Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists

Obama didn't attack them. I guess the thread's over.

Paronto needs to take his meds.
Why did Obama have to bring up Benghazi? It's because it was his single biggest FAILURE as a President and Commander In Chief. Paronto is a Patriot and Obama is a fraud.

Paronto has no issues with the GOP using this to play politics with this. He clearly is a partisan hack. Hardly a patriot.
Saw this on Twitter, very appropriate for how he and his administration felt about it. Sickening

They aren’t playing politics. They tried to get the truth out there, which much of the lies were uncovered, just never carried by the left wing media. That is a patriot, trying to expose the truth. A coverup is, well... That is sickening.
And more sickening is the left don’t care and will even seek to destroy anyone that gets in their way.
Obama didn't attack them. I guess the thread's over.

Paronto needs to take his meds.
Why did Obama have to bring up Benghazi? It's because it was his single biggest FAILURE as a President and Commander In Chief. Paronto is a Patriot and Obama is a fraud.

Paronto has no issues with the GOP using this to play politics with this. He clearly is a partisan hack. Hardly a patriot.
Is it the same "Tanto" Paranto who is hawking so called "tactical glasses" on T.V.? Kind of makes you think he ain't such a reliable witness.
Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists

The former president then accused the GOP of “embracing wild conspiracy theories — like those surrounding Benghazi.

The line caused laughter in the audience. But one veteran and Benghazi survivor was not laughing.

Kris Paronto was in Benghazi when Islamic extremists overran a U.S. embassy and consulate, killing four Americans. Paronto, a former U.S. Army Ranger, was working as a CIA security contractor at the time.

Paronto called Obama a “cowardly ass” and “scum” for referencing Benghazi in the speech.'

“Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?!” Paronto tweeted, “How bout we do this, let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies & shoot rpg’s & Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for U.S. support that you never sent.”

Gee, who do we believe...

...the coward who disappeared when the attack started (we still do not know where we were the whole time), showed back up when it was over, and declared it was a PROTEST OVER A VIDEO...

...or the HERO who was on the ground in Benghazi fighting the terrorists Barry armed and helped take over Libya and who were now killing Americans?

Obama is such a lying treasonous POS!

No less than nine investigations. All found nothing.

So yeah, dopey conspiracies.
Yout lie - they found LOTS.

It wasn't a CRIMINAL investigation, dumbass! They were fact-finding investigations.
They aren’t playing politics. They tried to get the truth out there, which much of the lies were uncovered, just never carried by the left wing media. That is a patriot, trying to expose the truth. A coverup is, well... aThat is sickening.
And more sickening is the left don’t care and will even seek to destroy anyone that gets in their way.
Obama didn't attack them. I guess the thread's over.

Paronto needs to take his meds.
Why did Obama have to bring up Benghazi? It's because it was his single biggest FAILURE as a President and Commander In Chief. Paronto is a Patriot and Obama is a fraud.

Paronto has no issues with the GOP using this to play politics with this. He clearly is a partisan hack. Hardly a patriot.

What specific lies and what cover up?
Obama knows he's toast.
He'll end up singing like a bird at the end. I think he's going to be the first president to be executed for treason.

If there is any Justice left on earth....I think he should be.
Obama didn't attack them. I guess the thread's over.

Paronto needs to take his meds.
Why did Obama have to bring up Benghazi? It's because it was his single biggest FAILURE as a President and Commander In Chief. Paronto is a Patriot and Obama is a fraud.

Paronto has no issues with the GOP using this to play politics with this. He clearly is a partisan hack. Hardly a patriot.
Hardly a patriot? How about you go do some reading about Mr Paronto. You probably won't because the truth just confuses people like you.
Obama didn't attack them. I guess the thread's over.

Paronto needs to take his meds.
Why did Obama have to bring up Benghazi? It's because it was his single biggest FAILURE as a President and Commander In Chief. Paronto is a Patriot and Obama is a fraud.

