Bernie Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Nice and simple. Truth and facts. And broken promises.

No wonder Obama's campaign is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Romney although I'm sure they'll try that too.

Man they must be desperate with the internal polling. :D

From O'Reilly's show:

BERNARD GOLDBERG: But they [liberal media] do it. They do it.

Look, can I give you another -- you like facts. Let me give you another example. There's a piece in the current edition of The Weekly Standard by a very smart fellow named Pete Wehner, who's on FOX from time to time.

I'm going to just give you five facts. Just five.

Fact No. 1, as a candidate, Barack Obama promised to create five million new energy jobs alone. Just 5 million energy jobs.

Fact No. 2, he claimed that, by the end of the first term, his healthcare plan, would quote, "bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family."

Fact No. 3, he guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help stop foreclosures.

Fact No. 4, in the first year of his presidency, he pledged, quote, "to cut the deficit we inherited in the half by the end of my first term in office."

Fact No. 5, he said he would, quote, "lift two million Americans from poverty" and, quote, "jolt our economy back to life."

Have you seen that any place in the mainstream media? That Barack Obama has failed to deliver on his promises?

Read more: Bernie Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises |

But seriously, how many more broken promises can we add to this list?
The incumbent will get total credit for the demise of Osama bin Laden.

But the ponderous number of things he completely failed to do will be ignored, and that's a lock.

Some of the things he has failed to achieve will be excused. And we all already know the drill: He inherited a "mess" from Booooosh.

And the inept FAIL in CHIEF will not run on his record. Nobody will make him run on his record. The media will enable him to do what comes most naturally to him. He will run FROM his record.
Nobody gives a damn about what an ultra right piece of shit nobody has to say.
Nice and simple. Truth and facts. And broken promises.

No wonder Obama's campaign is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Romney although I'm sure they'll try that too.

Man they must be desperate with the internal polling. :D

From O'Reilly's show:

BERNARD GOLDBERG: But they [liberal media] do it. They do it.

Look, can I give you another -- you like facts. Let me give you another example. There's a piece in the current edition of The Weekly Standard by a very smart fellow named Pete Wehner, who's on FOX from time to time.

I'm going to just give you five facts. Just five.

Fact No. 1, as a candidate, Barack Obama promised to create five million new energy jobs alone. Just 5 million energy jobs.

Fact No. 2, he claimed that, by the end of the first term, his healthcare plan, would quote, "bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family."

Fact No. 3, he guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help stop foreclosures.

Fact No. 4, in the first year of his presidency, he pledged, quote, "to cut the deficit we inherited in the half by the end of my first term in office."

Fact No. 5, he said he would, quote, "lift two million Americans from poverty" and, quote, "jolt our economy back to life."

Have you seen that any place in the mainstream media? That Barack Obama has failed to deliver on his promises?

Read more: Bernie Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises |

But seriously, how many more broken promises can we add to this list?

What I especially enjoyed was the utter lack of links showing Obama making these "promises".
Nice and simple. Truth and facts. And broken promises.

No wonder Obama's campaign is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Romney although I'm sure they'll try that too.

Man they must be desperate with the internal polling. :D

From O'Reilly's show:

BERNARD GOLDBERG: But they [liberal media] do it. They do it.

Look, can I give you another -- you like facts. Let me give you another example. There's a piece in the current edition of The Weekly Standard by a very smart fellow named Pete Wehner, who's on FOX from time to time.

I'm going to just give you five facts. Just five.

Fact No. 1, as a candidate, Barack Obama promised to create five million new energy jobs alone. Just 5 million energy jobs.

Fact No. 2, he claimed that, by the end of the first term, his healthcare plan, would quote, "bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family."

Fact No. 3, he guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help stop foreclosures.

Fact No. 4, in the first year of his presidency, he pledged, quote, "to cut the deficit we inherited in the half by the end of my first term in office."

Fact No. 5, he said he would, quote, "lift two million Americans from poverty" and, quote, "jolt our economy back to life."

Have you seen that any place in the mainstream media? That Barack Obama has failed to deliver on his promises?

Read more: Bernie Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises |

But seriously, how many more broken promises can we add to this list?

What I especially enjoyed was the utter lack of links showing Obama making these "promises".

Holy crap. Stop being a lazy yutz, you lazy yutz.

A couple of minutes on Google will confirm all for you.

Even if you "memory" IS that short.

I also have a health care plan that would save the average family $2,500 on their premiums and provide the uninsured with the same kind of health care Members of Congress give themselves. That's real relief, but we can only pay for this if we finally rollback the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans who don't need them and weren't even asking for them.
-- CANDIDATE Obama! --
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Nice and simple. Truth and facts. And broken promises.

No wonder Obama's campaign is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Romney although I'm sure they'll try that too.

Man they must be desperate with the internal polling. :D

From O'Reilly's show:

BERNARD GOLDBERG: But they [liberal media] do it. They do it.

