Biden’s Weakness On The World Stage Is Dangerous


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden’s Weakness On The World Stage Is Dangerous
The new administration should take Mike Pompeo's advice: Strength deters bad actors and weakness begets war.
Biden's Weakness On The World Stage Is Dangerous (
30 Mar 2021 ~~ Mollie Hemingway

A series of embarrassing incidents in recent days shows that while the left may control the media narrative, it’s not fooling Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin into thinking President Joe Biden is strong.
Biden had a beyond-friendly interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, former press secretary to President Bill Clinton, on March 16 in which he allowed Stephanopoulos to lure him into calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a “killer” with “no soul.” It would be one thing if there were some purpose behind Biden’s hostile utterance about his Russian counterpart, but it didn’t appear tied to any strategic foreign policy goal.
The Biden team, which has largely maintained the Trump administration’s economic policies, including controversial tariffs, against China, went into the meeting thinking they could easily dunk on the prior administration and show how much better they were at diplomacy. They should have thought through their standing and strategy a bit more.
“Rather than staying focused on giving China-specific demands and conveying our seriousness, the U.S. team insulted half the Americans who voted for Trump and was glad for his administration’s foreign policy approach by saying ‘America is back.’ America never left. And it’s the approach from the last administration that returned our focus on China and power and away from merely abstract ideas when we deal with other nations,” said Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Rebeccah Heinrichs.
Last week, Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted, “When it came to securing American freedom abroad, we treated the world as it was, not as we wished it to be. When the time came, we led and were TOUGH. Strength deters bad guys, weakness begets war.”
Instead of trying to manage American decline for the benefit of corporate America, Biden’s team should actually fight to secure America’s interests, to disassociate the U.S. economy from China’s, to recover critical supply chains, build back the military and U.S. economy, and to provide counterweights to China in the world.

This is part of the total Quisling media propaganda and disinformation about how our allies hated Trump and love Obama, Biden and Hillary. Our allies hate American weakness and feel the Democrats are unreliable partners.... despite how “nice” they are.
The media have created and supported a monstrous lie and now have no way to back out of their stupidity. It ultimately will cost them their very existence.
One of the big things in US foreign policy has been the moral high ground. Obama began the downward slide and that was gone. Trump revived "America First" Any attempt by Biden/Harris to justify some foreign adventure, and Putin et al, will deftly point to that DC fiasco of a faux insurrection, possibly even with alarm, maybe even throwing in "rogue government" in there.
So was Mussolini's weakness. Fortunately there is no Global War on the horizon, at least not that we can be involved in. We are no longer a superpower, and after the collapse we will never have the relevance we once did.
We mustn't forget that the mass murder of Uyghurs and Falun Gong members is just a "cultural thing," per our very own president, Alzheimer's Joe.
In his 1st days in office Biden surrendered America's energy independence then followed up by supporting Putin's / Russia's building its Energy Extortion pipeline to Western Europe. Biden and his cyber hacking team has tested shutting off our power and shutting down or food supply, and Biden refuses to even mention it to Putin.
- EXPOSED: Putin/Russians gave Biden billions during 2020 election

Biden blamed the former US president for a pandemic caused by the leak of a genetically altered virus that escaped the Wuhan Lab causing the death of millions of people - to include Americans - around the world and refuses to act to hold them accountable.
- EXPOSED: The CCP gave the Bidens over $1 BILLION

Barry violated the US constitution by independently negotiating his own treaty with Iran, refused to demand that the release of US hostages be part of the negotiations because he was reportedly afraid Iran would walk away from the negotiation tables, denying him his 'Legacy'. This was a massive display of how Barry negotiated from a position of weakness. Now President Biden wants to restart negotiations with Iran and demonstrates he, too, is willing to negotiate from a position of weakness by lifting sanctions on Iran.
- I'm not sure if dementia-ravaged Joe just doesn't understand how offering a deal is a negotiation ploy, tp get them to make concessions, not giving them what they want before they do anything.

Like his previous boss and current puppet master, Biden is signaling to our enemies they can do anything they want and he won't do anything about it, that he will not stand up for and defend the United States, and they are hard-wired to negotiate from positions of weakness.
Biden is weak, dumb, confused and he lies. He doesn't even have the respect of many in his own party. The world is privately laughing at him.
Not only is the sonofabitch weak but he is stupid and an embarassement to the country.

