Biden Pressured the Ukraine to Vote Against Israel


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
All-In at the WH for US Betrayal of Israel at the UN....Biden was in on it, too.

Report: Biden ā€˜put pressureā€™ on Ukraine to vote for anti-Israel UN resolution for 14-0 ā€˜opticsā€™

"Vice President Joe Biden reportedly ā€œput pressureā€ on Ukraine to vote in favor of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 in order to protect ā€œthe opticsā€ created by the United Statesā€™ decision to abstain from voting on the issue.

The Ukraine 'was planning to abstain, too, but the White House didnā€™t want a second abstention to interfere with ā€œthe opticsā€ of a 14-0 vote'."

Yo, hopefully the Trump Administration shows the World the PROOF Israel has, and will give to Trump when Trump is President, that way the World will find out who the real Obama is, SCUMBAG!!!


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