Biden approval rating among INDEPENDENTS falls to record low 27%


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

President Joe Biden’s support among independents sunk eight points to a record low 27 percent in November, a Gallup poll reveals,flagging a key indicator the 2024 election will be a close race between Biden and likely GOP nominee former President Donald Trump.

  • November: 27 percent
  • October: 35 percent
  • September: 39 percent
  • August: 39 percent
  • July: 38 percent
Joe Biden’s policies were also met with low approval among independent voters, the poll found:

  • Sluggish Economy: 24 percent
  • Job Performance: 27 percent
  • Foreign Policy: 28 percent
  • Ukraine War: 31 percent
  • Healthcare Policy: 35 percent

Only 31% now love the UKRAINE WAR? WTH?



WHat happened? THE NEW THING? HAMAS??
I wish people here were more open about when their perspective shifts. For example I wish Democrats could talk about how they have lost confidence in Joe Biden, but this is such a theatrical cesspool that almost nobody will ever actually do that.

This is a GREAT point.

For example, I know the Bush admin lied about WMDs in Iraq. I no longer trust the CIA nor the MIC.
So how are the libs going to explain Corn Pop Zombie winning again with all these stats against him?


Well, they managed 3 years ago, despite only a handful of folks voting D.... I guess they'll manage this time, and hope to God (I mean cross their fingers since they don't believe in God) that the Supreme Ct doesn't change it's non-committal stance
His support might be shit, but that doesnt mean they will vote for the cheeto jesus.
Yeah i doubt registered Democrats are going to cross party lines to vote for Trump. They might stay home and not vote and some independents like switch. If Trump could keep his dumb mouth shut and let his opponents incompetence highlight itself he could possibly win. There is little chance of that though.

President Joe Biden’s support among independents sunk eight points to a record low 27 percent in November, a Gallup poll reveals,flagging a key indicator the 2024 election will be a close race between Biden and likely GOP nominee former President Donald Trump.

  • November: 27 percent
  • October: 35 percent
  • September: 39 percent
  • August: 39 percent
  • July: 38 percent
Joe Biden’s policies were also met with low approval among independent voters, the poll found:

  • Sluggish Economy: 24 percent
  • Job Performance: 27 percent
  • Foreign Policy: 28 percent
  • Ukraine War: 31 percent
  • Healthcare Policy: 35 percent

Only 31% now love the UKRAINE WAR? WTH?

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WHat happened? THE NEW THING? HAMAS??
Trump Triumphant!
Yeah i doubt registered Democrats are going to cross party lines to vote for Trump. They might stay home and not vote and some independents like switch. If Trump could keep his dumb mouth shut and let his opponents incompetence highlight itself he could possibly win. There is little chance of that though.
lol right? 1% isnt very good odds
Are you voting 3rd Party?

Or you voting for Cheeto Jesus in 2024?
Depending on who the lib party nominates (they have a history of nominating retards) I will probably end up writing in like I usually do.
I certainly wont be voting for trump, or any repub running. Or biden.
The American people have seen the demafasict policies at work and they don’t like it

Time to put this dark chapter in American history behind us
His support might be shit, but that doesnt mean they will vote for the cheeto jesus.

This will explain why Biden's numbers are so low

In short, There is a huge divide by party on the question of the economy, and there's a stark switch that's been taking place when there's a new administration. And this party-line view of the economy is particularly noticeable among Republicans.

For example, according to Pew when Obama was in office, just 18% of Republicans thought the economy was either good or excellent.

But with Trump, a Republican, in office, that jumped to a whopping 81%.

Oh come one now. Was is really that much better?

And this year, with Biden in the White House, Republicans' positive views of the economy tanked to just 10%.

So the economy sucked when Obama was POTUS, great when Trump was and sucks again now that Biden is POTUS?

unemployment dropped to 3.5%, a decline to be sure, but not to the extreme that would explain Republicans' 63-point increase under Trump

Overall inflation and food inflation have both come down significantly since the start of the year, from 6.4% overall to 3.2% in October and from 10.1% to 3.3% for food.
This will explain why Biden's numbers are so low

In short, There is a huge divide by party on the question of the economy, and there's a stark switch that's been taking place when there's a new administration. And this party-line view of the economy is particularly noticeable among Republicans.

For example, according to Pew when Obama was in office, just 18% of Republicans thought the economy was either good or excellent.

But with Trump, a Republican, in office, that jumped to a whopping 81%.
Oh come one now. Was is really that much better?
And it dropped among Democrats. You're acting like both sides don't do this. You do it all the time on here.
And this year, with Biden in the White House, Republicans' positive views of the economy tanked to just 10%.