What in the hell were the idiot Moon Bats thinking that voted for the dipshit and then ignored the fact that he stole the election? Was their TDS mental illness that debilitating?
Biden’s Weakness On The World Stage Is Dangerous
The new administration should take Mike Pompeo's advice: Strength deters bad actors and weakness begets war.
Biden's Weakness On The World Stage Is Dangerous (
30 Mar 2021 ~~ Mollie Hemingway

A series of embarrassing incidents in recent days shows that while the left may control the media narrative, it’s not fooling Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin into thinking President Joe Biden is strong.
Biden had a beyond-friendly interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, former press secretary to President Bill Clinton, on March 16 in which he allowed Stephanopoulos to lure him into calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a “killer” with “no soul.” It would be one thing if there were some purpose behind Biden’s hostile utterance about his Russian counterpart, but it didn’t appear tied to any strategic foreign policy goal.
The Biden team, which has largely maintained the Trump administration’s economic policies, including controversial tariffs, against China, went into the meeting thinking they could easily dunk on the prior administration and show how much better they were at diplomacy. They should have thought through their standing and strategy a bit more.
“Rather than staying focused on giving China-specific demands and conveying our seriousness, the U.S. team insulted half the Americans who voted for Trump and was glad for his administration’s foreign policy approach by saying ‘America is back.’ America never left. And it’s the approach from the last administration that returned our focus on China and power and away from merely abstract ideas when we deal with other nations,” said Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Rebeccah Heinrichs.
Last week, Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted, “When it came to securing American freedom abroad, we treated the world as it was, not as we wished it to be. When the time came, we led and were TOUGH. Strength deters bad guys, weakness begets war.”
Instead of trying to manage American decline for the benefit of corporate America, Biden’s team should actually fight to secure America’s interests, to disassociate the U.S. economy from China’s, to recover critical supply chains, build back the military and U.S. economy, and to provide counterweights to China in the world.

This is part of the total Quisling media propaganda and disinformation about how our allies hated Trump and love Obama, Biden and Hillary. Our allies hate American weakness and feel the Democrats are unreliable partners.... despite how “nice” they are.
The media have created and supported a monstrous lie and now have no way to back out of their stupidity. It ultimately will cost them their very existence.
One of the big things in US foreign policy has been the moral high ground. Obama began the downward slide and that was gone. Trump revived "America First" Any attempt by Biden/Harris to justify some foreign adventure, and Putin et al, will deftly point to that DC fiasco of a faux insurrection, possibly even with alarm, maybe even throwing in "rogue government" in there.

The "high moral ground"???? How could the twice impeached, 7 times bankrupt, three times married and cheated on all of his wives, Pussy Grabber In Chief have EVER have held the "high moral ground" with ANYONE.

The "high moral ground" was utterly trashed when he violated the Constitution and both international and domestic laws by taking children away from their parents, and LOSING TRACK OF THE CHILDREN. Then he put illegal immigrants in concentration camps.

Trump's abject failure to deal with the "moral dilemma" of the killing of unarmed black people by police throughout the country, in any meaningful way, and his attempts to have states toss out the "urban votes" have lead to Xi and Putin utterly rebuffing any attempt by the Biden White House to call these leaders to account for the murder and abuses in their own countries.

Plus Trump tore up all of your treaties and trade deals, completely trashing the USA's reputation for integrity.

Trump is the antithesis of a "moral leader" and the rest of the world treated him as the morally bankrupt criminal the rest of the world already knew him to be.
The "high moral ground"???? How could the twice impeached, 7 times bankrupt, three times married and cheated on all of his wives, Pussy Grabber In Chief have EVER have held the "high moral ground" with ANYONE.

The "high moral ground" was utterly trashed when he violated the Constitution and both international and domestic laws by taking children away from their parents, and LOSING TRACK OF THE CHILDREN. Then he put illegal immigrants in concentration camps.

Trump's abject failure to deal with the "moral dilemma" of the killing of unarmed black people by police throughout the country, in any meaningful way, and his attempts to have states toss out the "urban votes" have lead to Xi and Putin utterly rebuffing any attempt by the Biden White House to call these leaders to account for the murder and abuses in their own countries.

Plus Trump tore up all of your treaties and trade deals, completely trashing the USA's reputation for integrity.

Trump is the antithesis of a "moral leader" and the rest of the world treated him as the morally bankrupt criminal the rest of the world already knew him to be.
The "high moral ground"???? How could the twice impeached, 7 times bankrupt, three times married and cheated on all of his wives, Pussy Grabber In Chief have EVER have held the "high moral ground" with ANYONE.

Maybe because his isn't a corrupt totalitarian dictator wannabe who has sold out to China and Russia like your Messiah Veggie Joe.

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