Bernie said Obama is lying


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I don't want to listen to, nor have time for the whole speech.

I'm more interested in his whistle blowing. What minute of the speech is that at?
The Unemployment Rate is what it is. The way it is calculated, however, makes it a very misleading indicator of the overall employment picture. Bernie is saying that if it were calculated in a different way (using the data that BLS already has) the picture would be much worse. But the Unemployment Rate is not a lie, it's just misleading.
Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

According to Bernie, Obama is lying about the real unemployment rate. He says it is about double what he says it is.
No, he does not say that Obama is lying. First, Obama has nothing to do with the statistical reporting, and second, the number Sanders cites comes from the same report by the same agency as the official number.

The official UE rate is the number of people actively looking for work as a percent of those working or actively looking. That's always been the definition. In 1967, "looking" was clarified to mean "in the last 4 weeks." There has always been criticism of the definition with some thinking it too narrow and others thinking it too broad. In the 1970's, BLS introduced a range of alternative measures (U-1 through U-7) to look at different aspects.

In 1994 the alternative measures were revamped. The U-1 (unemployed 15+ weeks) and the U-2 (involuntarily separated from work) remained the same. The U-3, 4, 6, and 7 were scrapped, the U-5 (the official rate) was renamed U-3. BLs introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures.

The 10.5% Sanders mentioned was teh U-6 for June 2015. The U-6 is Unemployed plus Marginally Attached to the Labor Force plus Part time for economic reasons as a percent of the Labor Force plus the Marginally Attached. Obvisouly, it must always be higher than the official rate, but that hardly means the official rate is wrong or a lie...they measure different things.
The Unemployment Rate is what it is. The way it is calculated, however, makes it a very misleading indicator of the overall employment picture. Bernie is saying that if it were calculated in a different way (using the data that BLS already has) the picture would be much worse. But the Unemployment Rate is not a lie, it's just misleading.

So as long as it is not a lie, just misleading. In both cases, Inaccurate. Why listen or take it seriously.
Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

According to Bernie, Obama is lying about the real unemployment rate. He says it is about double what he says it is.
No, he does not say that Obama is lying. First, Obama has nothing to do with the statistical reporting, and second, the number Sanders cites comes from the same report by the same agency as the official number.

The official UE rate is the number of people actively looking for work as a percent of those working or actively looking. That's always been the definition. In 1967, "looking" was clarified to mean "in the last 4 weeks." There has always been criticism of the definition with some thinking it too narrow and others thinking it too broad. In the 1970's, BLS introduced a range of alternative measures (U-1 through U-7) to look at different aspects.

In 1994 the alternative measures were revamped. The U-1 (unemployed 15+ weeks) and the U-2 (involuntarily separated from work) remained the same. The U-3, 4, 6, and 7 were scrapped, the U-5 (the official rate) was renamed U-3. BLs introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures.

The 10.5% Sanders mentioned was teh U-6 for June 2015. The U-6 is Unemployed plus Marginally Attached to the Labor Force plus Part time for economic reasons as a percent of the Labor Force plus the Marginally Attached. Obvisouly, it must always be higher than the official rate, but that hardly means the official rate is wrong or a lie...they measure different things.

Who are you, James Carney?

Here is a quote from the article.

While Sanders is no conservative — he is listed as an Independent and calls himself a socialist — his claim that the actual unemployment rate is far higher than advertised is something heard most often, at least during Obama’s tenure, from the right.

The implication is clear. The Obama administration is purposefully trying to make it appear that the economy is better than it is.
The Unemployment Rate is what it is. The way it is calculated, however, makes it a very misleading indicator of the overall employment picture. Bernie is saying that if it were calculated in a different way (using the data that BLS already has) the picture would be much worse. But the Unemployment Rate is not a lie, it's just misleading.

So as long as it is not a lie, just misleading. In both cases, Inaccurate. Why listen or take it seriously.

Misleading is apparently not lying.........I think.

I dunno. In Prog land whites can be blacks, men can be women and recession is a booming economy.
Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

According to Bernie, Obama is lying about the real unemployment rate. He says it is about double what he says it is.

Bernie also indicates that he thinks the election system is "rigged".

If so, how does he hope to win?

So what is the solution here? Empower the government more with higher taxes and increased power over health care?

Again, the far left is calling out the NEXT to far left on their lies. Will we hear this is a right wing conspiracy? If so, why didn't Hillary put him in his place? ANSWER.........because she can't!

Hillary is in "no mans land" trying to lie to the right, and the left. Obama sits there with her, lol. Nobody is buying their "crapola," even their supposed own base.

