Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists

What happened when the attack is not that important based on THIS:

- That attack was the 3rd (THIRD) and final attack on the compound. Other nations pulled their people out before this attack Hillary and Barry CHOSE not to...the Americans were there...and died...because they left them there to die.

2. HILLARY & BARRY KNEW there was going to be a MIDDLE EAST-WIDE attack on 9/11/12.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked on 9/11/12. 2 were overrun. Americans died in only 1 of the attacks. Only THAT attack was explained as a 'PROREST OVER A VIDEO'.

3. Every other nation had pulled their people out because of the growing violence and pending attack on 9/11/12. Again, Hillary and Barry CHOSE to leave them there, to abandon them.

4. The 2nd attack on the compound left a 4-foot hole in the compound wall...Ambassador Stephens warned the State Department afterward that they would never survive a 3rd larger attack. The State Department / Hillary responded by not only rejecting another request for additional security but also TOOK AWAY some of the compound's security ... and still left them there to die in the attack on 9/11/12 still to come.

'Nothing came of the investigations...Hillary and Barry made no mistakes, did nothing wrong.'


4 Americans are dead because they CHOSE not to save them.

No. They didn't know ahead of time - there wasn't any actionable intelligence. It's like the claims that Bush could have prevented 9/11. There were multiple western embassies still there prior to the attack and remaining there after the attack.
BULLSHIT! YOU LIE! I have posted evidence proving you wrong about this numerous times.

Even if you were right, which you are NOT, if Hillary and Barry / the Obama administration's Intel did not know about a Middle East-wide highly coordinated attack on the anniversary of 9/11 (other countries cited the pending attack as part of the reason they were pulling out), then they still F*-ED UP / FAILED MASSIVELY!

Nope. I'm not lying. If you think I'm lying then so are those who conducted the investigations.

Intelligence was not specific enough. Some embassies pulled out, others stayed. There was no intelligence stating that the embassy was going to be attacked.
I have posted it many times here. You can search Benghazi. I’ll give you one then you can search for the many others. It was not a video and they knew it wasn’t from the get-go, proven by their emails. Hillary let her daughter know immediately.
They aren’t playing politics. They tried to get the truth out there, which much of the lies were uncovered, just never carried by the left wing media. That is a patriot, trying to expose the truth. A coverup is, well... aThat is sickening.
And more sickening is the left don’t care and will even seek to destroy anyone that gets in their way.
Paronto has no issues with the GOP using this to play politics with this. He clearly is a partisan hack. Hardly a patriot.

What specific lies and what cover up?
Hillary texted a foreign Ambassador saying she knew immediately it was a terrorist attack.

No shIt - the Ambassador in Tripoli testified that he called the DOJ 5 minutes after the attack began and told them it was a terrorist attack.

The Tripoli Team sent a report to the WH and to Hillary at the DOJ. The report was modified 13 times - every reference to terrorism and a terrorist attack was stripped from the report before it was released to the public.

'Nothing revealed in the investigations'.
who cares? the final report said she wasnt responsible. plus nobodys making a stink about the oct 2017 niger attack.
4 Americans are dead....' who cares'.

Hillary was responsible for their security. They are now dead.
- But a report found she was not responsible so those r deaths don't matter.

Umm...when you are responsible for protecting someone and they end up DEAD ... YOU ARE F*ING RESPONSIBLE & YOU F*ING FAILED!

She 'lost' 4 Americans.

She 'lost' Top Secret information.
-- 6 foreign entities 'found' it

She 'list' 15,000 computer files / documents

...but she's not responsible for any of it...
If Hillary Clinton's daughter would have been in Benghazi would she have left her there after 2 terrorist attacks ... Would she have denied her daughter's request for more security ... Would she have taken away some of her security and left her there there?


'Nuff said.
What happened when the attack is not that important based on THIS:

- That attack was the 3rd (THIRD) and final attack on the compound. Other nations pulled their people out before this attack Hillary and Barry CHOSE not to...the Americans were there...and died...because they left them there to die.

