Biden WH ‘Panicking’ and Making ‘Furious, Last-Ditch’ Effort to Convince OPEC Not to Cut Production


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden WH ‘Panicking’ and Making ‘Furious,

Last-Ditch’ Effort to Convince OPEC Not to Cut Production

4 Oct 2022 ~~ By Ian Hanchett

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” CNN Senior National Security Correspondent Alex Marquardt reported that the White House is “panicking” over the prospect that OPEC will cut oil production and is engaging in a “furious, last-ditch, wide-scale effort” to lobby against a production cut.
Marquardt said that, according to a “U.S. official,” “the White House, in fact, is panicking, that this is something that they desperately do not want to happen. Cutting oil production means higher oil prices, it means higher gas prices. That, of course, is something that the Biden administration does not want to happen right now. So, tomorrow, there’s this meeting of the oil-producing countries, this cartel known as OPEC. It is ostensibly led by Saudi Arabia. Russia is also a member. The United States is not a member.

Maybe the Biden and his Merry Maoist/DSA Democrat handlers should call up the WAPO and the New York Slimes having them publicly slime Prince Mohammed bin Salman again...
With blowing up Nord-Stream pipelines and OPEC telling Biden "FU", it looks like the Democrats will finally get their wish of energy prices to necessarily skyrocket. Problem is, I don’t think they wanted it to happen before the election
An October surprise for Dem's the gas price spike just in time for midterms…
If the November election were over the Maoists in D.C., wouldn’t care…
The last thing Biden and his lunatic asylum need is an October surprise of $10 a gallon gasoline.
Then again, the SPR has been emptied by Joe's premature decision. The cupboard is empty.
It appears that Joe Biden's deft handling of Khashoggi's murder has backfired and now the Saudis have a chance to return the favor. It's especially ironic that Biden and his Gang of Fools are criticizing OPEC for cutting oil production when he has done that from the start and continues his maleficent energy policy.

Biden WH ‘Panicking’ and Making ‘Furious,

Last-Ditch’ Effort to Convince OPEC Not to Cut Production

4 Oct 2022 ~~ By Ian Hanchett

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” CNN Senior National Security Correspondent Alex Marquardt reported that the White House is “panicking” over the prospect that OPEC will cut oil production and is engaging in a “furious, last-ditch, wide-scale effort” to lobby against a production cut.
Marquardt said that, according to a “U.S. official,” “the White House, in fact, is panicking, that this is something that they desperately do not want to happen. Cutting oil production means higher oil prices, it means higher gas prices. That, of course, is something that the Biden administration does not want to happen right now. So, tomorrow, there’s this meeting of the oil-producing countries, this cartel known as OPEC. It is ostensibly led by Saudi Arabia. Russia is also a member. The United States is not a member.

Maybe the Biden and his Merry Maoist/DSA Democrat handlers should call up the WAPO and the New York Slimes having them publicly slime Prince Mohammed bin Salman again...
With blowing up Nord-Stream pipelines and OPEC telling Biden "FU", it looks like the Democrats will finally get their wish of energy prices to necessarily skyrocket. Problem is, I don’t think they wanted it to happen before the election
An October surprise for Dem's the gas price spike just in time for midterms…
If the November election were over the Maoists in D.C., wouldn’t care…
The last thing Biden and his lunatic asylum need is an October surprise of $10 a gallon gasoline.
Then again, the SPR has been emptied by Joe's premature decision. The cupboard is empty.
It appears that Joe Biden's deft handling of Khashoggi's murder has backfired and now the Saudis have a chance to return the favor. It's especially ironic that Biden and his Gang of Fools are criticizing OPEC for cutting oil production when he has done that from the start and continues his maleficent energy policy.

$8 gas right before the midterms probably isn't a good look for the DemoKKKrats.

Where are Mac1958 and rightwinger to tell us Biden has no control over gas prices, and they were higher under Trump anyway?

$8 gas right before the midterms probably isn't a good look for the DemoKKKrats.

Where are Mac1958 and rightwinger to tell us Biden has no control over gas prices, and they were higher under Trump anyway?


They'll probably blame the gas station owners again for the high prices....
When we all know that is a LIE.
OPEC done it.

Not Joe Blow Biden.

Thanks to Joey Xi's deft handling of foreign policy and destroying America's capability to produce oil and LPG.
Then to top it all off prematurely tapping into the SPR and selling most of it off to China.
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$8 gas right before the midterms probably isn't a good look for the DemoKKKrats.

Where are Mac1958 and rightwinger to tell us Biden has no control over gas prices, and they were higher under Trump anyway?


I'll fill in for them, since they won't address their problem:

"It's Putin's fault. No, it's OPEC's fault. No, it's the oil company's fault. No, it's the war in Ukraine. No, it's Trump's fault. No, it's the white supremacists fault. No, it's Putin's fault. No, it's OPEC's fault. No, it's the oil company's fault. No, it's the war in Ukraine. No, it's Trump's fault. No, it's the white supremacists fault.. No, it's Putin's fault. No, it's OPEC's fault. No, it's the oil company's fault. No, it's the war in Ukraine. No, it's Trump's fault. No, it's the white supremacists fault. No, it's Putin's fault. No, it's OPEC's fault. No, it's the oil company's fault. No, it's the war in Ukraine. No, it's Trump's fault. No, it's the white supremacists fault.. No, it's Putin's fault. No, it's OPEC's fault. No, it's the oil company's fault. No, it's the war in Ukraine. No, it's Trump's fault. No, it's the white supremacists fault.. No, it's Putin's fault. No, it's OPEC's fault. No, it's the oil company's fault. No, it's the war in Ukraine. No, it's Trump's fault. No, it's the white supremacists fault..."
100s of billions spent on "inflation reduction", "green progress" etc. all in two years. Most of the MSM cheerleading these "wins" (wins for whom exactly?). All of this money out the door, $31T in total debt and now some big gas station in the M.E tells the world "hold my non-alcoholic beer".

The rest of the world sees a weakened, dependent America and with powerful foreign leaders realizing the realty on the ground in the West, they are striking. You see no matter how much CNN, MSNBC and the like remind you of how great America is doing, foreign intel agencies advise their leaders on what THEY see and they adapt their efforts and global influence accordingly. It may just be slightly different conclusion than that which MSM promotes...

Hey, here's an idea to save America, I'm just spit balling here now so don't hold me to it; maybe Cheney or someone or her great lineage can have a Jan 6th investigation, Yeah, that's the ticket. Save America from the greatest threat since Germany!

Or, maybe the AG can go after the entire Trump family for 30 year allegations, or Bush can campaign for an anti-Trump candidate. Yeah. This is how to right the ship.

While these rocket scientists without the title are at it, keep that southern border flowing with ambitious, highly skilled talent. That the perfect recipe to save America and with it the rest of the West.
"OPEC interfered with the mid-term elections" in 3.... 2.... 1....

So, what is the energy strategy for the Josef Stolen regime?


This is why you never, ever paint yourself into a corner and allow yourself to be dependent on another nation. For 25 years, with encouragement from foreign enemies, the West has been pushing for dependency on theories. Theories of "green renewables", while at the same time destroying what is already in place and working. Mothballing nuclear in some countries, a clean source of energy, all to appease activists who re well funded by enemies (now Russia bends the German cucks over a barrel. Well played.)

In fact, they celebrate the increased costs to citizens, hell, they won't be hurting, you will. The wealthy donkeys and donors behind the scenes applaud as they cash out on big government spending at the expense of their nations economy and well-being.

Trump was popular for not giving a damn. Why not have it all? Let companies innovate on green energy for the future and keep drilling for that which works today.

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