Biden Administration Continues To Undo Trumps Food Assistance Policies


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The Biden administration ended one of Trump's most cruel proposals Wednesday, ending an effort to kick 3 million people off of food assistance and end free school meals for about at least half a million children. The proposal was put forward when Trump's efforts to drastically cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the 2018 farm bill failed.

The proposal would have restricted (SNAP) benefits for households who have savings or other assets. Have a car? It'll be harder to get food. A senior or disabled person trying to save for an inevitable emergency? Sorry. Saving for your kids' school supplies? There go your food stamps. Get a small raise in your hourly wage? No more food help. The current rules for SNAP allow states to adjust the income eligibility limits to adjust for housing and child care costs that take a large share of income, allowing people to have safe homes and even allowing parents to work outside the home and still be able to feed themselves and their families. Because even more people shouldn't be forced into having to choose between having a roof or having food.

After ProPublica's bombshell story on the billionaire tax scofflaws last week, I know where the real cuts need to be. Especially to the trust fund child who never worked a day in his life.
The Biden administration ended one of Trump's most cruel proposals Wednesday, ending an effort to kick 3 million people off of food assistance and end free school meals for about at least half a million children. The proposal was put forward when Trump's efforts to drastically cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the 2018 farm bill failed.

The proposal would have restricted (SNAP) benefits for households who have savings or other assets. Have a car? It'll be harder to get food. A senior or disabled person trying to save for an inevitable emergency? Sorry. Saving for your kids' school supplies? There go your food stamps. Get a small raise in your hourly wage? No more food help. The current rules for SNAP allow states to adjust the income eligibility limits to adjust for housing and child care costs that take a large share of income, allowing people to have safe homes and even allowing parents to work outside the home and still be able to feed themselves and their families. Because even more people shouldn't be forced into having to choose between having a roof or having food.

After ProPublica's bombshell story on the billionaire tax scofflaws last week, I know where the real cuts need to be. Especially to the trust fund child who never worked a day in his life.
So in other words, if you have assets, and the means of obtaining those assets you still need government TAX PAYER assistance.
Yeah. That sounds like a plan
You just don't get it.
The Biden administration ended one of Trump's most cruel proposals Wednesday, ending an effort to kick 3 million people off of food assistance and end free school meals for about at least half a million children. The proposal was put forward when Trump's efforts to drastically cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the 2018 farm bill failed.

The proposal would have restricted (SNAP) benefits for households who have savings or other assets. Have a car? It'll be harder to get food. A senior or disabled person trying to save for an inevitable emergency? Sorry. Saving for your kids' school supplies? There go your food stamps. Get a small raise in your hourly wage? No more food help. The current rules for SNAP allow states to adjust the income eligibility limits to adjust for housing and child care costs that take a large share of income, allowing people to have safe homes and even allowing parents to work outside the home and still be able to feed themselves and their families. Because even more people shouldn't be forced into having to choose between having a roof or having food.

After ProPublica's bombshell story on the billionaire tax scofflaws last week, I know where the real cuts need to be. Especially to the trust fund child who never worked a day in his life.
Ah yes. The jealousy of the trust fund child.
Bet you would have no issue with it if you were on of them.

I know, I are different.
Adding more welfare. Because it does such a good job doing what it was designed to do... :rolleyes:
Yup, They have no incentive to get off welfare so why would they?

All these unwed mothers will take every dime of tax payer money they can get and the stuttering fuck thinks nothing of using our hard earned tax dollars to give them all they can take.

More tax money for freeloaders. Such a deal for them. A slap in the face of every hard working tax payer out there.
So allegedly killing a 2019 proposal that was never implemented to begin with is the best Biden has for poor people? Wow. That'll show em.
Ah yes. The jealousy of the trust fund child.
Indeed, typical of Haves sucking the big teat, Trump prefers zero competition from the Have Nots.
And you wouldn't?
To me the haves strive and the have-nots don't.

And dont give me your racial BS about "Blacks don't have the same opportunity"

They do. But folks like you tell them they dont. And you is easier to believe that they dont than it is for them to feel they do.

You guys have it all backwards.
The Biden administration ended one of Trump's most cruel proposals Wednesday, ending an effort to kick 3 million people off of food assistance and end free school meals for about at least half a million children. The proposal was put forward when Trump's efforts to drastically cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the 2018 farm bill failed.

The proposal would have restricted (SNAP) benefits for households who have savings or other assets. Have a car? It'll be harder to get food. A senior or disabled person trying to save for an inevitable emergency? Sorry. Saving for your kids' school supplies? There go your food stamps. Get a small raise in your hourly wage? No more food help. The current rules for SNAP allow states to adjust the income eligibility limits to adjust for housing and child care costs that take a large share of income, allowing people to have safe homes and even allowing parents to work outside the home and still be able to feed themselves and their families. Because even more people shouldn't be forced into having to choose between having a roof or having food.

After ProPublica's bombshell story on the billionaire tax scofflaws last week, I know where the real cuts need to be. Especially to the trust fund child who never worked a day in his life.

Which should work out just as well as the other policies he wiped out. Now we have a border crisis.

