Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed:

J-roc, you are a defender of war, not Israel. You are Greater Israel's enemy.
You're a senile old man. We don't want war. Iran is in Syria, fighting along side Hazballah with air cover from Russia. The same Iran who pledges to wipe out Israel .You loved Obama's Iran deal, because your weak like Obama
I am a cogntively aware older fellow who runs rings around you and your type. You want war in the ME. Yes, you want war with Iran. You like the Iran deal far better than I do; it stinks but it is what we have right now. You like it because you think you can play it into war. Son, you can't. Go back to school and learn this time.
100s of billions to Iran means war old man. Get it through your old crusted brain :slap:
How good then, if you think so, that you have no power in the matter.

Why do you want a well armed and well funded and Iran and Hazballah? Do you love the Mullahs like Obama does?
I have no problem with supporting Israel if it has to go to war. But we won't be sending American troops.

They don't need them. As long as we supply them with what they need:thup:
This is a war of attrition and may play out for hundreds of years...Israel does not have the manpower to go beyond its borders. The Palestinians are the least of Israel's long-term problems...

Demographics within and without will be her downfall.
When has that ever changed under BHO?

He will try to restrain the PM from being a cowboy, yes, but that doe not mean he is pro-Iran.

What is it with you neo-cons?

He's pro Obama, Iran played him for the fool that he and the other idiot, John Kerry are. Now Iran will be on the move, and very well funded
J-roc, you are a defender of war, not Israel. You are Greater Israel's enemy.
You're a senile old man. We don't want war. Iran is in Syria, fighting along side Hazballah with air cover from Russia. The same Iran who pledges to wipe out Israel .You loved Obama's Iran deal, because your weak like Obama
I am a cogntively aware older fellow who runs rings around you and your type. You want war in the ME. Yes, you want war with Iran. You like the Iran deal far better than I do; it stinks but it is what we have right now. You like it because you think you can play it into war. Son, you can't. Go back to school and learn this time.
100s of billions to Iran means war old man. Get it through your old crusted brain :slap:
How good then, if you think so, that you have no power in the matter.
Why do you want a well armed and well funded and Iran and Hazballah? Do you love the Mullahs like Obama does?
Fallacy of mischaracterization as you well know. I support Israel, will stand by her, not let her do anything foolish.
I have no problem with supporting Israel if it has to go to war. But we won't be sending American troops.

They don't need them. As long as we supply them with what they need:thup:
This is a war of attrition and may play out for hundreds of years...Israel does not have the manpower to go beyond its borders. The Palestinians are the least of Israel's long-term problems...

Demographics within and without will be her downfall.
The internal problem will be solved. If three centuries pass, Greater Israel will still stand.
The violence is Netanyahu inspired, take over the mount and every Muslim in the world will join a war against Israel for a thousand years.
It's Netanfuckyou's MO. He manufactured the Gaza invasion last summer to break up the Fatah-Hamas unity government by lying about who killed the 3 teens when he had no evidence.

And he's going to manufacture something up this time to.

Just look at all the story's these little Israeli kiss-asses tell in this thread alone.
The Israelis should have annexed the entire region in 1967. All questions would have been settled then.
That's like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland.

No, it's not. At all. Poland never attacked Germany.
They sure had a lot of German territory after ww1.

So yes poland had conquered part of Germany and the people in that region were Germans. Poland and Germany had hostilities for centuries before that too.

the difference is, the Ashkenazi invaded a land that they have no claim to and is geographically irrelevant.
The violence is Netanyahu inspired, take over the mount and every Muslim in the world will join a war against Israel for a thousand years.
It's Netanfuckyou's MO. He manufactured the Gaza invasion last summer to break up the Fatah-Hamas unity government by lying about who killed the 3 teens when he had no evidence. And he's going to manufacture something up this time to. Just look at all the story's these little Israeli kiss-asses tell in this thread alone.
Whatever palistanians may be marketing, of course.
I have no problem with supporting Israel if it has to go to war. But we won't be sending American troops.

They don't need them. As long as we supply them with what they need:thup:
This is a war of attrition and may play out for hundreds of years...Israel does not have the manpower to go beyond its borders. The Palestinians are the least of Israel's long-term problems...

Demographics within and without will be her downfall.

Not really as Israel could build a wall stopping all but long range missiles, then enact laws that prohibit more than two children per couple. Then any citizens that profess support for Israel's enemies to be deported. End of problem as very few arab muslims would be left inside Israel and outside would be just another third world Islamic shit hole.
Another stupid remark from the Rabid Jew Hater. Unlike the Arabs who initiated the 67 War Hitler initiated WW11 and invaded Poland
Talk about stupid.

The '67 war started when Israel attacked Egypt.

