Best Revenge Stories

Bonnie said:
She had that one coming..........She at LEAST could have made a call for you!!

Well, I always carry my cell phone, but I was so far out in the hinterlands that I would have had one hell of a time giving directions to the mechanic at the dealership - even assuming that I could get reception.
Merlin1047 said:
Well, I always carry my cell phone, but I was so far out in the hinterlands that I would have had one hell of a time giving directions to the mechanic at the dealership - even assuming that I could get reception.

Did she even acknowledge that you were stuck out there??
Bonnie said:
Did she even acknowledge that you were stuck out there??

Nope. But since I was lying on the ground with my hands up inside the bike when she pulled up, I figured that should have been obvious. Well, come to think of it she was a blonde - she might have assumed I simply pulled over for a quick nap on the roadside.
Merlin1047 said:
Nope. But since I was lying on the ground with my hands up inside the bike when she pulled up, I figured that should have been obvious. Well, come to think of it she was a blonde - she might have assumed I simply pulled over for a quick nap on the roadside.

Hey noo blonde cracks pleeze!!! Seriously women like that give us all a bad rap!
My dad is a master of revenge. Here's one he did.

My dad's a credit manager, meaning he keeps track of who owes the company and who the company owes. That means that dad prioritizes bills and tells when to cut people off until they pay up. Well, one company kept tacking on deductions, claiming these were legal deductions given by the company, but they weren't legal and every other company the ordered from had the same problem. Well, eventually, they had to start paying in advance. One day, Dad got a HUGE check from them and deposited it, figuring they were about to order. That company called back later saying they sent it to the wrong people, so Dad sent it right back...minus all the money they had illegally deducted. They never said a word about it, either.
Joan said:
Think I might even be able to top that one - "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" - I was involved with a man for a few years - he was "separated" from his wife. After getting me to front him $1500 for a divorce attorney, I caught him with another woman! I politely threw all his belonging that I could find off the blacony into the parking lot. He called the next day complaining that his bathrobe was missing - I told him he could pick it up that evening - I put it in a paper bag outside my apartment door. What a surprise he must have gotten when he found the cat shit in each pocket! I then sat down and wrote a letter to his wife's attorney - stating that I would be more than willing to testify against him, with a copy to my attorney, who promptly dropped him
ok, how do you threw stuff of the balcony <i>politely</i>? :)
Shoot, people, after reading it i wanna stay single and live on the island
Bonnie said:
What was the best revenge you ever served up on somone who screwed you over in the past???? :chains:

Welllllllllllllllll.... I've told this story here before, but its been a while... sooo, I'll re-tell it. :D ... I actually have a couple lol... I can be an evil bitch.

My personal favorite:

My daughter's dad left me after I quit my job and moved out of state to be with him... he didnt "break up" with me.. he just "never came home". SO... I peed in a cup and poured it in his fifth of whiskey. When he eventually came back over to pick up his belongings, I made sure that was on top of the box... of which he shared with his brother and his cousin later that evening. My only regret is that I didnt get to watch him drink it. I also scrubbed the toilet bowl with his toothbrush and peed on that as well. However, I DID get the joy of watching him brush his teeth afterwards. :piss2: :wine:

The second:

I had a boyfriend who was a bit abusive.. mostly verbally. I had finally reached my breaking point after an argument and picked up the family cat and tossed her in the bathtub while the boyfriend was taking a bath. The cat screamed, claws out, and tried everything to get out of that bathtub but couldnt. I guess me holding the shower curtain closed didnt help much either :crutch:


You were doing okay until you abused the animal.
My first husband knew I was jealous. He knew I was a Scorpio. But that didn't stop him from talking endlessly about his former girlfriend, how pretty she was, how she could sing so beautifully, etc. etc. He also made the mistake of telling me she was a Canadian citizen and wasn't here legally. And where she lived. And her full name and everything else I needed to know.

I tried to warn the fool, but he just wouldn't listen. I think he enjoyed making me jealous. Made him feel like a big stud or something.

Anyway, I wrote a letter to the Department of Immigration and signed it with a fake man's name. Didn't matter if the name was fake, all the information in that letter was right on.

Next thing I knew my husband was talking all woefully about how poor Lorraine got deported. ROFLMAO. The customs agents showed up and escorted her little butt across the border to Canada. ROFL

Notice I said that was my "first" husband? Shortly after that I dumped him and ran off with another man to Hawaii.

I did mention I was a Scorpio, right? You never cross us or make us feel like you've crossed us, even if only in your thoughts. Never. Especially in matters of the heart. : )
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Wow, didn't realize this thread was so old. Watch out for that phony agent, that sounds like a bunch of baloney.
I had one job where I ended up managing my former boss. We (there were four of us) were on-site contractors and I got hired by my former boss's client. In other words, I worked for the corporation that had hired my former company.

My boss was okay with me but since I was one of the newer members in the group, the two more established people there treated me pretty badly. My first move was to open up the help desk to seven days a week. I told my old boss to decide who was going to work the weekends. He didn't want to do it so the "dynamic duo" was staffing the desk on weekends almost all the time (I worked a shift every other month or so).

The second move was to shift the parking from near the building to the back fence. That was in the works already but I ended up being the person who moved it.

Third, was a badging system. The regular employees like me had nice badges with a logo. Theirs said "CONTRACTOR" in orange letters.

All in all, it was pretty sweet. The funny thing was that I didn't draw up some sort of master plan. Almost all (not the help desk) was just incidental.

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