What will the Democrats do if they can't dispatch Bernie into the ether of "also rans" quickly?

The leftie posters on here want to make the whole race about Trump. That is NOT what is really happening people! What is really going down is-----------> The very far left is agreeing with the right on the state of the economy. The disagreement is........what to do about it.

This leaves Hilly in a very, very, big problem. If she can't make Bernie go away quickly, more of her base will become disenfranchised as he opens his mouth, more, and more.

I still expect Hilly to win the DNC nomination. (it is so crooked, how could she not?) But to fend off the "Bern," she is going to come out as the most untrustworthy candidate ever, and the most wounded Democratic candidate since Carter who was an incumbent.

If the GOP doesn't win this time, it isn't because their candidate stunk, it is because they just can't win. There is no candidate on the GOP side as bad as Hilly or Bernie. That is not a partisan statement at all, if negative campaigning gets you elected, then you explain how a Socialist or Hillary could get elected with their plethora of scandals, or just Bernie from being an avowed Democratic SOCIALIST.......SOCIALIST being the operative word.

It is almost a given we will have a Republican President, or that the Democratic narrative is correct, and that no Republican can win, whomever it is.

Right now, almost everything is coming up roses for the GOP, except the establishment can not get their choice candidate into position to take the reins of power. If the election was held in June, and no matter WHICH of the top 3 candidates (no, not Bush) ran, if they could talk Kasich into being the VP, the odds would be almost 60-40 for a Republican victory!

I know, it goes against the Democratic narrative, doesn't it? Then I challenge you GOPers to ask yourself this question--------------> When was the last time you believed anything a liberal said! Hillary didn't change staff to beat Bernie you know, lol. She sees better internals than I could ever hope for. So does the RNC hierarchy. Sure, it would be a tougher slog to win with this candidate, oppsed to this one, but you GOPers need to know to feel confidant. Right now, it isn't which one of your candidates COULD beat Hillary or Bernie but internal issues, but rather.....which one of your candidates could Hillary or Bernie actually have a chance to make 50-50 the odds. So far, none have appeared! As of this post looking at the latest and greatest internals, none have appeared. (if you discount Bush) Kudos to YOU!
Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

According to Bernie, Obama is lying about the real unemployment rate. He says it is about double what he says it is.
No, he does not say that Obama is lying. First, Obama has nothing to do with the statistical reporting, and second, the number Sanders cites comes from the same report by the same agency as the official number.

The official UE rate is the number of people actively looking for work as a percent of those working or actively looking. That's always been the definition. In 1967, "looking" was clarified to mean "in the last 4 weeks." There has always been criticism of the definition with some thinking it too narrow and others thinking it too broad. In the 1970's, BLS introduced a range of alternative measures (U-1 through U-7) to look at different aspects.

In 1994 the alternative measures were revamped. The U-1 (unemployed 15+ weeks) and the U-2 (involuntarily separated from work) remained the same. The U-3, 4, 6, and 7 were scrapped, the U-5 (the official rate) was renamed U-3. BLs introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures.

The 10.5% Sanders mentioned was teh U-6 for June 2015. The U-6 is Unemployed plus Marginally Attached to the Labor Force plus Part time for economic reasons as a percent of the Labor Force plus the Marginally Attached. Obvisouly, it must always be higher than the official rate, but that hardly means the official rate is wrong or a lie...they measure different things.

Who are you, James Carney?

Here is a quote from the article.

While Sanders is no conservative — he is listed as an Independent and calls himself a socialist — his claim that the actual unemployment rate is far higher than advertised is something heard most often, at least during Obama’s tenure, from the right.

The implication is clear. The Obama administration is purposefully trying to make it appear that the economy is better than it is.
The implication is wrong. The Obama administration hasn't changed anything about the UE rate. The U-3 and U-6 measure different things, so the U-6 isn't showing things are worse. The size of the number is irrelevant when they're measuring different things. Neither gives "the whole picture."

The U-3 answers the question "How much available labor is not being used?"
The U-6 answers the question "How much availble or potentially available labor is not being used to its fullest capacity?"
The Unemployment Rate is what it is. The way it is calculated, however, makes it a very misleading indicator of the overall employment picture. Bernie is saying that if it were calculated in a different way (using the data that BLS already has) the picture would be much worse. But the Unemployment Rate is not a lie, it's just misleading.

So as long as it is not a lie, just misleading. In both cases, Inaccurate. Why listen or take it seriously.
It's only misleading if you don't understand what it measures. If you think it measures everyone who wants a job, or is a measure of sufferering or need, then you'll be mislead.

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