CDZ Bibi's speech to Congress on Iran becoming a nuclear power

This speech, in effect, cried out for Congress to pass legislation forbidding the transfer of U.S. nuclear weapons and/or any aircraft capable of carrying them to Iran. Of course such legislation would first be filibustered in The Senate but, once that was fixed with a rule change, it would be vetoed.

But it would be a nice gesture of friendship toward Israel from The American People.
from Delta4Embassy

I'm not on anyone's side.

Is that wise?

When we say something that's factually correct I support it with evidence. When we lie I show it with supporting evidence. That's my only side.

You are using the first person plural here that says that you are included within the set of people who lie. I see that as a grammar problem, unless that's the case.

Another issue: so-called "facts" are just opinions labeled with an especially strong "please believe me" appeal. What you call facts support your position, and are therefore a form of propaganda, it looks like to me.
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Krauthammer said Netanyahu was strongly suggesting in his speech near the end that Israel was going to have to defend itself by war on Iran if this bad deal thing goes on.

CAN Israel hit Iran effectively and stop the nuking up? A lot of people don't think so: too far, too large, too hardened underground. Also, after a strike, then what? Would Iran declare conventional war against Israel? It has a good base in Lebanon on Israel's border, after all.

If that started, would we be drawn into a Mideast war to defend our ally, or not because Israel was defying our treaty negotiations?

Problems, problems.
An historic speech...immediately discounted by the lock-step leftists following the talking points and pipe dreams of the Master Marxist caught in the middle of forwarding his fundamental changing of this once great nation.
But we're the good guys, and they're the bad guys.

That's it. It's crucial to keep that in mind, especially if you live here.

They ARE continually promising to annihilate us --- that doesn't seem like good guys to me. I'm pretty sure that's bad guy talk.
North Korea has made threats to annihilate the USA because of its alliance with South Korea. North Korea has nuclear weapons. I'd rate the North Korean menace to the USA and its allies as greater than the menace posed by Iran to the USA and its allies.
Your trust in Iran is fascinating. :eusa_shifty:

As is your mistrust. Who's Iran invaded or gone to war with in the last 25 or so years? No one. How many wars has the US been involved with? Lots. So who's more trustworthy?

Iran wouldn't use nuclear weapons. They have too much to lose from a retaliatory strike. I'm not worried about that. Whether Iran would report "loosing a nuke" is another thing. That I'd worry about. Although I have the same concern with DPRK and Pakistan but thankfully neither's lost a nuke yet.

That is because of heavy sanctions against them for more than 25 years.
If they did not have that, they would be continuing to hold Americans hostages as well as others and who knows what else.

But US sanctions responsible for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian deaths make us the good trustworthy guys? Mmkay. US has killed millions in the middle east. We're hardly in a morally superior position to denounce a country for what it might do. We've already killed far more than a nuke would.
Thousands, perhaps, but most assuredly not millions.. We don't target civilians and schools and don't use our kids as human shields or walking bombs. These are not people that can be negotiated with. It seems to me that they need to be bombed into the 21st century as we did with Japan.

The Amiriyah shelter bombing[N 1] was an aerial attack that killed 408 civilians on 13 February 1991 during the Persian Gulf War, when an air-raid shelter ("Public Shelter No. 25"), also referred to as the Al Firdos C3 bunker by the U.S. military, in the Amiriyah neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, was destroyed by the U.S. Air Force with two laser-guided "smart bombs".
Amiriyah shelter bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

US bombing targets since 1991:

# Iraq 1991 (Persian Gulf War)
# Kuwait 1991
# Somalia 1993
# Bosnia 1994, 1995
# Sudan 1998
# Afghanistan 1998
# Yugoslavia 1999
# Yemen 2002
# Iraq 1991-2003 (US/UK on regular basis)
# Iraq 2003-present
# Afghanistan 2001-present
# Pakistan 2007-present
# Somalia 2007-8, 2011
# Yemen 2009, 2011
# Libya 2011
United States bombings of other countries William Blum

Google 'Gulf War civilian casualties' if you're SO sure US doesn't bomb schools or hospitals or other civilian targets. Only way to go on thinking we're the good guys, or somehow all these combat operations are massacring civilians in the hundred of thousands is to not read. If your idea is limited to tv news, ya you probably think we're the good guys. If you read around though you'd be delusional in the extreme to try and say that.
You claimed millions and support 408.

