Biden By 6.5% the Day Before the Election


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do

It’s imperative that Trump be voted out of office.

I’m in a battleground/swing state and voted against Trump.
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do
I am so tired of hearing this is the most important election of our lives.
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do
And Hillary was a 98 percent favorite to win
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do

It’s imperative that Trump be voted out of office.

I’m in a battleground/swing state and voted against Trump.
I'm in florida------------TRUMP is going to win by bigger margins this year than last election. Michigan (everyone) where my hubby is from and one of my kids lives hates that evil female dog Whitmer so much that Michigan easily will go to Trump as well. And dont' even think about TEXAS being in the mix after the dems have been snagged cheating already-----------I'm from Texas and I am the only one to have ever left and not returned permanently------------Texas is also going for Trump. Reports from friends in Nevada (where I lived for a few years) say they feel a change in their state that Trump may take Nevada this year---especially since Las Vegas and such are suffering from the lock downs. PA and WI have so much cheating going on that it is hard to tell where they wind up..........WI should go Trump but the cheating will need to be stopped. PA is a toss up. Think Trump wins easily--------------its only the cheating that the dems have left which is why they are worried about the Supreme court--------as this court will hammer the dems for their cheating and why the dems are threatening rioting.
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do

It’s imperative that Trump be voted out of office.

I’m in a battleground/swing state and voted against Trump.
I'm in florida------------TRUMP is going to win by bigger margins this year than last election. Michigan (everyone) where my hubby is from and one of my kids lives hates that evil female dog Whitmer so much that Michigan easily will go to Trump as well. And dont' even think about TEXAS being in the mix after the dems have been snagged cheating already-----------I'm from Texas and I am the only one to have ever left and not returned permanently------------Texas is also going for Trump. Reports from friends in Nevada (where I lived for a few years) say they feel a change in their state that Trump may take Nevada this year---especially since Las Vegas and such are suffering from the lock downs. PA and WI have so much cheating going on that it is hard to tell where they wind up..........WI should go Trump but the cheating will need to be stopped. PA is a toss up. Think Trump wins easily--------------its only the cheating that the dems have left which is why they are worried about the Supreme court--------as this court will hammer the dems for their cheating and why the dems are threatening rioting.
And you base this all on....what exactly?
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do
And Hillary was a 98 percent favorite to win this point Clinton had a 2-3 point polling advantage.

Biden has a 6-7 point advantage

Trump pulled an inside straight four years ago and he did it with the help of Comey and Jill Stein.

He has neither and a much bigger deficit..

That's not to say this thing in a done deal.

We can NOT let it be close or Republicans will steal it

VOTE. Make a plan if you haven't already voted and stick to it.

This country will not be recognizable after four more years of this insanity
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do
And Hillary was a 98 percent favorite to win this point Clinton had a 2-3 point polling advantage.

Biden has a 6-7 point advantage

Trump pulled an inside straight four years ago and he did it with the help of Comey and Jill Stein.

He has neither and a much bigger deficit..

That's not to say this thing in a done deal.

We can NOT let it be close or Republicans will steal it

VOTE. Make a plan if you haven't already voted and stick to it.

This country will not be recognizable after four more years of this insanity
Why are the polls not lying now?

Trump gets over 300 electoral votes tomorrow
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do

It’s imperative that Trump be voted out of office.

I’m in a battleground/swing state and voted against Trump.
I'm in florida------------TRUMP is going to win by bigger margins this year than last election. Michigan (everyone) where my hubby is from and one of my kids lives hates that evil female dog Whitmer so much that Michigan easily will go to Trump as well. And dont' even think about TEXAS being in the mix after the dems have been snagged cheating already-----------I'm from Texas and I am the only one to have ever left and not returned permanently------------Texas is also going for Trump. Reports from friends in Nevada (where I lived for a few years) say they feel a change in their state that Trump may take Nevada this year---especially since Las Vegas and such are suffering from the lock downs. PA and WI have so much cheating going on that it is hard to tell where they wind up..........WI should go Trump but the cheating will need to be stopped. PA is a toss up. Think Trump wins easily--------------its only the cheating that the dems have left which is why they are worried about the Supreme court--------as this court will hammer the dems for their cheating and why the dems are threatening rioting.
And you base this all on....what exactly?
It's a lie that Texas is going blue. If anything, Texas is going yellow (libertarian, small "L").

Big-money out-of-state donors (George Soros, et al) have been propping up the Texas Dem party to make it LOOK like Texas is a battle-ground state. It started with Robert Fake Mexican Beta O'Roarke outspending Ted Cruz by $40 million dollars and still losing.

And, don't count on cheating your way in either. The AG has been aggressively stopping voter fraud all across the state. They just busted a guy here in DFW trying to submit 85 ballots. Dude is going to jail for many years.

You're buying into propaganda.
I live in Florida and think Trump will win Florida handily.

In Texas every person has a gun or two or three. No way will gun loving Texas vote for gun grabbing Biden.

I think Ohio will go for Trump as well and I think Trump will be elected for another four years.

Just think. The lefty loons will have for more years to moan, groan and complain and I doubt the Dems hang onto the House with all the shit they have pulled in the last four years. They sure didn't mind spending tax money on the bull shit they pulled.
The fact that Texas is even in play points out how weak Trump's support is

And unlike the inside straight he pulled in 2016...he needs to pull and inside straight FLUSH this time round
I live in Florida and think Trump will win Florida handily.

In Texas every person has a gun or two or three. No way will gun loving Texas vote for gun grabbing Biden.

I think Ohio will go for Trump as well and I think Trump will be elected for another four years.

Just think. The lefty loons will have for more years to moan, groan and complain and I doubt the Dems hang onto the House with all the shit they have pulled in the last four years. They sure didn't mind spending tax money on the bull shit they pulled.
Ya know who cares what you think?

Other Trumpers and no one else. But thanks for your partisan opinion
And that's with Rasmussen skewing the average with a 1 point Biden advantage.

I post this to remind folks what was happening as the election neared.

In 2016 at this point Clinton had only a 2-3% lead in the polls (well within the margin of error)

But DO NOT take anything for granted...especially in battleground states like PA.

VOTE like your lives depend on it.

They literally do
Biden will lose in a landslide.
I live in Florida and think Trump will win Florida handily.

In Texas every person has a gun or two or three. No way will gun loving Texas vote for gun grabbing Biden.

I think Ohio will go for Trump as well and I think Trump will be elected for another four years.

Just think. The lefty loons will have for more years to moan, groan and complain and I doubt the Dems hang onto the House with all the shit they have pulled in the last four years. They sure didn't mind spending tax money on the bull shit they pulled.
Ya know who cares what you think?

Other Trumpers and no one else. But thanks for your partisan opinion

Of course you lefty loons don't care simply because I don't agree with you.

Too bad. So sad. LOL

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