Bias and other people reproducing your work


Mar 4, 2022
Most of the articles I read on confirmation bias talk about the critical attitude being the main defense against confirmation bias.

If a scientist publishes a paper that confirms his theory and dozens of other sciemtists totally unaffiliated with him attempt to reproduce his work and they all get results consistent with each other except that disconfirm his theory, I would think his study rejected even if he pinky swears that he tried to stack everything against his theory? Imagine that scientist displays a constant habit of that behavior, except only seems to do so when testing his own theories or theories of people who disagree with him, except is rock-solid when testing theories that he is neutral on.

I found far more talk about the critical attuidtude than mention of other people unaffiliated with you attempting to reproduce your work. I woukd thhink other people unaffiliated with you attempting to reproduce your work woukd be a better safeguard against bias than any type of honor system where people talk about how they tried so hard to disprove their own theory. Unless you're a mind reader, it means nothing.

The guy who coined the term "confirmation bias" was a Psychologist. Psychologists constantly rail on confirmation bias. Psychology is also in the middle of a "Replication Crisis".
For Normies , confirmation bias is a necessary means for just getting by .
There is not enough time in a day to allow dispensing with it in most situations .
Otherwise, you would never leave home , let alone cross a busy road .

However , for appointed and self appointed experts and specialists, it is something that the scientific and logical processes are there to remove .

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