Biden says that it is a sin


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Joe Biden , the man who promised to be our great unity president, is now claiming that it is “close to sinful” to prevent doctors from permanently mutilating children.
Biden, who has succumbed to the radical gender ideology being pushed by transgender activists, lashed out at Florida once again, this time because the state wants to protect gender-confused, mentally-distressed children from permanent surgeries and chemical treatments that activists call “gender-affirming care.”

Gender confused kids need counseling and therapy, not genital mutilation.
The Democratic Party is a coalition of crazy far left fringe groups.
This national discussion has gone off the rails, but the Left is immune from rational argumentation.

If someone wanted to pass a law saying that children under 16 years old could not, for example, get a tattoo without parental concurrence, that law would be terribly controversial. It just stands to reason because children should not be making even relatively minor decisions that will result in permanent disfigurement. Once they are older they can make that potentially foolish decision.

How much more permanent and disfiguring are the measures that are euphemistically called, "affirming care"? But the idea that parents must have a veto on such measures because parents are considered incompetent to weigh in on gender issues, and if the "measures" are delayed until after the start of puberty, then the child (victim) may have to suffer with the secondary sex characteristics of a gender that they find inconvenient.

At the bottom of this discussion is the fact that the Left believes the State should have the right to countermand the desires of parents, when certain matters are involved. While there are a lot of incompetent parents out there, but I think we need to leave it with them.
Joe Biden , the man who promised to be our great unity president, is now claiming that it is “close to sinful” to prevent doctors from permanently mutilating children.
Biden, who has succumbed to the radical gender ideology being pushed by transgender activists, lashed out at Florida once again, this time because the state wants to protect gender-confused, mentally-distressed children from permanent surgeries and chemical treatments that activists call “gender-affirming care.”

Gender confused kids need counseling and therapy, not genital mutilation.
The Democratic Party is a coalition of crazy far left fringe groups.
You know, I am no doctor, or pediatrician, nor am I a psychiatrist. . . this is what I can never wrap my head around though. . .

From your linked article;

". . Biden, who has succumbed to the radical gender ideology being pushed by transgender activists, lashed out at Florida once again, this time because the state wants to protect gender-confused, mentally-distressed children from permanent surgeries and chemical treatments that activists call “gender-affirming care.”

The term, "gender affirming care?"

If a ten year old male, says to his parents that (he) feels like and knows they are a she. . . then, necessarily, wouldn't, "gender affirming care," be, to start giving that kid male hormones, until they start thinking and feeling like a BOY again? Not confuse and mess the kid up further by starting female hormones . . . .

Unless tests were done, of course, to see that there really was some genetic reason why the kid felt like they were a girl?

Otherwise, seems to me, the proper course of hormone treatments, is to give kids hormones to make them feel more like the body they were born in, not throw fuel on the fire, as it were. . .

"What about doctors telling parents that their 4-year-old children will kill themselves if they don’t begin the transition process immediately,"

"Biden thinks all of those things are good and necessary. "

Get yer Hyperbole right here folk. Best Hyperbole on the block too.......Right Here.
"What about doctors telling parents that their 4-year-old children will kill themselves if they don’t begin the transition process immediately,"

"Biden thinks all of those things are good and necessary. "

Get yer Hyperbole right here folk. Best Hyperbole on the block too.......Right Here.

The hyperbole is coming from the trans activists themselves.

"Would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter"

‘Afraid of a life I hadn’t tasted’: Why trans male is back to being a woman

For Prisha, meeting with the specialist was affirming: “She looked me in my eyes and she said, ‘You are a boy.’”

For her parents, she added, the experience was terrifying.

“My parents were bullied. [The specialist] said, ‘Do you want a dead daughter or a living son? Do you want to pick up your daughter’s hormones or her body from the morgue?’” Prisha recalled. “They were manipulated.”

She left the appointment with a referral for hormone replacement therapy that she brought to a hospital — an institution that, she now says, should have pumped the brakes given her medical history.
I am against any medical procedure of any kind for minors without the consent of their parents.

Abortion, medication, etc.

I am opposed to any kind of surgical procedure involving a sex change for minors, with or without the parents' consent.

It is already a legal fact that a child cannot give informed consent. If you have sex with a minor, it is rape whether or not the kid went along with it.

Performing an irreversible sex change operation on someone who is incapable of informed consent is a crime. Any doctor who performs such a surgery should go immediately to jail, do not pass Go.
Joe Biden , the man who promised to be our great unity president, is now claiming that it is “close to sinful” to prevent doctors from permanently mutilating children.
Biden, who has succumbed to the radical gender ideology being pushed by transgender activists, lashed out at Florida once again, this time because the state wants to protect gender-confused, mentally-distressed children from permanent surgeries and chemical treatments that activists call “gender-affirming care.”

Gender confused kids need counseling and therapy, not genital mutilation.
The Democratic Party is a coalition of crazy far left fringe groups.

And to think, a mere 5 years ago or so the Left would laugh in your face if you predicted they would actively be coming for our children and teaching gender confusion to kindergarteners.

How quickly into the abyss we have submerged.

And the tragedy is the lemmings will follow them off the cliff, as long as their Pied Piper has a D next to his name, and the media tells them everything is just fine.

Team politics trumps all, even the recognition of mass insanity.
I am against any medical procedure of any kind for minors without the consent of their parents.

Abortion, medication, etc.

I am opposed to any kind of surgical procedure involving a sex change for minors, with or without the parents' consent.

It is already a legal fact that a child cannot give informed consent. If you have sex with a minor, it is rape whether or not the kid went along with it.

Performing an irreversible sex change operation on someone who is incapable of informed consent is a crime. Any doctor who performs such a surgery should go immediately to jail, do not pass Go.

Then you may want to stop voting Democrat.
I have voted for one Democrat my entire life, and that was in 1988 at the behest of Bill Buckley to unseat a liberal Republican.

Hope this helps.

So what's your bag?

War mongering neocon who thinks he still belongs in the MAGA Party?

I'm only saying that because of your obnoxious Ukrainian avatar.

Why not get a jovial one, like mine? ;)
So what's your bag?

War mongering neocon who thinks he still belongs in the MAGA Party?

I'm only saying that because of your obnoxious Ukrainian avatar.

Why not get a jovial one, like mine? ;)
I resigned from the organization formerly known as the Republican party when Trump was elected.

I held on for a very long time hoping the GOP would snap out of its psychosis. But it became too obvious with the election of Trump that sanity is way over the horizon for that cult of personality.

Since 2006, I have either left the top of the ballot blank or I have written in Snoopy or Pat Paulsen.

I have voted for one Republican for President since 2006 and that was when I wrote in Ted Cruz in 2016 to honor my recently deceased mother who was a big Ted Cruz fan. I am glad she did not live to see him become the Trump cuck he is today.

In 2020, I voted for the Libertarian candidate. That's how bad things have gotten. Despite my disagreeing with the LP in a number of issues, they have become more closely aligned to my beliefs than the GOP now is. Not because the LP has changed, but because the GOP has become extinct.

So that's my "bag".

If you would like to unscramble your mistaken beliefs about me, I created a topic specifically for that purpose:
G5000's Plan For Economic Prosperity And Better Cable Reception

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