Paronto has no issues with the GOP using this to play politics with this. He clearly is a partisan hack. Hardly a patriot.
Hardly a patriot? How about you go do some reading about Mr Paronto. You probably won't because the truth just confuses people like you.
The left despises patriots and the military and anything else that defends and protects freedom.

They hate him because he is a patriot. Of course they cast aspersions. That's what ghouls do.
Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists

The former president then accused the GOP of “embracing wild conspiracy theories — like those surrounding Benghazi.

The line caused laughter in the audience. But one veteran and Benghazi survivor was not laughing.

Kris Paronto was in Benghazi when Islamic extremists overran a U.S. embassy and consulate, killing four Americans. Paronto, a former U.S. Army Ranger, was working as a CIA security contractor at the time.

Paronto called Obama a “cowardly ass” and “scum” for referencing Benghazi in the speech.'

“Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?!” Paronto tweeted, “How bout we do this, let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies & shoot rpg’s & Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for U.S. support that you never sent.”

Gee, who do we believe...

...the coward who disappeared when the attack started (we still do not know where we were the whole time), showed back up when it was over, and declared it was a PROTEST OVER A VIDEO...

...or the HERO who was on the ground in Benghazi fighting the terrorists Barry armed and helped take over Libya and who were now killing Americans?

Obama is such a lying treasonous POS!
As I read the Emails of Clinton I have started to understand what was happening at the time, and Clinton trying to undermine and even changing side in the conflict. The arming of the Army turned out to be a loose ragtag bunch of Muzzys who needed weapons. I have not got to the point that these are the same people who were attacking at the time. Clinton put her stamp on so much bad stuff that someone needed to lock her up. I am starting to think she was a loose cannon in a big playing field.
Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists

The former president then accused the GOP of “embracing wild conspiracy theories — like those surrounding Benghazi.

The line caused laughter in the audience. But one veteran and Benghazi survivor was not laughing.

Kris Paronto was in Benghazi when Islamic extremists overran a U.S. embassy and consulate, killing four Americans. Paronto, a former U.S. Army Ranger, was working as a CIA security contractor at the time.

Paronto called Obama a “cowardly ass” and “scum” for referencing Benghazi in the speech.'

“Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?!” Paronto tweeted, “How bout we do this, let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies & shoot rpg’s & Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for U.S. support that you never sent.”

Gee, who do we believe...

...the coward who disappeared when the attack started (we still do not know where we were the whole time), showed back up when it was over, and declared it was a PROTEST OVER A VIDEO...

...or the HERO who was on the ground in Benghazi fighting the terrorists Barry armed and helped take over Libya and who were now killing Americans?

Obama is such a lying treasonous POS!

Paronto is a deranged lunatic who thinks that by participating in the actual fire fight he has any actual knowledge of everything that happened outside of that compound that night.

He was drummed out of the CIA for violating his contract and speaking to the media about things he has no knowledge of.

No wonder Putin is using him.
He is ex-special forces / CIA who was there, knows went down, and knows more than your dumb ass.

Brennan lied about what happened, and stripped Tonto and others of THEIR security clearances for speaking out.

Hillary and Barry abandoned Americans to die at the hands of the terrorists they helped take over Libya, blamed a protest over a f*ing video for 1 of 22 simultaneous Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on 9/11/12, and was FORCED to admit it was a terrorist attack when the details became public.

Hillary promised the parents of a dead American coming home that she would ARREST THE VIDEO MAKER AND SEE HE WAS PUNISHED.

A year later they captured who they called 'THE mastermind of Benghazi'...and quietly released him - SET HIM FREE - not long after. Hillary and Barry punished the film maker but arrested the 'mastermind' long enough to publicize it.

Hillary and Barry KNEW an attack was coming on 9/11/12...and did not pull them out.

Every other country pulled their people out - Hillary and Barry refused to.

The compound was attacked TWICE before the final attack, & Hillary & Barry reused to pull them out.

