Biden Uses Deep State FCC To Attack Conservative Patriot Jacob Wohl


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Federal Communications Commission proposed a $5.1 million fine against conservative activists Jacob Wohl and John Burkman and J.M. Burkman & Associates for making 1,141 unlawful robocalls that made false claims about mail voting, the agency said Tuesday. Thousands of voters received such calls in New York, Ohio and Michigan, according to state prosecutors, who say it was an attempt to suppress Black voters. The activists face criminal charges for their role in spreading the disinformation, and New York Attorney General Letitia James is attempting to force the men to pay up to $2.7 million in penalties for the calls.

This is the largest robocall fine ever proposed by the FCC, the agency said. Wohl and Burkman identified themselves on the call, used Burkman’s cellphone number as caller ID and admitted under oath that they created the calls."

These guys are heroes and patriots.....but Biden and the Dems are wrongfully attacking them and no one is standing up to protect them.....why isn't Mike Pence saying anything? Where is Bill Barr?? Why didn't Rudy stop this?? Biden single-handedly stole the election and we have tons of evidence that Venezuela, China and Liechenstein helped him do it... but no one has been made to go to jail or pay a single fine because of is it innocent people like Jacob Wohl are being punished with no evidence whatsoever but Hunter Biden and others walk free??

And what are these fines and charges even for?? All they did was pull off a wacky gag by sending some funny robocalls...everyone knows they were just being what they told a bunch of darkies that if they vote by mail; police will track them down and they will go to jail or credit lenders will track them down to collect unpaid bills -- if that scared anybody off; why is that a bad thing?? -- those types of people don't deserve to vote anyway....

I find myself siding with the FCC on this.

Only subhuman filth have any willing part in the obnoxious practice of robocalling or telemarketing in any form. If they are “conservatives”, then they are a shame and embarrassment to conservatism.

I hope the FCC fucks these scumbags over in a major way.
I find myself siding with the FCC on this.

Only subhuman filth have any willing part in the obnoxious practice of robocalling or telemarketing in any form. If they are “conservatives”, then they are a shame and embarrassment to conservatism.

I hope the FCC fucks these scumbags over in a major way.


On a lesser point. If they were actually spreading false information, that was also bad.

"The Federal Communications Commission proposed a $5.1 million fine against conservative activists Jacob Wohl and John Burkman and J.M. Burkman & Associates for making 1,141 unlawful robocalls that made false claims about mail voting, the agency said Tuesday. Thousands of voters received such calls in New York, Ohio and Michigan, according to state prosecutors, who say it was an attempt to suppress Black voters. The activists face criminal charges for their role in spreading the disinformation, and New York Attorney General Letitia James is attempting to force the men to pay up to $2.7 million in penalties for the calls.

This is the largest robocall fine ever proposed by the FCC, the agency said. Wohl and Burkman identified themselves on the call, used Burkman’s cellphone number as caller ID and admitted under oath that they created the calls."

These guys are heroes and patriots.....but Biden and the Dems are wrongfully attacking them and no one is standing up to protect them.....why isn't Mike Pence saying anything? Where is Bill Barr?? Why didn't Rudy stop this?? Biden single-handedly stole the election and we have tons of evidence that Venezuela, China and Liechenstein helped him do it... but no one has been made to go to jail or pay a single fine because of is it innocent people like Jacob Wohl are being punished with no evidence whatsoever but Hunter Biden and others walk free??

And what are these fines and charges even for?? All they did was pull off a wacky gag by sending some funny robocalls...everyone knows they were just being what they told a bunch of darkies that if they vote by mail; police will track them down and they will go to jail or credit lenders will track them down to collect unpaid bills -- if that scared anybody off; why is that a bad thing?? -- those types of people don't deserve to vote anyway....

Liechtenstein - Wikipedia

Maybe nobody is standing up to protect them because they were acting illegally, intentionally breaking the law. If they did what they are charged with, you could hardly call them "heroes or patriots", more like anti-democracy scumbags.
Why would you want Pence, or Barr to defend. When push came to shove, Pence went with the constitution, and it looks like Barr finally got his fill of the partisans willing to break any law or tell any lie to win. He didn't even support the Republican attempt to steal the election when he was A.G.. Rudy can't defend these morons. One of the states after them is New York, Rudy's home state. He can't even practice law there anymore after the crap he pulled. I am not sure whether he can practice anywhere. I think he's toast.
Maybe nobody is standing up to protect them because they were acting illegally, intentionally breaking the law. If they did what they are charged with, you could hardly call them "heroes or patriots", more like anti-democracy scumbags.
Why would you want Pence, or Barr to defend. When push came to shove, Pence went with the constitution, and it looks like Barr finally got his fill of the partisans willing to break any law or tell any lie to win. He didn't even support the Republican attempt to steal the election when he was A.G.. Rudy can't defend these morons. One of the states after them is New York, Rudy's home state. He can't even practice law there anymore after the crap he pulled. I am not sure whether he can practice anywhere. I think he's toast.

Biff doesn't understand your concepts. To him, you support your side and do what you need to to win. He is projecting that onto others.
This is the same guy who bravely defended GOP politicians -- he was willing to die for Trump -- and this is how the GOP repays him???

How soon they forget how Jacob was the one who exposed Robert Muller as a serial rapist...his courageous reporting basically put a stop to the whole Mueller investigation....and let's not forget this is the same Jacob Wohl who also exposed Dr. Fauci when they found the woman he sexually assaulted.....yea, she later said she was paid to say it by Jacob Wohl -- that only means the Deep State forced her to say that.

Jacob Wohl, very much like Project Veritas, has been on the front lines fighting for conservatism and against the Deep State....

