Biden Appointed Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook's entire academic career has been found to be fraudulent.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Appointed Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook's entire academic career has been found to be fraudulent.
From Faking Research data, to Outright Plagiarism, to lying on her Resume.

Whoops caught once again, using unqualified people to fill Federal jobs.
If it isn't flaming trannies stealing womens clothes in Airports, or so-called Judges that haven't read the U.S. Constitution or know basic law. It's appointing miscreants like this.
Hopefully. DJT will fire the lot.
See more:

Trouble At The Fed: Investigation Into Lisa Cook’s Academic Record Raises Questions​


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Donald Trump was unqualified for the offfce of the presidency and remains so. Trump won't be firing anyone, because he will not be elected.

And since this is from Rufo, we know it's bs.
Not to worry about Ms. Cook.

She is just a figurehead.

Her "subordinates" will actually do all the work and "advise" her on how to vote.


One day President Reagan was at a gathering. He did not recognize an African American gentleman. The man responded, "Mr. President, I am one of your Cabinet members!!!"
Democrats will vote unanimously just as long as it is one of their own. They all had to know this woman is a fraud. There is only one reason she got to where she is, she hates white people and wrote about.
Despite her pedigree, questions have long persisted about her academic record. Her publication history is remarkably thin for a tenured professor, and her published work largely focuses on race activism rather than on rigorous, quantitative economics. Her nomination to the Fed required Vice President Kamala Harris to cast a tie-breaking vote; by contrast, her predecessor in the seat, Janet Yellen, now Treasury secretary, was confirmed unanimously.

This is just one position filled by the Democrats with a fraud. And if this woman is a fraud, how many people did she hire that were loyal friends, that she could trust to carry out the fraud.

If the democrats put one fraud in a high ranking position, how many other democrat frauds were appointed and hired. How many people did the democrat appointees hire that were friends, on board, to support the Democrat agenda and were totally unqualified to be in our government.

We need to fire 90% of all government workers. We need a way to privatize the business government does and put it out to bid to private contractors, who can be held liable in criminal courts.

The quality of her scholarship has also received criticism. Her most heralded work, 2014’s “Violence and Economic Activity: Evidence from African American Patents, 1870 to 1940,” examined the number of patents by black inventors in the past, concluding that the number plummeted in 1900 because of lynchings and discrimination. Other researchers soon discovered that the reason for the sudden drop in 1900 was that one of the databases Cook relied on stopped collecting data in that year. The true number of black patents, one subsequent study found, might be as much as 70 times greater than Cook’s figure, effectively debunking the study’s premise.
Donald Trump was unqualified for the offfce of the presidency and remains so. Trump won't be firing anyone, because he will not be elected.

And since this is from Rufo, we know it's bs.
Donald Trump was unqualified for the office of the presidency and remains so.
how was he unqualified?

not a natural born citizen?

too young?

I've got no use for either of the candidates, but, seriously?
Donald Trump was unqualified for the offfce of the presidency and remains so. Trump won't be firing anyone, because he will not be elected.

And since this is from Rufo, we know it's bs.
You are condemning yourself with these views. To see the war that Trump has with a stale moribund government craving change into sense after over a half century of agendas that has used the printing press to give us the goodies is suicide that to many people have. And to get it under control is difficult with political accusations using propaganda to hamper it the powerful voice of dictating their views.
Biden Appointed Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook's entire academic career has been found to be fraudulent.
From Faking Research data, to Outright Plagiarism, to lying on her Resume.

Whoops caught once again, using unqualified people to fill Federal jobs.
If it isn't flaming trannies stealing womens clothes in Airports, or so-called Judges that haven't read the U.S. Constitution or know basic law. It's appointing miscreants like this.
Hopefully. DJT will fire the lot.
See more:

Trouble At The Fed: Investigation Into Lisa Cook’s Academic Record Raises Questions​


Can’t blame her, it worked for Obama
Biden Appointed Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook's entire academic career has been found to be fraudulent.
From Faking Research data, to Outright Plagiarism, to lying on her Resume.

Whoops caught once again, using unqualified people to fill Federal jobs.
If it isn't flaming trannies stealing womens clothes in Airports, or so-called Judges that haven't read the U.S. Constitution or know basic law. It's appointing miscreants like this.
Hopefully. DJT will fire the lot.
See more:

Trouble At The Fed: Investigation Into Lisa Cook’s Academic Record Raises Questions​


Well, HOW PROUD Biden was when he appointed this MIT person .IF I saw him with my kids I might kill on sight. Wouldn't you

Higher education has become a joke. She's a PhD from Berkely. Here's Sheila Jackson Lee, who graduated with honors from Yale and somehow obtained a law degree, informing a high school class that the moon is made of gas and the sun is almost so hot that you can't get near it.

Biden Appointed Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook's entire academic career has been found to be fraudulent.
From Faking Research data, to Outright Plagiarism, to lying on her Resume.

Whoops caught once again, using unqualified people to fill Federal jobs.
If it isn't flaming trannies stealing womens clothes in Airports, or so-called Judges that haven't read the U.S. Constitution or know basic law. It's appointing miscreants like this.
Hopefully. DJT will fire the lot.
See more:

Trouble At The Fed: Investigation Into Lisa Cook’s Academic Record Raises Questions​


Another disappointing affirmative action hire.

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