Biden and Democrats Plotting to Steal Another Election


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Remember what Biden said in 2020? He spoke the quiet part out loud then.

He's doing it again. They always do what they accuse others of doing.

Rolling Stone published an article Sunday titled, “Biden Is Building a ‘Superstructure’ to Stop Trump From Stealing the Election,” describing how Joe Biden and his allies are “creating a legal network” designed to challenge a close election finish.

“President Biden has been worried, for a while now, that Donald Trump is going to try to steal the election, if it’s very close on Election Day,” says a source familiar with Biden’s thinking. “If that ends up being the case, we are… also expecting the Republican Party to go into overdrive to help him steal it. We are continuing to build out the infrastructure to ensure that doesn’t happen — again — if President Biden wins and Trump and MAGA Republicans try to confuse [everyone] and sow chaos.”

The Biden network has since prepared a “superstructure” of legal teams who’ve already drafted legal motions in critical swing states in case of any “Trump-related emergencies.”

One swing-state Democratic election official involved with these efforts refers to it as a “superstructure” of various legal teams and liberal operatives who “are going to fight [Team Trump and election deniers] on all fronts and let them have it from all sides, if MAGA wants to tear down our democracy.”

According to two Biden campaign officials and two other sources with knowledge of the operation, draft pleadings and legal motions, for all kinds of possible Trump-related emergencies, are already written and at the ready. In critical swing states such as Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, Team Biden is regularly in contact with an array of outside counsels and local law firms that have been retained to actively monitor what is happening on the ground, including with regards to the activism of election-denying Trump allies.

Additionally, the Democratic National Committee has already set aside “tens of millions of dollars in a robust voter protection program to safeguard the rights of voters to make their voices heard against relentless attacks from Donald Trump and the GOP.”

This comes in tandem with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent announcement that the Justice Department will work to shut down election integrity and voter ID laws — in the name of fighting racism, of course.

All while millions of unvetted illegal aliens — many of whom plan to vote for Biden — pour across the southern border and distribute across the country under the direction of the Biden regime.​

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“That is why we’re challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions to implement discriminatory, burdensome and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes and voter ID requirements.”

aren't those the 'ballot issues' that need addressing?

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

It's actually more like a century now, BL

And they wonder why they get their asses kicked.

Stop whining on the internet and have faith. You do...don't you?
Seems like you don't because if you did you wouldn't feel the need to constantly cry about what's happening to you.
You chose your path. Walk it.

Said it before......"Freedom is not FREE"

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