Look, can I give you another -- you like facts. Let me give you another example. There's a piece in the current edition of The Weekly Standard by a very smart fellow named Pete Wehner, who's on FOX from time to time.

I'm going to just give you five facts. Just five.

Fact No. 1, as a candidate, Barack Obama promised to create five million new energy jobs alone. Just 5 million energy jobs.

Fact No. 2, he claimed that, by the end of the first term, his healthcare plan, would quote, "bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family."

Fact No. 3, he guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help stop foreclosures.

Fact No. 4, in the first year of his presidency, he pledged, quote, "to cut the deficit we inherited in the half by the end of my first term in office."

Fact No. 5, he said he would, quote, "lift two million Americans from poverty" and, quote, "jolt our economy back to life."

Have you seen that any place in the mainstream media? That Barack Obama has failed to deliver on his promises?

Read more: Bernie Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises |

But seriously, how many more broken promises can we add to this list?

The voters won't
What I especially enjoyed was the utter lack of links showing Obama making these "promises".

I can do that.

Promise 1: [ame=]In 2008, Obama Promised Five Million Green Jobs - YouTube[/ame]

Promise 2:

In speech after speech, Senator Barack Obama has vowed that he will lower the country’s health care costs enough to “bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family.” Moreover, Mr. Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has promised that his health plan will be in place “by the end of my first term as president of the United States.”

Whether Mr. Obama can deliver is a matter of considerable dispute among health analysts and economists. While there is consensus that the American health care system is bloated with waste, eliminating enough to save $2,500 per family would require simultaneous and synergistic solutions to a host of problems that have proved intractable for decades.

Even if the next president and Congress can muster the political will, analysts question whether significant savings would materialize in as little as four years, or even in 10. But as Mr. Obama confronts an electorate that is deeply unsettled by escalating health costs, he is offering a precise “chicken in every pot” guarantee based on numbers that are largely unknowable. Furthermore, it is not completely clear what he is promising.

His words about lowering “premiums” by $2,500 for the average family of four have been fairly consistent.

Promise 3: Barack Obama: Remarks in Chester, Pennsylvania

As President, I will ensure that the financial rescue plan helps stop foreclosures and protects your money instead of enriching CEOs.

Promise 4: Remarks by the President and the Vice President at Opening of Fiscal Responsibility Summit, 2-23-09 | The White House

And that's why today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.

Promise 5: [ame=]2/17/09: Obama Promised Stimulus Would Lift 2 Million Americans From Poverty - YouTube[/ame]
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Nice and simple. Truth and facts. And broken promises.

No wonder Obama's campaign is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Romney although I'm sure they'll try that too.

Man they must be desperate with the internal polling. :D

From O'Reilly's show:

BERNARD GOLDBERG: But they [liberal media] do it. They do it.

Look, can I give you another -- you like facts. Let me give you another example. There's a piece in the current edition of The Weekly Standard by a very smart fellow named Pete Wehner, who's on FOX from time to time.

I'm going to just give you five facts. Just five.

Fact No. 1, as a candidate, Barack Obama promised to create five million new energy jobs alone. Just 5 million energy jobs.

Fact No. 2, he claimed that, by the end of the first term, his healthcare plan, would quote, "bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family."

Fact No. 3, he guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help stop foreclosures.

Fact No. 4, in the first year of his presidency, he pledged, quote, "to cut the deficit we inherited in the half by the end of my first term in office."

Fact No. 5, he said he would, quote, "lift two million Americans from poverty" and, quote, "jolt our economy back to life."

Have you seen that any place in the mainstream media? That Barack Obama has failed to deliver on his promises?

Read more: Bernie Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises |

But seriously, how many more broken promises can we add to this list?

What I especially enjoyed was the utter lack of links showing Obama making these "promises".

Great article. Promises, Promises at the Weekly Standard as Goldberg mentioned.

From the article a partial but fabulous summation of the O's failures.

The problem for Obama is that his predictions were not only wrong; they were terribly wide of the mark.

For example, since the president was sworn in, America has suffered a net decline of roughly half a million jobs. According to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average annual premium for family health coverage through an employer reached $15,073 in 2011—an increase of 9 percent, or $1,303, over the previous year.

The 9 percent increase in family premiums between 2010 and 2011 followed an increase of 3 percent between 2009 and 2010. Under Obama, the number of foreclosures was the worst in history.

In addition, last year was the worst sales year on record for housing, while home values are nearly 35 percent lower than they were five years ago.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate has been above 8 percent for 41 consecutive months. The deficit was around $1.3 trillion the day Obama took office in the midst of the financial crisis; according to the Congressional Budget Office, in the current 2012 budget year, the deficit will be around $1.25 trillion.

And a record 46 million Americans are now living in poverty.