Biff doesn't understand your concepts. To him, you support your side and do what you need to to win. He is projecting that onto others.
Why is it Conservatives continuously try to suppress the votes of black folks??

If what these folks tried to do succeeded -- you will be the first one cheering it on......

and the fact these 2 have been indicted and are facing fines has NEVER STOPPED you cucks from crying "The Deep State framed them" before....

On a lesser point. If they were actually spreading false information, that was also bad.

True, but that's beside the point.

Anyone who harasses me with unwanted telemarketing calls, is a subhuman piece of shit, regardless of what the message is that that piece of shit is trying to sell to me. I don't give a fuck what the content of the message is, or whether it is something with which I would otherwise agree or disagree. I just want those pieces of shit to leave me the fuck alone.
This is the same guy who bravely defended GOP politicians -- he was willing to die for Trump -- and this is how the GOP repays him???

How soon they forget how Jacob was the one who exposed Robert Muller as a serial rapist...his courageous reporting basically put a stop to the whole Mueller investigation....and let's not forget this is the same Jacob Wohl who also exposed Dr. Fauci when they found the woman he sexually assaulted.....yea, she later said she was paid to say it by Jacob Wohl -- that only means the Deep State forced her to say that.

Jacob Wohl, very much like Project Veritas, has been on the front lines fighting for conservatism and against the Deep State....

The Mueller investigation ended when he had to admit that he found nothing. NOTHING.

That had to do with the fact that there was NOTHING to the bullshit dems were pushing. It had nothing to do with negative stories about Mueller.

"The Federal Communications Commission proposed a $5.1 million fine against conservative activists Jacob Wohl and John Burkman and J.M. Burkman & Associates for making 1,141 unlawful robocalls that made false claims about mail voting, the agency said Tuesday. Thousands of voters received such calls in New York, Ohio and Michigan, according to state prosecutors, who say it was an attempt to suppress Black voters. The activists face criminal charges for their role in spreading the disinformation, and New York Attorney General Letitia James is attempting to force the men to pay up to $2.7 million in penalties for the calls.

This is the largest robocall fine ever proposed by the FCC, the agency said. Wohl and Burkman identified themselves on the call, used Burkman’s cellphone number as caller ID and admitted under oath that they created the calls."

These guys are heroes and patriots.....but Biden and the Dems are wrongfully attacking them and no one is standing up to protect them.....why isn't Mike Pence saying anything? Where is Bill Barr?? Why didn't Rudy stop this?? Biden single-handedly stole the election and we have tons of evidence that Venezuela, China and Liechenstein helped him do it... but no one has been made to go to jail or pay a single fine because of is it innocent people like Jacob Wohl are being punished with no evidence whatsoever but Hunter Biden and others walk free??

And what are these fines and charges even for?? All they did was pull off a wacky gag by sending some funny robocalls...everyone knows they were just being what they told a bunch of darkies that if they vote by mail; police will track them down and they will go to jail or credit lenders will track them down to collect unpaid bills -- if that scared anybody off; why is that a bad thing?? -- those types of people don't deserve to vote anyway....

Liechtenstein - Wikipedia

I don't support the robo calls, but don't really see the difference in the message behind the robo calls and the Black Panthers who stood in front of polling location.


"The Federal Communications Commission proposed a $5.1 million fine against conservative activists Jacob Wohl and John Burkman and J.M. Burkman & Associates for making 1,141 unlawful robocalls that made false claims about mail voting, the agency said Tuesday. Thousands of voters received such calls in New York, Ohio and Michigan, according to state prosecutors, who say it was an attempt to suppress Black voters. The activists face criminal charges for their role in spreading the disinformation, and New York Attorney General Letitia James is attempting to force the men to pay up to $2.7 million in penalties for the calls.

This is the largest robocall fine ever proposed by the FCC, the agency said. Wohl and Burkman identified themselves on the call, used Burkman’s cellphone number as caller ID and admitted under oath that they created the calls."

These guys are heroes and patriots.....but Biden and the Dems are wrongfully attacking them and no one is standing up to protect them.....why isn't Mike Pence saying anything? Where is Bill Barr?? Why didn't Rudy stop this?? Biden single-handedly stole the election and we have tons of evidence that Venezuela, China and Liechenstein helped him do it... but no one has been made to go to jail or pay a single fine because of is it innocent people like Jacob Wohl are being punished with no evidence whatsoever but Hunter Biden and others walk free??

And what are these fines and charges even for?? All they did was pull off a wacky gag by sending some funny robocalls...everyone knows they were just being what they told a bunch of darkies that if they vote by mail; police will track them down and they will go to jail or credit lenders will track them down to collect unpaid bills -- if that scared anybody off; why is that a bad thing?? -- those types of people don't deserve to vote anyway....

Liechtenstein - Wikipedia

These men shouldn't face fines they will never pay.

These men should be facing prison.

They need to be in prison for years.

The United States needs to start putting these criminals in prison where they belong. Just imposing a fine they will never pay only encourages them to keep doing it or do things that are even worse.
I don't support the robo calls, but don't really see the difference in the message behind the robo calls and the Black Panthers who stood in front of polling location.

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The difference men are scarier...duh......

By the way......they were charged......

And the Deep State media won't tell you that this precinct is in a congressional district that has elected Democrats for decades; so it is obvious that Obama ordered those darkies to go there to intimidate Democrat voters.....
Why is it Conservatives continuously try to suppress the votes of black folks??

If what these folks tried to do succeeded -- you will be the first one cheering it on......

and the fact these 2 have been indicted and are facing fines has NEVER STOPPED you cucks from crying "The Deep State framed them" before....

No one here is cheering it. YOu are living in a fantasy land, where you assume your enemies are as bad a person as you are.

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