Ambassador Stephens asked for additional security more than 50 (FIFTY) times ... And Hillary & her DOJ denied every request.
- Hillary LAUGHED about it, told Congress she thought IT WAS PART OF HIS SENSE OG HUMOR, that she thought HE WAS JOKING.

Hillary & her DOJ hired a security team to protect them that 1) HAD NEVER WORKED IN A HOSTILE / COMBAT AREA, & 2) WHO HAD NEVER CARRIED WEAPONS BEFORE.


...and you f*ing lying, Obama/Hillary-ass covering snowflakes dare to claim that all of this that was uncovered in the investigations is 'nothing', that Hillary and Barry did nothing wrong...

And YOU, you slandering hag, how dare you I sult a hero who put his life in the line to save Americans who Hillary and Obama left to die ... When Obama, safe in the WH when the attack began, disappeared to God knows where while Americans fought for their lives waiting for help that never came.

Obama didn't attack them. I guess the thread's over.

Paronto needs to take his meds.
Why did Obama have to bring up Benghazi? It's because it was his single biggest FAILURE as a President and Commander In Chief. Paronto is a Patriot and Obama is a fraud.
It was an 8 times investigated conspiracy that the GOP admitted was all to hurt Hillary's poll numbers. Some of you inbred retards are still trying to exonerate the terrorists that actually murdered our people in hopes of hurting Obama's and Hillary's numbers out of pettiness.

Colluding with the enemies of America is what they do.
Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists

The former president then accused the GOP of “embracing wild conspiracy theories — like those surrounding Benghazi.

The line caused laughter in the audience. But one veteran and Benghazi survivor was not laughing.

Kris Paronto was in Benghazi when Islamic extremists overran a U.S. embassy and consulate, killing four Americans. Paronto, a former U.S. Army Ranger, was working as a CIA security contractor at the time.

Paronto called Obama a “cowardly ass” and “scum” for referencing Benghazi in the speech.'

“Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?!” Paronto tweeted, “How bout we do this, let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies & shoot rpg’s & Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for U.S. support that you never sent.”

Gee, who do we believe...

...the coward who disappeared when the attack started (we still do not know where we were the whole time), showed back up when it was over, and declared it was a PROTEST OVER A VIDEO...

...or the HERO who was on the ground in Benghazi fighting the terrorists Barry armed and helped take over Libya and who were now killing Americans?

Obama is such a lying treasonous POS!

Paronto is a deranged lunatic who thinks that by participating in the actual fire fight he has any actual knowledge of everything that happened outside of that compound that night.

He was drummed out of the CIA for violating his contract and speaking to the media about things he has no knowledge of.

No wonder Putin is using him.
He is ex-special forces / CIA who was there, knows went down, and knows more than your dumb ass.

Brennan lied about what happened, and stripped Tonto and others of THEIR security clearances for speaking out.

Hillary and Barry abandoned Americans to die at the hands of the terrorists they helped take over Libya, blamed a protest over a f*ing video for 1 of 22 simultaneous Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on 9/11/12, and was FORCED to admit it was a terrorist attack when the details became public.

Hillary promised the parents of a dead American coming home that she would ARREST THE VIDEO MAKER AND SEE HE WAS PUNISHED.

A year later they captured who they called 'THE mastermind of Benghazi'...and quietly released him - SET HIM FREE - not long after. Hillary and Barry punished the film maker but arrested the 'mastermind' long enough to publicize it.

Hillary and Barry KNEW an attack was coming on 9/11/12...and did not pull them out.

Every other country pulled their people out - Hillary and Barry refused to.

The compound was attacked TWICE before the final attack, & Hillary & Barry reused to pull them out.

Ambassador Stephens asked for additional security more than 50 (FIFTY) times ... And Hillary & her DOJ denied every request.
- Hillary LAUGHED about it, told Congress she thought IT WAS PART OF HIS SENSE OG HUMOR, that she thought HE WAS JOKING.

