Biden afraid to release JFK documents

I understand you don't want to be critical of your messiah, but the fact of the matter is that Obama failed on this issue to a much greater scale than Trump, as he had two full terms in which to release the documents and did not...
candyass gets taken to school and can only laugh off the facts.
My money's on the mob...
wow what deserted island you been living on Canon Shooter ?

every serious researcher knows it was mostly rogue agents from the CIA that killed him. Every serious researcher knows that when the HSCA on assassinations was winding down that two CIA operatives came forward and said WE DID THIS,WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO WITH THE INVESTIGATION? and the HSCA of course did not pursue the lead because anything that did not point to their new patsy the mob they had to invent sense everyone was figuring out more than one shooter was involved,anything that did not point to the mob they ignored.

Plus you are also not aware of E Howard Hunt a CIA operative who after many years of denying he was in dealy plaza that day,made a deathbed confession before his death that he indeed WAS in dealy plaza that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy,here get educated. the mob was involved but at a lower level.they did not have the power or the cash flow to pull it off alone by themselves. Hunt goes on to mention that Lyndon Johnson and Dick Nixon were part of the operation.

wow i cant believe you could possibly be that naive after all these years to STILL think it was just a mob operation that killed kennedy.:cuckoo::no_text11:

I admit for many years i thought the same thing but even before Howard Hunts confession that it was a CIA operation i knew way before then i was wrong that it wasnt just the mob that pulled it off when i overlooked as you have that the mob did not have the power to set oswald up as they did,they could never have sent him to Russia and back so easily as they did and announce that he was going to turn over American secrets to the Russians and get back into the states so easily like that.Only Us intelligence could have pulled that feat off charlie.

Not to mention the mob sure as hell did not have the power to control the media as they were to get them to control the narrative that it was a lone gunman that killed him and MOST IMPORTANTLY,they sure as hell did not have the power to make the secret service lower their protection that day as they did.:abgg2q.jpg:

You sir,are not a very good researcher at all to conclude all these years later even still, it was just a mob organization that killed him off.:laughing0301:
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every serious researcher knows it was mostly rogue agents from the CIA that killed him. Every serious researcher knows that when the HSCA on assassinations was winding down that two CIA operatives came forward and said WE DID THIS,

Well, last time I checked, I'm not a "serious researcher" into the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I've visited Dealy Plaza, but only because I was attending a guitar show in Arlington at the time...

the mob was involved but at a lower level.

Thanks. I'll take that as a vindication!
Well, last time I checked, I'm not a "serious researcher" into the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I've visited Dealy Plaza, but only because I was attending a guitar show in Arlington at the time...

Thanks. I'll take that as a vindication!
okay fair enough.yeah i have not seen you as a regular here so that makes sense why you were not aware.first time i can ever recall seeing you post on the kennedy assassination before so yeah i can see that.
this is indeed WHY lying Biden wont release them.

Hidden JFK documents could show something sinister

He wants to give the CIA plenty of time to black out the documents and THEN release them and then claim he was serving the people Canon Shooter :auiqs.jpg:
The Preposterous Preppies

The Kennedys were loose cannons and the CIA saved the world from the results of their carelessly backing Russia into a corner. With a reasonable President, not one who wanted to play tough guy after gutlessly letting Cuban patriots get slaughtered at the Bay of Pigs, the whole manufactured crisis could have been settled behind the scenes.

We had missiles in Turkey that were as fatally close to Russia as theirs in Cuba were to us. The only other way this insane brinkmanship could have been settled was for the CIA and the KGB, who had a common interest in preventing nuclear war, to make a secret deal. The KGB provided their agent, Oswald, and the CIA provided a lot of decoys to confuse the issue. Both removed their leaders, Khrushchev deposed for misjudging the fraternity-bully stupidity of the Kennedys.