Why would I hate Jews?

Not according to the UN and your president that said the closure of the straits was an act of war by Egypt.

Because you are a Catholic who has been brainwashed to do so by the priests and nuns
Nope. Following an Israeli-Syrian skirmish, Egypt massed its troops along the Israeli border on the Sinai Peninsula. Israel then, intelligently, launched a pre-emptive strike, destroying the Egyptian air force.
That is still Israel attacking Egypt.

Spin it any way you want, the fact is, Israel attacked Egypt.

So what about the act of war over a week before Israel struck back when Egypt closed the straits to Israeli vessels. Everyone else but you saw that as an act of war by Egyot

Clearly Nut&Yahoo is forcing a new Palestinian uprising so that the ZioNazis can try to usurp the Noble Sanctuary of the ME Muslims.

Watch America reward him with full recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN with American support.

Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed: A new, deliberately provocative right-wing incursion into sacred ground

Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed: A new, deliberately provocative right-wing incursion into sacred ground -

World leaders converging on the UN General Assembly will soon be hearing from Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. They should focus on Jerusalem, which is again at a boiling point and has the potential to be a global flashpoint if international leaders and diplomats fail to address increasingly reckless rhetoric from Israeli government leaders and the provocative actions of Israeli settlers.

In recent days, right-wing Israeli Jews escorted by Israeli police have been making incursions inside the Al-Aqsa compound, also known as the Noble Sanctuary and Temple Mount to Jews. They are calling for more access to the compound with the ultimate goal of building a third temple in place of Al-Aqsa, which is revered by Muslims worldwide and is based in East Jerusalem – Palestinian territory that Israel occupied and illegally annexed in 1967.

Israeli authorities have abetted these right-wing extremists by effectively imposing a physical and temporal partition of the Al-Aqsa compound. We have been here before: It was Ariel Sharon’s deliberately provocative visit to Al-Aqsa as opposition leader 15 years ago this month that triggered the Second Intifada and years of bloodshed.

Members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party – such as Miri Regev and Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel – have sought to violate the status quo in pursuit of Jewish control over the compound. In fact, the Israeli government provides funding to groups such as the Temple Institute, an organization that aims to build a temple to replace the Noble Sanctuary, destroying it altogether. If they succeed in this plan, there will be bloody repercussions in Palestine, Israel, the Middle East and beyond.

The coverage of the turmoil in Jerusalem has tended to focus on the clashes. These are typically viewed as signs of an emerging “religious war.” This framing, however, fails to address the political and ideological context in which the strife unfolds and the explicit aims of the Israeli government.

Wants what every politician wants - re-election.

Coulda attacked Iran or dealt more harshly with Palestinians many times before now.
The violence is Netanyahu inspired, take over the mount and every Muslim in the world will join a war against Israel for a thousand years.
It's Netanfuckyou's MO. He manufactured the Gaza invasion last summer to break up the Fatah-Hamas unity government by lying about who killed the 3 teens when he had no evidence.

And he's going to manufacture something up this time to.

Just look at all the story's these little Israeli kiss-asses tell in this thread alone.

So he engineered over 200 illegal rockets fired at Israel in one week, he engineered the callous cold blooded murder of 3 Jewish boys and then engineered the filling of tunnels under Israeli schools with H.E. There was plenty of evidence and in the end hamas admitted that they were to blame for the murders

Youi mean facts that you cant disprove so you come up with more of your Jew hatred propaganda
The Israelis should have annexed the entire region in 1967. All questions would have been settled then.
That's like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland.

No, it's not. At all. Poland never attacked Germany.
They sure had a lot of German territory after ww1.

So yes poland had conquered part of Germany and the people in that region were Germans. Poland and Germany had hostilities for centuries before that too.

the difference is, the Ashkenazi invaded a land that they have no claim to and is geographically irrelevant.

Depends on whether or not you believe that International law worked for the Jews or not. Or does it only work for the arab muslims who arrived after the Jews to the land of Judea and Samaria. All the genetic testing done to date shows that the Ashkenazi Jews have the same genetic markers as the Sephardic Jews and the ancient Jews buried in Palestine.

So do explain how you can say that the Jews of the world had no claim to Judea and Samaria ?
I have no problem with supporting Israel if it has to go to war. But we won't be sending American troops.

They don't need them. As long as we supply them with what they need:thup:
This is a war of attrition and may play out for hundreds of years...Israel does not have the manpower to go beyond its borders. The Palestinians are the least of Israel's long-term problems...

Demographics within and without will be her downfall.
The internal problem will be solved. If three centuries pass, Greater Israel will still stand.
Letting Iran arm up and supply weapons to terrorist is foolish. Obama is a fool

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