Bernie Sanders urges Hillary to fight trade deal


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
en. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Friday cranked up the pressure on Hillary Clinton to oppose President Obama’s trade push.

Sanders, who is weighing a long-shot bid for the White House, said Clinton and every other 2016 presidential candidate should oppose the 12-nation Asia-Pacific pact that the Obama administration is negotiating.

“My strong hope is that Secretary Clinton and all candidates — Republicans and Democrats — will make it clear that the Trans-Pacific Partnership should be rejected and that we must develop trade policies that benefit working families, not just Wall Street and multi-national corporations,” Sanders said in a statement.

"For decades, corporate America has been pushing disastrous trade agreements on the American people," Sanders said. "The result: millions of jobs lost through outsourcing, lower wages and the collapse of our middle class."
Bernie Sanders urges Hillary to fight trade deal TheHill

If we have finished with the evening gown competition, mayhap we can move on.
The most important trade bill in a decade has pitted Harry Reid against President Barack Obama. Liberal Democrat Rosa DeLauro against moderate Democrat Ron Kind. Labor unions against pro-business Democrats. And Elizabeth Warren against virtually everyone who supports a landmark piece of legislation that would allow the president to close what could be the biggest free-trade deal in history.

The open warring among Democrats over fast-track trade legislation, and the party’s broader existential crisis on free trade, grew more pronounced Thursday as senior lawmakers announced a breakthrough on the trade bill. Many Democrats still feel the burn, 20 years later, of lost manufacturing jobs from the North American Free Trade Agreement — pushed through by former President Bill Clinton — and they fear another Democratic president is on the verge of turning his back on working-class Americans by negotiating a trade deal that would send jobs overseas.

What’s at stake substantively is giving the president streamlined authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country free-trade deal that would dwarf NAFTA. But there’s also much more at stake politically for a Democratic Party whose progressive wing is enjoying an upswing thanks to the aggressive populism of Warren and liberals like Sen. Bernie Sanders, who are unabashedly anti-free trade deal. Obama wants to cement a legacy on global free trade, but his work negotiating with Republicans has created several factions within the Democratic Party.
Democrats civil war over free trade - Adam Behsudi - POLITICO

And they say he didn't work with Republicans.
LOL like Hilary needs to listen to some washed up yid socialist that is the senator of an irrelevant state.
He's an Independent.
And A PROUD supporter of the

Affordable Chicken Act...

Sorry kid, could not resist.
The most important trade bill in a decade has pitted Harry Reid against President Barack Obama. Liberal Democrat Rosa DeLauro against moderate Democrat Ron Kind. Labor unions against pro-business Democrats. And Elizabeth Warren against virtually everyone who supports a landmark piece of legislation that would allow the president to close what could be the biggest free-trade deal in history.

The open warring among Democrats over fast-track trade legislation, and the party’s broader existential crisis on free trade, grew more pronounced Thursday as senior lawmakers announced a breakthrough on the trade bill. Many Democrats still feel the burn, 20 years later, of lost manufacturing jobs from the North American Free Trade Agreement — pushed through by former President Bill Clinton — and they fear another Democratic president is on the verge of turning his back on working-class Americans by negotiating a trade deal that would send jobs overseas.

What’s at stake substantively is giving the president streamlined authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country free-trade deal that would dwarf NAFTA. But there’s also much more at stake politically for a Democratic Party whose progressive wing is enjoying an upswing thanks to the aggressive populism of Warren and liberals like Sen. Bernie Sanders, who are unabashedly anti-free trade deal. Obama wants to cement a legacy on global free trade, but his work negotiating with Republicans has created several factions within the Democratic Party.
Democrats civil war over free trade - Adam Behsudi - POLITICO

And they say he didn't work with Republicans.

Republicans pushed for NAFTA before Clinton was President and couldn't get it past the Democrats. Clinton twisted enough Democrats arms to get it passed and signed it into law. This free trade agreement appears to be more of the same.
I actually agree with Sanders and Warren for the first time in my life, but I think it will pass and be part of Obama's legacy.
The most important trade bill in a decade has pitted Harry Reid against President Barack Obama. Liberal Democrat Rosa DeLauro against moderate Democrat Ron Kind. Labor unions against pro-business Democrats. And Elizabeth Warren against virtually everyone who supports a landmark piece of legislation that would allow the president to close what could be the biggest free-trade deal in history.

The open warring among Democrats over fast-track trade legislation, and the party’s broader existential crisis on free trade, grew more pronounced Thursday as senior lawmakers announced a breakthrough on the trade bill. Many Democrats still feel the burn, 20 years later, of lost manufacturing jobs from the North American Free Trade Agreement — pushed through by former President Bill Clinton — and they fear another Democratic president is on the verge of turning his back on working-class Americans by negotiating a trade deal that would send jobs overseas.

What’s at stake substantively is giving the president streamlined authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country free-trade deal that would dwarf NAFTA. But there’s also much more at stake politically for a Democratic Party whose progressive wing is enjoying an upswing thanks to the aggressive populism of Warren and liberals like Sen. Bernie Sanders, who are unabashedly anti-free trade deal. Obama wants to cement a legacy on global free trade, but his work negotiating with Republicans has created several factions within the Democratic Party.
Democrats civil war over free trade - Adam Behsudi - POLITICO

And they say he didn't work with Republicans.

Republicans pushed for NAFTA before Clinton was President and couldn't get it past the Democrats. Clinton twisted enough Democrats arms to get it passed and signed it into law. This free trade agreement appears to be more of the same.
I actually agree with Sanders and Warren for the first time in my life, but I think it will pass and be part of Obama's legacy.

I agree. I am disgusted.

Anything that includes 4 years "job assistance" for jobs lost just to fast track is not good.

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