2. HILLARY & BARRY KNEW there was going to be a MIDDLE EAST-WIDE attack on 9/11/12.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked on 9/11/12. 2 were overrun. Americans died in only 1 of the attacks. Only THAT attack was explained as a 'PROREST OVER A VIDEO'.

3. Every other nation had pulled their people out because of the growing violence and pending attack on 9/11/12. Again, Hillary and Barry CHOSE to leave them there, to abandon them.

4. The 2nd attack on the compound left a 4-foot hole in the compound wall...Ambassador Stephens warned the State Department afterward that they would never survive a 3rd larger attack. The State Department / Hillary responded by not only rejecting another request for additional security but also TOOK AWAY some of the compound's security ... and still left them there to die in the attack on 9/11/12 still to come.

'Nothing came of the investigations...Hillary and Barry made no mistakes, did nothing wrong.'


4 Americans are dead because they CHOSE not to save them.

No. They didn't know ahead of time - there wasn't any actionable intelligence. It's like the claims that Bush could have prevented 9/11. There were multiple western embassies still there prior to the attack and remaining there after the attack.
BULLSHIT! YOU LIE! I have posted evidence proving you wrong about this numerous times.

Even if you were right, which you are NOT, if Hillary and Barry / the Obama administration's Intel did not know about a Middle East-wide highly coordinated attack on the anniversary of 9/11 (other countries cited the pending attack as part of the reason they were pulling out), then they still F*-ED UP / FAILED MASSIVELY!

Even if they did not know a 3rd attack was not coming, after the 2nd attack Ambassador Stephens warned they could not survive a 3rd...

And instead of pulling them out Hillary denied another request and took away some of their existing security...AGAIN, LEAVING THEM TO DIE!

No...that is another conspiracy theory.

Did Hillary Clinton know that more security was needed?

On the issue of security at the outpost in Benghazi, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul put the blame on Hillary Clinton.:

"I think it's pretty important that she accept blame for not providing security," Paul said. "She was asked repeatedly to provide security in Benghazi on several occasions including direct cables, and she says she never read the cables on security. I find that inexcusable and a dereliction of duty."

The State Department was asked repeatedly for additional U.S. security staff in Libya. But we see no evidence that Clinton herself was made aware of those requests. For example, there’s no "direct cable" that automatically appears on the secretary of state’s desk. Instead, all cables would have carried her name, and only those passed up the chain by staff would have reached her. She says they didn’t. Paul’s office didn’t provide evidence linking requests for security directly to Clinton. We found only evidence that requests were made of her department. We rate his statement Mostly False.
If Hillary Clinton's daughter would have been in Benghazi would she have left her there after 2 terrorist attacks ... Would she have denied her daughter's request for more security ... Would she have taken away some of her security and left her there there?


'Nuff said.
How could she deny something she was never made aware of? Nuff said.​
Dude, Hillary had 3 chances to pull them out.
- She CHOSE not to.

She was asked for additional security 50+ times
- She rejected every request

After the 2nd attack, that left a 4-foot hole in the wall, she TOOK AWAY security

Are we supposed to believe these 2 attacks were ALSO protests over videos?

SHE was responsible for protecting those Americans....she failed...they were murdered.

The security she hired to protect them included:
2. A security company that never worked in a hostile area and never carried guns before


Save you BS for your fellow snowflakes, C.
Dude, Hillary had 3 chances to pull them out.
- She CHOSE not to.

She was asked for additional security 50+ times
- She rejected every request

After the 2nd attack, that left a 4-foot hole in the wall, she TOOK AWAY security

Are we supposed to believe these 2 attacks were ALSO protests over videos?

SHE was responsible for protecting those Americans....she failed...they were murdered.

The security she hired to protect them included:
2. A security company that never worked in a hostile area and never carried guns before


Save you BS for your fellow snowflakes, C.
Dude. There is no evidence she ever saw those requests. She didn’t refuse anything. Your own investigations cleared her. You do realize that don’t you?
Dude. There is no evidence she ever saw those requests.

Under oath before Congress she LAUGHED then testified she thought those requests were a joke, part of his sense of humor.

1. She knew.

2. Who the F* laughs at a dead man's more than 50 pleas for help?

Even if she had not known, SHE was the Secretary of State. SHE was responsible for their protection. SHE FAILED.