In addition, during the Obama years we’ve experienced the weakest economic recovery on record. America’s credit rating was downgraded for the first time in our history.

The standard of living for Americans fell more steeply than at any time since the government began recording it five decades ago.

Income for American families has actually declined more following the economic recession than it did during the official recession itself.

Adding salt to his self-inflicted wounds, Obama, in the heady early days of his presidency, invited accountability.

In February 2009, for example, the president told NBC’s Matt Lauer that if he didn’t have the economy fixed in three years, then “there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

Promises, Promises | The Weekly Standard
What I especially enjoyed was the utter lack of links showing Obama making these "promises".

I can do that.

Promise 1: [ame=]In 2008, Obama Promised Five Million Green Jobs - YouTube[/ame]

Promise 2:

In speech after speech, Senator Barack Obama has vowed that he will lower the country’s health care costs enough to “bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family.” Moreover, Mr. Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has promised that his health plan will be in place “by the end of my first term as president of the United States.”

Whether Mr. Obama can deliver is a matter of considerable dispute among health analysts and economists. While there is consensus that the American health care system is bloated with waste, eliminating enough to save $2,500 per family would require simultaneous and synergistic solutions to a host of problems that have proved intractable for decades.

Even if the next president and Congress can muster the political will, analysts question whether significant savings would materialize in as little as four years, or even in 10. But as Mr. Obama confronts an electorate that is deeply unsettled by escalating health costs, he is offering a precise “chicken in every pot” guarantee based on numbers that are largely unknowable. Furthermore, it is not completely clear what he is promising.

His words about lowering “premiums” by $2,500 for the average family of four have been fairly consistent.

Promise 3: Barack Obama: Remarks in Chester, Pennsylvania

As President, I will ensure that the financial rescue plan helps stop foreclosures and protects your money instead of enriching CEOs.

Promise 4: Remarks by the President and the Vice President at Opening of Fiscal Responsibility Summit, 2-23-09 | The White House

And that's why today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.

Promise 5: [ame=]2/17/09: Obama Promised Stimulus Would Lift 2 Million Americans From Poverty - YouTube[/ame]

You can't honestly think giving an Obamabot honestly and directly what they asked for would ever cause shift their position that Obama is anything but a DemiGod, did you? ReallyFuckingStupid will just move to the next talking point by mentioning Republican/Mitt/Bush. The goal post will shift from “Give me links!” to…. Mitt Romney believes his soul will go to an alien planet…

Hell, I didn't need a link to know Obama said these things, I was a-fucking-live 4 years ago... Where was ReallyFuckingStupid?
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What I especially enjoyed was the utter lack of links showing Obama making these "promises".

I can do that.

Promise 1: [ame=""]In 2008, Obama Promised Five Million Green Jobs - YouTube[/ame]

Promise 2:

In speech after speech, Senator Barack Obama has vowed that he will lower the country’s health care costs enough to “bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family.” Moreover, Mr. Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has promised that his health plan will be in place “by the end of my first term as president of the United States.”

Whether Mr. Obama can deliver is a matter of considerable dispute among health analysts and economists. While there is consensus that the American health care system is bloated with waste, eliminating enough to save $2,500 per family would require simultaneous and synergistic solutions to a host of problems that have proved intractable for decades.

Even if the next president and Congress can muster the political will, analysts question whether significant savings would materialize in as little as four years, or even in 10. But as Mr. Obama confronts an electorate that is deeply unsettled by escalating health costs, he is offering a precise “chicken in every pot” guarantee based on numbers that are largely unknowable. Furthermore, it is not completely clear what he is promising.

His words about lowering “premiums” by $2,500 for the average family of four have been fairly consistent.

Promise 3: Barack Obama: Remarks in Chester, Pennsylvania

As President, I will ensure that the financial rescue plan helps stop foreclosures and protects your money instead of enriching CEOs.

Promise 4: Remarks by the President and the Vice President at Opening of Fiscal Responsibility Summit, 2-23-09 | The White House

And that's why today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.

Promise 5: [ame=""]2/17/09: Obama Promised Stimulus Would Lift 2 Million Americans From Poverty - YouTube[/ame]

Where'd ya go, Stupid?

What I especially enjoyed was the utter lack of links showing Obama making these "promises".

I can do that.

Promise 1: [ame=""]In 2008, Obama Promised Five Million Green Jobs - YouTube[/ame]

Promise 2:

Promise 3: Barack Obama: Remarks in Chester, Pennsylvania

Promise 4: Remarks by the President and the Vice President at Opening of Fiscal Responsibility Summit, 2-23-09 | The White House

And that's why today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.

Promise 5: [ame=""]2/17/09: Obama Promised Stimulus Would Lift 2 Million Americans From Poverty - YouTube[/ame]

Where'd ya go, Stupid?


Stupid is reloading. He has a full supply of stupid, but he wants more.

Application granted.

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