Best Ways to Prevent Future Massacres

Which gun violence prevention policies do you support?

  • Allow teachers/principals to carry concealed weapons

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Ensure that security doors will keep shooters out

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Support Senator Feinstein's assault weapons ban (2012)

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Force the mentally disturbed into treatment (no guns allowed)

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Ban violent video games

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Mandatory psychological testing to identify violent kids

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Other idea..I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
My wife and I have been arguing all morning about these issues. Please opine on which policies would help and also be Constitutional...
1) The media shouldn't be aggrandizing 24hrs a day - this is like an advertisement for all other mentally disturbed individuals on how you can go out in a blaze of glory where people will be talking about them for years to come.
2) Better secured doorways in schools. It wouldn't cost much at all to fortify exterior doors with bars that are easily opened from the inside only. This alone would have stopped this from happening. Period.
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you would have to go beyond just the doors. I think installing shatter proof windows would also help.
assign soldiers to each school, bring them home from overseas, and/or hire unemployed veterans to guard schools.
My wife and I have been arguing all morning about these issues. Please opine on which policies would help and also be Constitutional...

Best Ways to Prevent Future Massacres?

Re evaluate the legality of semi automatic rifles?
1) The media shouldn't be aggrandizing 24hrs a day - this is like an advertisement for all other mentally disturbed individuals on how you can go out in a blaze of glory where people will be talking about them for years to come.
2) Better secured doorways in schools. It wouldn't cost much at all to fortify exterior doors with bars that are easily opened from the inside only. This alone would have stopped this from happening. Period.

this school was secured. he shot his way in.
1) The media shouldn't be aggrandizing 24hrs a day - this is like an advertisement for all other mentally disturbed individuals on how you can go out in a blaze of glory where people will be talking about them for years to come.

Note the OP’s admonishment that the suggestions be Constitutional.

More comprehensive mental health policies and gun owners ensuring their firearms are secured at all times are good places to start.
No gubmint of any kind is going to stop a sick twist from senseless murder.

As in the days of Noah, violence filled the earth.

Exactly... if it isn't a shooting at a school, it's at a mall, and if not the mall, some fast food joint, and if not there, some bar... it matters not where.

There's nothing worse in solving a problem then to have a bunch of knee jerk reactionaries all frothing at the mouth. They just make matters worse.

I say arm the teachers that are willing to be armed. Give them training on how to use a pistol and have them pack. Had ONE PERSON in this office the crazy walked into had a gun, they could have skull shot him there saving all those lives. I think the simple fact that anyone thinking of doing something like this would know that one of the first people they run into could shoot them dead, they might not think it's such a good idea. They do these things because they know they CAN. They know they can walk in there and just shoot people like shooting fish in a barrel, unopposed. That should change. Fight fire with fire.
assign soldiers to each school, bring them home from overseas, and/or hire unemployed veterans to guard schools.

why would anyone want to live like that or have their kids subjected to that?
You'd rather they be easy targets for some crazed assassin?

Use you head once instead of just spewing your tired, clueless, liberal sass.
1) The media shouldn't be aggrandizing 24hrs a day - this is like an advertisement for all other mentally disturbed individuals on how you can go out in a blaze of glory where people will be talking about them for years to come.

Note the OP’s admonishment that the suggestions be Constitutional.

More comprehensive mental health policies and gun owners ensuring their firearms are secured at all times are good places to start.

Totally agree with keeping the guns in a safe. But I'm not sure what your "comprehensive mental health" policies are???

Lets say for a start "people with "aspbergers" disease could never own or be allowed to use guns. Same for those with IQ's less than ___ for starters. Is that what you mean? Or are we going back to asylums and lobectomies??
My wife and I have been arguing all morning about these issues. Please opine on which policies would help and also be Constitutional...

Here are a few suggestions.

1. Mandatory lobotomies for all citizens.

2. Outlaw guns, insanity, stupidity, and ill will towards other people.

3. Insert cameras and a microphone into all citizens in order to keep an eye on them 24/7.

4. Or we all gather together and drink cool aide, Jim Jones style.

If you follow any one of these no more mass shootings.
This may sound naive....but love one another.
People with love in their heart do not kill others and people that do not feel loved hurt others.

Hurt people..hurt people.

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