We have those SNAP'S people in our local grocery store. I see them pile on the huge bags of dog food, cat food, cat litter, greeting cards, flowers on the belt. They pay for their food with the SNIAP's card, and then whip out a wad of cash for all their other goodies. We are paying for their food, and they are using their money to feed their stupid pets. Then of course they walk over to the customer service counter and buy $80.00 of scratch off lottery tickets.

Then you have the people that bug you in line. They ask if they can use their SNAP's card to purchase $30.00 of food, and at the end of the line, you give them $25.00 in cash for your groceries back. You get 30 bucks of food for five bucks off, and the SNAP's guy has $25.00 in cash to buy beer and cigarettes.

These kinds of things go on at the store anytime I get a SNAP's person in line with me. Is it any wonder why people supported Trump's policies? We're all about sick of this shit.
Adding more welfare. Because it does such a good job doing what it was designed to do... :rolleyes:

Then set a minimum wage that people can live on and you won’t have to have anyone on food stamps who isn’t disabled or elderly.

Stop using welfare to subsidize cheap wages for the richest people in America. You are the only country in the world with earned income credit and food stamps and housing vouchers for working people, including your own military.

80% of your wealth goes to the top 10% of your citizens and the rest scramble to live on the other 20%.

These are banana republic economics and that’s exactly what’s happening to your country as a result. Workers need their fair share too. In other first world countries, they get it.

We also have cheaper better healthcare, cheaper better schools, an infrastructure for the 21st century.
The Biden administration ended one of Trump's most cruel proposals Wednesday, ending an effort to kick 3 million people off of food assistance and end free school meals for about at least half a million children. The proposal was put forward when Trump's efforts to drastically cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the 2018 farm bill failed.

The proposal would have restricted (SNAP) benefits for households who have savings or other assets. Have a car? It'll be harder to get food. A senior or disabled person trying to save for an inevitable emergency? Sorry. Saving for your kids' school supplies? There go your food stamps. Get a small raise in your hourly wage? No more food help. The current rules for SNAP allow states to adjust the income eligibility limits to adjust for housing and child care costs that take a large share of income, allowing people to have safe homes and even allowing parents to work outside the home and still be able to feed themselves and their families. Because even more people shouldn't be forced into having to choose between having a roof or having food.

After ProPublica's bombshell story on the billionaire tax scofflaws last week, I know where the real cuts need to be. Especially to the trust fund child who never worked a day in his life.

Do Veggie Joe got rid of something that never happened.

BRILLIANT! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Then set a minimum wage that people can live on and you won’t have to have anyone on food stamps who isn’t disabled or elderly.

You know zero about economics. I'm 61 years old and never in my life has minimum wage been a wage anybody can live off of. It's a new concept by the Communists. If they raised minimum wage, it sets off a domino effect like we're seeing today. You make more but everything costs much more as well. Within a year or two, the people making the new minimum wage are no better off than they were under the old minimum wage because their additional costs offset their increase in income.

80% of your wealth goes to the top 10% of your citizens and the rest scramble to live on the other 20%.

There is no such thing as "the wealth." We don't have "the wealth" in this country because money is infinite. You commies were taught to believe the reason some have too little is because others have too much. It's a Communist lie. Wage is not determined by what other people have. Wage is determined by how valuable your work is. If we took every dollar from every billionaire and millionaire, it wouldn't help one poor American.

These are banana republic economics and that’s exactly what’s happening to your country as a result. Workers need their fair share too. In other first world countries, they get it.

Yet nobody is trying to breach their borders to get in their countries. We have millions doing that here. Our system made us the richest country in the world with the most economic opportunity unless you're a lowlife that puts zero into accomplishing financial freedom and expects government to just hand you money for being alive. It's like the carrot and the horse. Feed a horse carrots all day the horse goes nowhere. Dangle a carrot in the horses face and he runs like hell.
Ah yes. The jealousy of the trust fund child.
Bet you would have no issue with it if you were on of them.

I know, I are different.

I can't speak for him but I am different. I work. My grandma raised me and as a child she had to make her panties and bras out of feed sacks, used boiled dandelion stems to suppliment her dinner, and would wake up with frost on her blankets in the winter. She taught me to hard work and be smart. So that's what I do. I'll never be on welfare because I have a work ethic, goals, ambition and I'll do what it takes.

And you wouldn't?
To me the haves strive and the have-nots don't.

And dont give me your racial BS about "Blacks don't have the same opportunity"

They do. But folks like you tell them they dont. And you is easier to believe that they dont than it is for them to feel they do.

You guys have it all backwards.

Anyone who says blacks are at a disadvantage I point to all the black doctors, lawyers, police chiefs, politicians, actors, the black president we had, even the sanitation supervisor where I work that makes around 65k a year. Even ghetto blacks like Oprah and bill Cosby started out with nothing. Blacks aren't disadvantaged, most of them are just lazy and dumb.
Sure you do. That's why loads of Canadians come to the US for health care.

As for the rest of your post. Its a load of horse shit. Stay in Canada and inflict your stupid self on Canadians. What a moron you are.

I was watching Fox last week when they interviewed that preacher who they arrested for not wearing a mask or something. They treated him like a common criminal. Their commie judge ruled that he can't leave his province for a year and a half.

He's from the former Soviet Union and moved to Canada 40 years ago. He said the similarities between his former country and new one are almost identical. No thank you. We have to fight that shit here. I'm happy to be born in this country instead of anywhere else.

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