Biden REEKS of Desperation... Says He Was Arrested in S Africa Trying to Meet Mandela


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Biden has been caught getting his stories mixed up before, so this makes me wonder if he is either losing it and actually thinks it happened, OR he knows if he cannot connect with the Black South Carolina voters he's done. Will Rev. Sharpton call him out on it?

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden is telling a story on the campaign trail about being arrested in South Africa, but there's no record of him mentioning the arrest before now.

  • The 77-year-old has told three campaign events about being arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in the 1970s.

  • The New York Times looked into his past mentions of South Africa and reported that Biden has never before publicly talked about an arrest.
Joe Biden says he was arrested in South Africa on a visit to see Nelson Mandela. He has never mentioned the arrest before.
Yeah, this was all over the coverage of the Nevada vote. It is odd. They are saying it isn't true, and it's new. His spokesman said we all like to tell stories and give them more color ----
Yeah, this was all over the coverage of the Nevada vote. It is odd. They are saying it isn't true, and it's new. His spokesman said we all like to tell stories and give them more color ----

He's fading fast. He might win South Carolina it seems, or will he?

This is Bernies party. Even if they stiff him again, his flock will never fly for another leader. They have his vote if he wins or they will stay at home.

Worse, if they feel he was robbed again the more angry in the flock will vote for Trump out of spite. The same benefit dems would have received if somehow the GOP had voted to force Trump out during impeachment.

Politics has become very personal for many. When people see their horse being whipped, they take exception.
Uncle Joe is losin’ it, and so is LOUD BERNIE. But I’d vote for either over the corrupt, amoral, pussy-grabbing autocrat who lost it many years ago.

*That said, I’d vote for fucking SpongeBob over the corrupt, amoral, pussy-grabbing autocrat who lost it many years ago. :)
Seems imagined violence follows the Dems……...'we ran for cover under hostile sniper fire'...…..
If Vice President Biden did make up that story but actually believes it, then he has clearly shown that his mind is deteriorating and that he cannot be trusted to be president. If he knows that it's false but thinks that he can fool people, then he obviously does not deserve the trust of the American people.

If it's the first reason, anyone who has seen a loved one descend into confusion will appreciate why the Vice President's family must insist that he withdraw from the race.

Very sad.
Biden has been caught getting his stories mixed up before, so this makes me wonder if he is either losing it and actually thinks it happened, OR he knows if he cannot connect with the Black South Carolina voters he's done. Will Rev. Sharpton call him out on it?

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden is telling a story on the campaign trail about being arrested in South Africa, but there's no record of him mentioning the arrest before now.

  • The 77-year-old has told three campaign events about being arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in the 1970s.

  • The New York Times looked into his past mentions of South Africa and reported that Biden has never before publicly talked about an arrest.
Joe Biden says he was arrested in South Africa on a visit to see Nelson Mandela. He has never mentioned the arrest before.

Yet the democrats put him a heartbeat away from the Presidency and until 3 weeks ago, he was the presumptive nominee AND guaranteed to beat Trump
Biden has been caught getting his stories mixed up before, so this makes me wonder if he is either losing it and actually thinks it happened, OR he knows if he cannot connect with the Black South Carolina voters he's done. Will Rev. Sharpton call him out on it?

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden is telling a story on the campaign trail about being arrested in South Africa, but there's no record of him mentioning the arrest before now.

  • The 77-year-old has told three campaign events about being arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in the 1970s.

  • The New York Times looked into his past mentions of South Africa and reported that Biden has never before publicly talked about an arrest.
Joe Biden says he was arrested in South Africa on a visit to see Nelson Mandela. He has never mentioned the arrest before.
The man is gone. But DNC party bosses will push him through the primary campaign and at convention in Milwaukee.
This is a case where the word, "unbelievable" is literally true.

It is not believable that a sitting United States Senator would have been visiting South Africa, been ARRESTED, and leave no paper trail in the U.S. Media.

This is actually worse than Senator Warren claiming, without evidence, that she had Native American ancestry. This is a knowing, intentional, pandering LIE.

No, wait. Only Trump lies. I take it back.
It is not believable that a sitting United States Senator would have been visiting South Africa, been ARRESTED, and leave no paper trail in the U.S. Media.

This is actually worse than Senator Warren claiming, without evidence, that she had Native American ancestry. This is a knowing, intentional, pandering LIE.

Oh, I don't know if that's it EXACTLY ---- the word for this especially with older people is confabulation, and it's not so awful as a lie, exactly --- it's making the story better. In my experience it's mainly a man thing, if not always: they want attention, they want to puff themselves up, they want the story to be about THEM (not about Mandela, in the case of this Biden story. He made it not about Mandela in prison, but about himself, see?). Same deal with Hillary and the gunfire as she landed in Bosnia: which didn't happen. She made the story better and about her.

Okay, okay, okay, it's not the world's best sign, especially if it's new.

The favorite tactful phrase in the news yesterday was "he's lost a step."

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