SHE was the Secretary of Defense... She had no clue what was going on in HER agency? About more than to requests for additional security at a compound attacked by terrorists twice already...and all those requests had been denied?

This is still a massive fail on HER part for not knowing.

You lie and have the lamest damn excuses and defenses...
Dude. There is no evidence she ever saw those requests.

Under oath before Congress she LAUGHED then testified she thought those requests were a joke, part of his sense of humor.

1. She knew.

2. Who the F* laughs at a dead man's more than 50 pleas for help?

Even if she had not known, SHE was the Secretary of State. SHE was responsible for their protection. SHE FAILED.

SHE was the Secretary of Defense... She had no clue what was going on in HER agency? About more than to requests for additional security at a compound attacked by terrorists twice already...and all those requests had been denied?

This is still a massive fail on HER part for not knowing.

You lie and have the lamest damn excuses and defenses...
She was not the Secretary of Defense.

Again...I go by the investigation’s conclusions. Not some incoherent conspiracy theorist’s partisan rantings.
Dude, Hillary had 3 chances to pull them out.
- She CHOSE not to.

She was asked for additional security 50+ times
- She rejected every request

After the 2nd attack, that left a 4-foot hole in the wall, she TOOK AWAY security

Are we supposed to believe these 2 attacks were ALSO protests over videos?

SHE was responsible for protecting those Americans....she failed...they were murdered.

The security she hired to protect them included:
2. A security company that never worked in a hostile area and never carried guns before


Save you BS for your fellow snowflakes, C.
Dude. There is no evidence she ever saw those requests. She didn’t refuse anything. Your own investigations cleared her. You do realize that don’t you?
She was never 'cleared" because none of the investigations were ever a 'criminal' investigation, dumb ass. It was Fact-Finding'.
Dude, Hillary had 3 chances to pull them out.
- She CHOSE not to.

She was asked for additional security 50+ times
- She rejected every request

After the 2nd attack, that left a 4-foot hole in the wall, she TOOK AWAY security

Are we supposed to believe these 2 attacks were ALSO protests over videos?

SHE was responsible for protecting those Americans....she failed...they were murdered.

The security she hired to protect them included:
2. A security company that never worked in a hostile area and never carried guns before


Save you BS for your fellow snowflakes, C.
Dude. There is no evidence she ever saw those requests. She didn’t refuse anything. Your own investigations cleared her. You do realize that don’t you?
She was never 'cleared" because none of the investigations were ever a 'criminal' investigation, dumb ass. It was Fact-Finding'.
Ya, doofus, because there were no crimes committed. If the fact finding doesn’t find any evidence of crimes there is not going to be a criminal investigation.
Dude. There is no evidence she ever saw those requests.

Under oath before Congress she LAUGHED then testified she thought those requests were a joke, part of his sense of humor.

1. She knew.

2. Who the F* laughs at a dead man's more than 50 pleas for help?

Even if she had not known, SHE was the Secretary of State. SHE was responsible for their protection. SHE FAILED.

SHE was the Secretary of Defense... She had no clue what was going on in HER agency? About more than to requests for additional security at a compound attacked by terrorists twice already...and all those requests had been denied?

This is still a massive fail on HER part for not knowing.

You lie and have the lamest damn excuses and defenses...
She was not the Secretary of Defense.

Again...I go by the investigation’s conclusions. Not some incoherent conspiracy theorist’s partisan rantings.
Sect of state.

You go by crafted reports designed to protect Hillary and Barry.

You keep avoiding the fact that she had e opportunities to pull them out after 2 terrorist attacks and instead left them there to die....

You just claimed she did not know about the requests, & I just proved she did based on the fact that she testified she thought those requests were a joke, part of his sense of humor.

YOU even know the facts, but you keep lying and defending her sorry ass.
Ya, doofus, because there were no crimes committed. If the fact finding doesn’t find any evidence of crimes there is not going to be a criminal investigation.
A 'FACT FINDING investigation' as these were intended to find the .ca rd so this disaster could be prevented in the future ... And you keep lying about how they 'found nothing's, and I gave debunked that lie repeatedly.