Yes, schools get hit when terrorists shoot missiles from their roofs or store munitions or house soldiers next door. This is a war. People get hurt.
Good and bad in a war are relative. Islamic radicals are not enemies in the sense of World War II they are more like the Viet Cong of 45 years ago except they are driven by a fucked up sense of religious values shared or understood by anyone is this country. They cannot be negotiated with in any normal rational way. They MUST be demoralized so that only the most rabid will choose to remain in the 7th century and the less radical will either turn them over or deal with them themselves.
You can no more expect fruitful negotiation with radical Islam than you can with a coyote. There is no frame of reference, no shared concept of morality. The only thing they understand is when you diminish their population and leave them but 2 choices. Comply or die.
Wars are horrible. They should be so that they are avoided until all other available solutions are exhausted, but when started, they MUST be fought in such a way as to get them over with as soon as possible.
We must not allow politicians to conduct wars. We must tell our warriors to engage and win them.
War, as it should be fought worked fabulously well in Japan on August 6 and 9, 1945. We have been afraid to win since
RUSH: The reason Iran getting a nuclear weapon is important to Obama is that it will balance Israel as a nuclear power in the region. It's all about fairness. It's all about equality. It's all about justice. And it's really unfair that the Islamists don't have one. The Obomanation simply HATES the Jews!
In the short time I was able to view the speech, ( I missed the beginning), I felt the movement of patriotism, strength, and leadership, from a foreign dignitary, Netanyahu, that America has sorely missed in it's leadership. His words resounded with the power of Reagan during the cold war, and Bush after 9/11.
Mochelle Obama claimed her husband's election was the first time she had ever been proud of America, I say it is the first time anyone can say they are ashamed they were fooled into voting for a traitor.
But we're the good guys, and they're the bad guys.

That's it. It's crucial to keep that in mind, especially if you live here.

They ARE continually promising to annihilate us --- that doesn't seem like good guys to me. I'm pretty sure that's bad guy talk.
North Korea has made threats to annihilate the USA because of its alliance with South Korea. North Korea has nuclear weapons. I'd rate the North Korean menace to the USA and its allies as greater than the menace posed by Iran to the USA and its allies.
Kim Jong Un orders preparations for U.S. war - CNN Video
Too bad the GOP didn't care when Bush was president. North Korea wouldn't have nuclear weapons.
Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.

When the USA begins saying publicly that we want to wipe nations off the map and begin to be a state sponsor of terrorism, then you might have a point.

Until then, you're just wrong.
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I'm not on anyone's side. When we say something that's factually correct I support it with evidence. When we lie I show it with supporting evidence. That's my only side.

What is factually correct is that Rafsanjani laid out the Iranian rationale for nuking Israel well over a decade ago. Iran seeks the nukes necessary to commit genocide upon the Jewish state and does not fear the retaliation, because they do not see themselves as representing a nation-state, but of the entire Ummah, which would certainly continue on.

It's nice to posture, especially when motivated by a complete lack of knowledge on the subject, but taking "no side" in such a way that you further the ambitions of those seeking genocide, you stand quite clearly in the corner of those who do.

You might as well say you don't want to "take a side" should you encounter somebody raping a child. I mean, who would want to take a side, right, especially when they get to feel a false sense of superiority based on their amorality, eh?
Gallups latest reflection on how US voters view Netanyahu:
"Maybe that speech before Congress wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's favorability ratings with Americans have fallen in the wake of his March 3 address at the U.S. House of Representatives, a new Gallup poll finds.

"Conducted between March 5-8, the new poll shows Netanyahu's favorable rating fell seven points (to 38 percent), while his unfavorable numbers jumped by five percentage points (to 29 percent) in comparison to the same poll Gallup conducted from February 8-11."

Post-Speech Netanyahu s Favorability Drops with Americans - Bloomberg Politics

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