And it ended where it should have started, with both sets of nuclear weapons being removed. JFK paid with his life for his fake heroism, just as his brother had over occupied France. He had gotten away with drunkenly ramming his PT boat into a Japanese ship and killing members of his crew, but he didn't get away with this one.
wow what deserted island you been living on Canon Shooter ?

every serious researcher knows it was mostly rogue agents from the CIA that killed him. Every serious researcher knows that when the HSCA on assassinations was winding down that two CIA operatives came forward and said WE DID THIS,WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO WITH THE INVESTIGATION? and the HSCA of course did not pursue the lead because anything that did not point to their new patsy the mob they had to invent sense everyone was figuring out more than one shooter was involved,anything that did not point to the mob they ignored.

Plus you are also not aware of E Howard Hunt a CIA operative who after many years of denying he was in dealy plaza that day,made a deathbed confession before his death that he indeed WAS in dealy plaza that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy,here get educated. the mob was involved but at a lower level.they did not have the power or the cash flow to pull it off alone by themselves. Hunt goes on to mention that Lyndon Johnson and Dick Nixon were part of the operation.

wow i cant believe you could possibly be that naive after all these years to STILL think it was just a mob operation that killed kennedy.:cuckoo::no_text11:

I admit for many years i thought the same thing but even before Howard Hunts confession that it was a CIA operation i knew way before then i was wrong that it wasnt just the mob that pulled it off when i overlooked as you have that the mob did not have the power to set oswald up as they did,they could never have sent him to Russia and back so easily as they did and announce that he was going to turn over American secrets to the Russians and get back into the states so easily like that.Only Us intelligence could have pulled that feat off charlie.

Not to mention the mob sure as hell did not have the power to control the media as they were to get them to control the narrative that it was a lone gunman that killed him and MOST IMPORTANTLY,they sure as hell did not have the power to make the secret service lower their protection that day as they did.:abgg2q.jpg:

You sir,are not a very good researcher at all to conclude all these years later even still, it was just a mob organization that killed him off.:laughing0301:

Wow, you are trying way too hard buddy… way too hard
why are you a coward afraid to release them sleepy Joe?

Everybody please ignore Allen Dulles grandson soupnazi,he is just lonely and seeking attemtion,dont feed the troll.

Atlanta Jewish times

Have US based Mossad assets take out the Kenyan cocksuker for being unfriendly to Israel, so that traitor Joe could lie about it, blame Iran or hezbo, and start wars to serve the cause of Israel
wow what deserted island you been living on Canon Shooter ?

every serious researcher knows it was mostly rogue agents from the CIA that killed him. Every serious researcher knows that when the HSCA on assassinations was winding down that two CIA operatives came forward and said WE DID THIS,WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO WITH THE INVESTIGATION? and the HSCA of course did not pursue the lead because anything that did not point to their new patsy the mob they had to invent sense everyone was figuring out more than one shooter was involved,anything that did not point to the mob they ignored.

Plus you are also not aware of E Howard Hunt a CIA operative who after many years of denying he was in dealy plaza that day,made a deathbed confession before his death that he indeed WAS in dealy plaza that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy,here get educated. the mob was involved but at a lower level.they did not have the power or the cash flow to pull it off alone by themselves. Hunt goes on to mention that Lyndon Johnson and Dick Nixon were part of the operation.

wow i cant believe you could possibly be that naive after all these years to STILL think it was just a mob operation that killed kennedy.:cuckoo::no_text11:

I admit for many years i thought the same thing but even before Howard Hunts confession that it was a CIA operation i knew way before then i was wrong that it wasnt just the mob that pulled it off when i overlooked as you have that the mob did not have the power to set oswald up as they did,they could never have sent him to Russia and back so easily as they did and announce that he was going to turn over American secrets to the Russians and get back into the states so easily like that.Only Us intelligence could have pulled that feat off charlie.

Not to mention the mob sure as hell did not have the power to control the media as they were to get them to control the narrative that it was a lone gunman that killed him and MOST IMPORTANTLY,they sure as hell did not have the power to make the secret service lower their protection that day as they did.:abgg2q.jpg:

You sir,are not a very good researcher at all to conclude all these years later even still, it was just a mob organization that killed him off.:laughing0301:

There is nno record of any such confession by Hint.

There is no records of any such confession by any agents after the HCSA herarings. You dreamed that one iup from thin air.

Oswald acted alone and ALL of your theories have been disproven FACT

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