Hillary is a self-serving, lying, national security-compromising POS.
Ya, doofus, because there were no crimes committed. If the fact finding doesn’t find any evidence of crimes there is not going to be a criminal investigation.
A 'FACT FINDING investigation' as these were intended to find the .ca rd so this disaster could be prevented in the future ... And you keep lying about how they 'found nothing's, and I gave debunked that lie repeatedly.

Hillary is a self-serving, lying, national security-compromising POS.
Point out the parts of the investigation results that support your claim then. I will wait.
Back to the focus of the thread....

The cowardly bitch who KNEW it was a terrorist attack 5 minutes after it began and who disappeared, immediately going into hiding until it was over, attacked one of the heroes who were actually there and put his life on the line trying to save lives.

Obama can go F* himself.
Dude. There is no evidence she ever saw those requests.

Under oath before Congress she LAUGHED then testified she thought those requests were a joke, part of his sense of humor.

1. She knew.

2. Who the F* laughs at a dead man's more than 50 pleas for help?

Even if she had not known, SHE was the Secretary of State. SHE was responsible for their protection. SHE FAILED.

SHE was the Secretary of Defense... She had no clue what was going on in HER agency? About more than to requests for additional security at a compound attacked by terrorists twice already...and all those requests had been denied?

This is still a massive fail on HER part for not knowing.

You lie and have the lamest damn excuses and defenses...
She was not the Secretary of Defense.

Again...I go by the investigation’s conclusions. Not some incoherent conspiracy theorist’s partisan rantings.
Sect of state.

You go by crafted reports designed to protect Hillary and Barry.

You keep avoiding the fact that she had e opportunities to pull them out after 2 terrorist attacks and instead left them there to die....

You just claimed she did not know about the requests, & I just proved she did based on the fact that she testified she thought those requests were a joke, part of his sense of humor.

YOU even know the facts, but you keep lying and defending her sorry ass.
What crafted reports? These included Republican led inquiries LOOKING for political ammo to use against her. But they didn’t come up with anything.
Ya, doofus, because there were no crimes committed. If the fact finding doesn’t find any evidence of crimes there is not going to be a criminal investigation.
A 'FACT FINDING investigation' as these were intended to find the .ca rd so this disaster could be prevented in the future ... And you keep lying about how they 'found nothing's, and I gave debunked that lie repeatedly.

Hillary is a self-serving, lying, national security-compromising POS.
Point out the parts of the investigation results that support your claim then. I will wait.
Go read the transcripts again of Hillary's testimony, bit@h.

Go back and read the papers about how she laughed about Stephen's death.

Marines responding to Benghazi were held up by debate on weapons and uniforms, commander says


Benghazi guards turned on US diplomats in 2012 attack, sources say

'An obscure private firm hired by the State Department over internal objections to protect U.S. diplomats in Benghazi just months before the American ambassador and three others were killed was staffed with hastily recruited locals with terror ties who helped carry out the attack'

Final Benghazi report details administration failures

In 2013, the year after 22 US Embassies were attacked on the same day - 9/11/12 - and 4 Americans were murdered, the lying POS Obama publicly declared there had been no large scale terrorist attack on Americans...

Boston Marathon...Ft Hood...Benghazi....

During 8 years Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, aided, abetted, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into 2 un-Constitutional wars to HELP terrorists.

Boston, Texas, California, Iraq...successful terrorist attack after successful terrorist attack...

They weren't 'cases of workplace violence' ... they weren't 'protests over video's...

But they didn’t come up with anything.

Repeating that lie over and over, continuing to ignore everything I have written THAT CAME TO LIGHT IN THOSE INVEZTIGATIONS AND REPORTS, doesn't make the lie true.
Because 4 Americans were abandoned to die in Benghazi.

Every other nation pulled their people out. Hillary and Barry refused to pull Americans out after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, the last one leaving a 4 foot hole in the wall.

After that attack Hillary pulled several security members out but left the rest of the Americans there to die.
Only snowflakes can look at failing to protect the lives of 4 Americans, which was their job, as not being responsible for failing to protect them and keep them alive....

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