obligation.

Exactly what Obama and his union cronies are doing to America.

And you were too stupid to know that Bush financing tax cuts for the top, using debt, wasn't going to impact the known fact that the boomers would be retiring? Are you really this clueless, or just another right wing liar?

Yay!!! It's Boosh's fault!!! It was just a matter of time.

:rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nice soundbite, but facts are facts. You're an idiot. The majority of our current debt is due, directly to the stupidest tax cut ever.
It sounds like Bain Capital was just one big Ponzi scheme.

You can see the Bain capital mentality in Romney's economic plan. Cut programs for the poor like Medicaid and food stamps,

and pass the savings along to guys like Romney himself, i.e., the richest Americans,

in the form of huge tax cuts.

In that sense, yes, Romney is 'maximizing profits' for America's biggest 'investors'.
Romney's claim is that his 'expertise' at working for a company that used private capital to maximize profits represents his case for why he would be a good president.

It's nonsensical.

The president doesn't work in the private sector; the president doesn't work with private capital; the president's job is not to 'maximize profits'.

Romney is making the absurd argument that he was good at one thing and that's why he should be hired to do some other thing, despite the latter having nothing to do with, or no resemblance to, the former.

It's like a guy applying for a carpenter's job and claiming he'd be best for the job because he has years of experience as an accountant.

Perhaps because every time we try to make you see Obama for what he is, someone brings up Bush.

Look your guy campaigned on fixing the mess, he was the only one that could. So far it ain't looking too good, it was bigger than the thought. Yes, why yes it was. Being President of the United States of America isn't quite the same as organizing the South Side of Chicago to get their votes.

BTW, how are those folks on the South Side doing since they were organized?? There were five murders on Sunday, two of them were children. But they all vote for Obama!!
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Bush is the gold standard in conservative governance.

That is a very good point. All the rethugs on here want Mittens to do exactly what Bush did. With even more disasterous consequences.

But the rethugs won't stand up and say that they think Bush was a great President. Why I wonder. Especially given that they want Mittens to do the same bankrupting activities Bush did, they just want them on steriods.

Weird. Rethugs, you need to embrace Bush. He was your hero. He is Mittens fine example of how to ruin an economy.

You rethugs need to be proud of the disaster you brought us.
And you were too stupid to know that Bush financing tax cuts for the top, using debt, wasn't going to impact the known fact that the boomers would be retiring? Are you really this clueless, or just another right wing liar?

Yay!!! It's Boosh's fault!!! It was just a matter of time.

:rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nice soundbite, but facts are facts. You're an idiot. The majority of our current debt is due, directly to the stupidest tax cut ever.

Harry Reid won't even permit Congress to budget.

Obama's sum total of executive experience amounts to having run his school newspaper.

Really? What a stupid thing to say. He has been the President almost 4 years. Call it OJT if you must.

How long has Mittens been President? Zero years. How many years has Muttens dreamed about being President. Evidentally for ever. Who the fuk knows.
Bush is the gold standard in conservative governance.

That is a very good point. All the rethugs on here want Mittens to do exactly what Bush did. With even more disasterous consequences.

But the rethugs won't stand up and say that they think Bush was a great President. Why I wonder. Especially given that they want Mittens to do the same bankrupting activities Bush did, they just want them on steriods.

Weird. Rethugs, you need to embrace Bush. He was your hero. He is Mittens fine example of how to ruin an economy.

You rethugs need to be proud of the disaster you brought us.

Bush isn't running, Obama has been in office 3 1/2's not looking so good. I'm sure glad Bush was there on 9/11 instead of Kerry or Obama. I'm also very glad Obama is following Bush's exit plans in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama's sum total of executive experience amounts to having run his school newspaper.

Really? What a stupid thing to say.

Nope. Before being handed the most important job in the world - thanks to terrific teleprompter reading skills - his school newspaper was the only thing he ever actually ran. My guess is he sucked at it.

And America suffers.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps!
Yay!!! It's Boosh's fault!!! It was just a matter of time.

:rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nice soundbite, but facts are facts. You're an idiot. The majority of our current debt is due, directly to the stupidest tax cut ever.

Harry Reid won't even permit Congress to budget.


Nice simpleminded attempt at diversion. The fact is still that Bain saddled the company with debt, took it's investment and a hefty profit from it, and the taxpayers had to bail out, under law, their pension fund.

Romney is a job creator like Jeffrey Dahmer was a master chef. You're a rube.
Obama's sum total of executive experience amounts to having run his school newspaper.

Really? What a stupid thing to say.

Nope. Before being handed the most important job in the world - thanks to terrific teleprompter reading skills - his school newspaper was the only thing he ever actually ran. My guess is he sucked at it.

And America suffers.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps!

The siren very alluring, leading to demise.
Nice soundbite, but facts are facts. You're an idiot. The majority of our current debt is due, directly to the stupidest tax cut ever.

Harry Reid won't even permit Congress to budget.


Nice simpleminded attempt at diversion. The fact is still that Bain saddled the company with debt, took it's investment and a hefty profit from it, and the taxpayers had to bail out, under law, their pension fund.