So the economy sucked when Obama was POTUS, great when Trump was and sucks again now that Biden is POTUS?

And the other side thought it was great under Obama and Biden and sucked under Trump. How is that any different?
unemployment dropped to 3.5%, a decline to be sure, but not to the extreme that would explain Republicans' 63-point increase under Trump

Overall inflation and food inflation have both come down significantly since the start of the year, from 6.4% overall to 3.2% in October and from 10.1% to 3.3% for food.

I dont think you understand inflation. It coming down just means that it's going up slower, not that prices have come down. So the high inflation that happened is still baked in and is still hurting people whose wages having caught up yet. So, for a huge swath of the population all this talk of inflation coming down making their financial situation better sounds like a load of bullshit, because it is. It will in the long run hopefully so long as wages catch up but do yo think people's wages are going increase that much faster than the current inflation rates? I dont.
And it dropped among Democrats. You're acting like both sides don't do this. You do it all the time on here.

And the other side thought it was great under Obama and Biden and sucked under Trump. How is that any different?

I dont think you understand inflation. It coming down just means that it's going up slower, not that prices have come down. So the high inflation that happened is still baked in and is still hurting people whose wages having caught up yet. So, for a huge swath of the population all this talk of inflation coming down making their financial situation better sounds like a load of bullshit, because it is. It will in the long run hopefully so long as wages catch up but do yo think people's wages are going increase that much faster than the current inflation rates? I dont.
The article I read shows Republicans are drama queens when a Democrats is in office. I remember Republicans said Bill Clinton was the worst president ever. Ask Trump before he turned into a lying Republican he'd tell you. Clinton ruled.

Inflation will work itself out. The feds are fixing it. And one day you may see pop for $1 again. Although I do agree the $1 store is now forever $1.25 store. I don't think they'll ever roll back to $1 again.

It's now up to employers and employees to work this out My brother makes $1 million dollars a year. Is he paying more now than he did before covid? Sure. But he'll survive. Even me. I'm probably making less and paying more but that's something I will have to work out with my employer. In fact, I think when minimum wages goes up, I should ask for a raise because I know giving them all raises causes inflation too. We did that years ago. I know giving everyone tax breaks and stimulus causes inflation.

And if you think Trump's going to fix inflation,

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

This will explain why Biden's numbers are so low

In short, There is a huge divide by party on the question of the economy, and there's a stark switch that's been taking place when there's a new administration. And this party-line view of the economy is particularly noticeable among Republicans.

For example, according to Pew when Obama was in office, just 18% of Republicans thought the economy was either good or excellent.

But with Trump, a Republican, in office, that jumped to a whopping 81%.

Oh come one now. Was is really that much better?

And this year, with Biden in the White House, Republicans' positive views of the economy tanked to just 10%.

So the economy sucked when Obama was POTUS, great when Trump was and sucks again now that Biden is POTUS?

unemployment dropped to 3.5%, a decline to be sure, but not to the extreme that would explain Republicans' 63-point increase under Trump

Overall inflation and food inflation have both come down significantly since the start of the year, from 6.4% overall to 3.2% in October and from 10.1% to 3.3% for food.
Yes, the economy was that much better, and it's that much worse now. I'll admit that, it was better under Obama then least the last 5 years of Obama's admin were better
The article I read shows Republicans are drama queens when a Democrats is in office. I remember Republicans said Bill Clinton was the worst president ever. Ask Trump before he turned into a lying Republican he'd tell you. Clinton ruled.

Again you act like this is a one way street. Republicans are no more drama queens than Democrats are. You are literally proof of that. For 8 years we heard that Bush was Hitler, then Trump, and DeSantis also apparently Hitler as well…

Inflation will work itself out. The feds are fixing it. And one day you may see pop for $1 again. Although I do agree the $1 store is now forever $1.25 store. I don't think they'll ever roll back to $1 again.
Thanks for proving you don’t understand how inflation works.
It's now up to employers and employees to work this out My brother makes $1 million dollars a year. Is he paying more now than he did before covid? Sure. But he'll survive. Even me. I'm probably making less and paying more but that's something I will have to work out with my employer. In fact, I think when minimum wages goes up, I should ask for a raise because I know giving them all raises causes inflation too. We did that years ago. I know giving everyone tax breaks and stimulus causes inflation.

And if you think Trump's going to fix inflation,

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

You mean just like Biden has? Biden is going to raise the debt just as much if not more than Trump, so how exactly are they different?

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