Biden standing improves while trump slumps with repub voters

Well, he showed some real guts and leadership when he visited a war zone in Ukraine. His approval rating should see a bounce. Repubs are becoming weary of trump's old tune..."I was cheated in 2020." Time for the real GOP to move on.

when are you going to move on jimmy?....your same old tune gets weary too.....
Distract all you want. Biden showed he is a leader, while trump is hold up in his bordello in Florida...whining about an imaginary stolen election. Election Deniers are on the way out.


Mentally ill and/or troll supreme....
No one in their right mind would call Biden a "leader" you are hereby officially tagged as a troll agitator :hhello:

Yeah and Presidents making trips into war torn countries happens all the time as well yet you and the other far left idiots here act like Biden just did something unheard of. Be careful where you throw those rocks in that glass house.
While there are not always wars during every Presidents terms Presidents often make a trip when there is. Biden did it but he is not the first nor will he be the last

Looking back at presidents visiting war zones, from Lincoln to Biden
It wasn't Biden, as he was there to support a weak nation against an Imperial dictator who tortures children. So it must have been Putin.
No, Putin waited for weak kneed Poopeypants to prove how inept he is along with our rainbow military, to invade the Ukraine. Poopeypants, afraid this might affect the money laundering operation, appears in person to ensure its still okay for all the funds we send them. He has to get his portion.

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