Romney is a job creator like Jeffrey Dahmer was a master chef. You're a rube.

Yea and those folks had 8 additional years of employment they wouldn't have had if Bain hadn't tried to save the company.

Lack of demand cost them their jobs, not Bain and certainly not Romney. Romney had been gone from Bain for 2 years before GST closed it's doors.

Keep trying, you're getting good a spewing falsehoods.
And to hear you Rethugs whine when Bush's name is brought up is funny.

You rethuhgs gave the country 8 long years of the asshole and we know the damage he (Bush) did to the country.

Do you really think Dems are gonna let you forget that?

Quit whining every time Bush's name is brought up. Embrace him. You all voted for him twice.

But then again. You rethugs seem unable to own up to the disaster you created. So what should we expect from you? More whining. What a pitiful party you Rethugs are.
Bush is the gold standard in conservative governance.

That is a very good point. All the rethugs on here want Mittens to do exactly what Bush did. With even more disasterous consequences.

But the rethugs won't stand up and say that they think Bush was a great President. Why I wonder. Especially given that they want Mittens to do the same bankrupting activities Bush did, they just want them on steriods.

Weird. Rethugs, you need to embrace Bush. He was your hero. He is Mittens fine example of how to ruin an economy.

You rethugs need to be proud of the disaster you brought us.

Okay, got to do the equal time thing here.

No, I don't hink Bush was a great president, nor was he the awful president a lot on the left make him out to be.

Lots of bad stuff happened on his watch, and most of it was outside his control. He certainly couldn't control the weather (Katrina) or that we had ignored the peril of Jihadism for a decade before he came to office. (PUt out an arrest warrent, Janet, that'll do it.)

The biggest problem was that we had a largely deregulated banking and housing industry that was running wild, but again, it was running wild before he got there. Glass-Steagle was repealled under Clinton, and that's when the price of housing started going out of control.

Now, all that said, yeah, he could have been a better manager.

I'd frankly rather have Bush than Obama, but I'd rather have Obama than Romney.

Bush for all his flaws, had some humanity to him.

The thing is, Romney says that he'd make a great president because when he ran Bain Capital, he made money. Yup, when he had control of events, with on one to oppose him, he could make money, no problem.

No president has ever had control of events or lacked someone opposing him.

And this is why Romney never, ever talks about his time as Governor of Massachusetts, which is far more relevent than anything he did at Bain. Because it was kind of a disaster, and they ran him out after one term.
Harry Reid won't even permit Congress to budget.


Nice simpleminded attempt at diversion.

But it isn't diversion.

Put Democrats in charge of the Nation's checkbook - pay the price.

The Democrats weren't the idiots who cut taxes, and financed the cuts with debt, at a time that they knew the boomer bubble would soon be retiring. Wasn't that an idiotic thing to do? I bet you supported it.

The issue is still that Romney claims he's a jobs creator, when the record shows he raped a company, saddled it with unsustainable debt, and left the taxpayers to cover the pensions.
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Romney's claim is that his 'expertise' at working for a company that used private capital to maximize profits represents his case for why he would be a good president.

It's nonsensical.

The president doesn't work in the private sector; the president doesn't work with private capital; the president's job is not to 'maximize profits'.

Romney is making the absurd argument that he was good at one thing and that's why he should be hired to do some other thing, despite the latter having nothing to do with, or no resemblance to, the former.

It's like a guy applying for a carpenter's job and claiming he'd be best for the job because he has years of experience as an accountant.

Perhaps because every time we try to make you see Obama for what he is, someone brings up Bush.

Look your guy campaigned on fixing the mess, he was the only one that could. So far it ain't looking too good, it was bigger than the thought. Yes, why yes it was. Being President of the United States of America isn't quite the same as organizing the South Side of Chicago to get their votes.

BTW, how are those folks on the South Side doing since they were organized?? There were five murders on Sunday, two of them were children. But they all vote for Obama!!

Since Obama took over,

1. The monthly job gain/loss numbers have improved by about 900,000 jobs a month.

2. The quarterly GDP numbers have improved by about 8 percentage points.

No other president in modern history has seen those numbers improve that much in 3 years.
Nope. Before being handed the most important job in the world - thanks to terrific teleprompter reading skills

You are on a roll with the stupidity.

A great teleprompter and the necessary VOTES.

Mittens couldn't deliver a good speech if Obama wrote it for him. And I doubt if he gets the votes.

And I guess OJT doesn't work in your world. And to complain that he didn't run a newpaper the way you would have run it. Can't you come up with anything better than that?
Harry Reid won't even permit Congress to budget.


Nice simpleminded attempt at diversion. The fact is still that Bain saddled the company with debt, took it's investment and a hefty profit from it, and the taxpayers had to bail out, under law, their pension fund.

Romney is a job creator like Jeffrey Dahmer was a master chef. You're a rube.

Yea and those folks had 8 additional years of employment they wouldn't have had if Bain hadn't tried to save the company.

Lack of demand cost them their jobs, not Bain and certainly not Romney. Romney had been gone from Bain for 2 years before GST closed it's doors.

Keep trying, you're getting good a spewing falsehoods.

it is useless to throw facts before the swine that is Dickless.

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