Hillary & her DOJ hired a security team to protect them that 1) HAD NEVER WORKED IN A HOSTILE / COMBAT AREA, & 2) WHO HAD NEVER CARRIED WEAPONS BEFORE.


...and you f*ing lying, Obama/Hillary-ass covering snowflakes dare to claim that all of this that was uncovered in the investigations is 'nothing', that Hillary and Barry did nothing wrong...

And YOU, you slandering hag, how dare you I sult a hero who put his life in the line to save Americans who Hillary and Obama left to die ... When Obama, safe in the WH when the attack began, disappeared to God knows where while Americans fought for their lives waiting for help that never came.


The left are just foul. They're worthless wastes of breath and skin, and I look forward to when they're purged from the face of the earth. Which they will be.
Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists

The former president then accused the GOP of “embracing wild conspiracy theories — like those surrounding Benghazi.

The line caused laughter in the audience. But one veteran and Benghazi survivor was not laughing.

Kris Paronto was in Benghazi when Islamic extremists overran a U.S. embassy and consulate, killing four Americans. Paronto, a former U.S. Army Ranger, was working as a CIA security contractor at the time.

Paronto called Obama a “cowardly ass” and “scum” for referencing Benghazi in the speech.'

“Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?!” Paronto tweeted, “How bout we do this, let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies & shoot rpg’s & Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for U.S. support that you never sent.”

Gee, who do we believe...

...the coward who disappeared when the attack started (we still do not know where we were the whole time), showed back up when it was over, and declared it was a PROTEST OVER A VIDEO...

...or the HERO who was on the ground in Benghazi fighting the terrorists Barry armed and helped take over Libya and who were now killing Americans?

Obama is such a lying treasonous POS!

Paronto is a deranged lunatic who thinks that by participating in the actual fire fight he has any actual knowledge of everything that happened outside of that compound that night.

He was drummed out of the CIA for violating his contract and speaking to the media about things he has no knowledge of.

No wonder Putin is using him.
He is ex-special forces / CIA who was there, knows went down, and knows more than your dumb ass.

Brennan lied about what happened, and stripped Tonto and others of THEIR security clearances for speaking out.

Hillary and Barry abandoned Americans to die at the hands of the terrorists they helped take over Libya, blamed a protest over a f*ing video for 1 of 22 simultaneous Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on 9/11/12, and was FORCED to admit it was a terrorist attack when the details became public.

Hillary promised the parents of a dead American coming home that she would ARREST THE VIDEO MAKER AND SEE HE WAS PUNISHED.

A year later they captured who they called 'THE mastermind of Benghazi'...and quietly released him - SET HIM FREE - not long after. Hillary and Barry punished the film maker but arrested the 'mastermind' long enough to publicize it.

Hillary and Barry KNEW an attack was coming on 9/11/12...and did not pull them out.

Every other country pulled their people out - Hillary and Barry refused to.

The compound was attacked TWICE before the final attack, & Hillary & Barry reused to pull them out.

Ambassador Stephens asked for additional security more than 50 (FIFTY) times ... And Hillary & her DOJ denied every request.
- Hillary LAUGHED about it, told Congress she thought IT WAS PART OF HIS SENSE OG HUMOR, that she thought HE WAS JOKING.

Hillary & her DOJ hired a security team to protect them that 1) HAD NEVER WORKED IN A HOSTILE / COMBAT AREA, & 2) WHO HAD NEVER CARRIED WEAPONS BEFORE.


...and you f*ing lying, Obama/Hillary-ass covering snowflakes dare to claim that all of this that was uncovered in the investigations is 'nothing', that Hillary and Barry did nothing wrong...

And YOU, you slandering hag, how dare you I sult a hero who put his life in the line to save Americans who Hillary and Obama left to die ... When Obama, safe in the WH when the attack began, disappeared to God knows where while Americans fought for their lives waiting for help that never came.

But we sure know where Hussein was when "HE killed bin Laden" don't we? The White House photographers must have taken a hundred shots to capture just the right expression of concern on Obumble's face as Seal Team 6 closed the deal.
Remember that photo OP of Barry and Hillary in the War Room overseeing the UBL take-down OP? Barry made sure everyone saw it, and he 'spiked the football'.

During the hours this attack on Benghazi went on, while Americans fought for their lives, Barry was 'AWOL'. Neither he nor his administration ever told where he was that whole time.

The SOB had declared ' The War On Terror Is Over!' Al Qaeda, who he and Hillary dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help them take over Libya, evidently didn't get the memo. After slaughtering 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, they didn't hesitate to kill 4 more Americans Barry and Hillary served up to them on a plate.

Yup....nothing done was found to be wrong.
- Yeah, whatever.
There's a lot of (mostly partisan) misinformation on Benghazi. I think the fact that it was fully investigated, and none of the claims found to have any merit ought to speak to the truth but the truth never satisfies conspiracy theorists.

Fact-checking Benghazi: The rhetoric hasn't matched up with reality

For example - the claim that they could have prevented it...
Was there a chance to act that the White House didn’t take?

Other claims we’ve fact-checked focused on what happened the night of the attacks and afterward. Some have suggested that the administration could have acted to prevent the attacks and didn’t, but the claims we looked at were just wrong and didn’t match up with actual events.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, suggested in May 2013 that the United States could have prevented the deaths with military action. Here’s what he told Sean Hannity on Fox News:

"The administration including (Defense) Secretary (Leon) Panetta were very crystal clear, there were no military assets, but I got to tell you, we had proximity, we had capability, we had four individuals in Libya armed, ready to go, dressed about to get into the car to go in the airport to go help their fellow countrymen who were dying and being killed and under attack in Benghazi and they were told to stand down."

By all accounts, though, this description doesn’t match the timeline of what happened in Benghazi. The four people in Benghazi were already dead when the decision was made to keep the special forces team in Tripoli. (We outline this in more detail in our fact-check.) The mortar attack was over. We rated this statement False.

Also last year, Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said President Obama should be impeached; one reason he gave was that the White House watched live video of the attacks while it was occurring. "I’m very concerned about Benghazi, in which all of the national news reporting indicated that live video was streaming into the White House," Dewhurst told a reporter.

Actually, there’s no evidence that there was live video. Administration officials have said repeatedly that there wasn’t, and government workers have put a lot of effort into looking for video that may have been captured on the ground in Libya. Other fact-checkers and journalists have debunked this claim as well. PolitiFact Texas rated Dewhurst’s statement Pants on Fire.

Or...the claim that all the other embassies had already removed their staff, and only the US would not...also false.
Was the United States "the last flag flying" in Benghazi when the attacks happened?

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., is the House member tapped by House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to head the newly established House Select Committee on Benghazi. In an interview on Fox News Sunday, Gowdy said he wanted to ask former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this: "Why were we still in Benghazi? The British ambassador was almost assassinated. Our facility was attacked twice. There were multiple episodes of violence. We were the last flag flying in Benghazi, and I would like to know why."

We looked into whether the United was the "last flag flying in Benghazi" and found clear evidence that several other western nations had a presence in Benghazi immediately before and well after the attack on the U.S. compound. We rated his statement False.
If there ever was a traitor who deserves more that name TRAITOR

is this Hussein piece of shit


Remember that photo OP of Barry and Hillary in the War Room overseeing the UBL take-down OP? Barry made sure everyone saw it, and he 'spiked the football'.

During the hours this attack on Benghazi went on, while Americans fought for their lives, Barry was 'AWOL'. Neither he nor his administration ever told where he was that whole time.

The SOB had declared ' The War On Terror Is Over!' Al Qaeda, who he and Hillary dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help them take over Libya, evidently didn't get the memo. After slaughtering 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, they didn't hesitate to kill 4 more Americans Barry and Hillary served up to them on a plate.

Yup....nothing done was found to be wrong.
- Yeah, whatever.
Not that hard to find no wrong doing when the Attorney General Eric Holder is your bitch.

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