Benghazi Emails Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Sorry Hillary, you can't hide forever...

"On Monday, Judicial Watch released new emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and that would have exposed Clinton's private email account if they had been released to Judicial Watch in a FOIA request win 2014. One long withheld email, which provides talking points for a call with senators and therefore fits the criteria of records concerning "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack," should have been disclosed in 2014, but it was hidden from Judicial Watch for years."

"This email is a twofer – it shows Hillary Clinton misled the U.S. Senate on Benghazi and that the State Department wanted to hide the Benghazi connection to the Clinton email scheme," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "Rather than defending her email misconduct, the Justice Department has more than enough evidence to reopen its investigations into Hillary Clinton."

Judicial Watch: Benghazi Emails Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up

OH OH....Hillary gonna be in for some 'bigly' butthurt....:omg:

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This will get a good leaving alone by the moonbat media.

Sorry Hillary, you can't hide forever...

"On Monday, Judicial Watch released new emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and that would have exposed Clinton's private email account if they had been released to Judicial Watch in a FOIA request win 2014. One long withheld email, which provides talking points for a call with senators and therefore fits the criteria of records concerning "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack," should have been disclosed in 2014, but it was hidden from Judicial Watch for years."

"This email is a twofer – it shows Hillary Clinton misled the U.S. Senate on Benghazi and that the State Department wanted to hide the Benghazi connection to the Clinton email scheme," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "Rather than defending her email misconduct, the Justice Department has more than enough evidence to reopen its investigations into Hillary Clinton."

Judicial Watch: Benghazi Emails Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up

OH OH....Hillary gonna be in for some 'bigly' butthurt....:omg:
We are going to find that Trump played politics with the coronavirus and how many have died?

You Republicans can't be hypocrites here. If you didn't like Obama/Hillary playing politics with Benghazi then you certainly can't be happy with Trump for downplaying the coronavirus.

We got your asses. Let's here you deny or try to spin this. I'm sure you will tell us the differences. Like the differences between Monica and Stormy. Yea, we know the differences. But what about the similarities?
Sorry Hillary, you can't hide forever...

"On Monday, Judicial Watch released new emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and that would have exposed Clinton's private email account if they had been released to Judicial Watch in a FOIA request win 2014. One long withheld email, which provides talking points for a call with senators and therefore fits the criteria of records concerning "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack," should have been disclosed in 2014, but it was hidden from Judicial Watch for years."

"This email is a twofer – it shows Hillary Clinton misled the U.S. Senate on Benghazi and that the State Department wanted to hide the Benghazi connection to the Clinton email scheme," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "Rather than defending her email misconduct, the Justice Department has more than enough evidence to reopen its investigations into Hillary Clinton."

Judicial Watch: Benghazi Emails Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up

OH OH....Hillary gonna be in for some 'bigly' butthurt....:omg:
obama birth certificate was cooked. but it still exists in a secret vault in hawaii..
Sorry Hillary, you can't hide forever...

"On Monday, Judicial Watch released new emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and that would have exposed Clinton's private email account if they had been released to Judicial Watch in a FOIA request win 2014. One long withheld email, which provides talking points for a call with senators and therefore fits the criteria of records concerning "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack," should have been disclosed in 2014, but it was hidden from Judicial Watch for years."

"This email is a twofer – it shows Hillary Clinton misled the U.S. Senate on Benghazi and that the State Department wanted to hide the Benghazi connection to the Clinton email scheme," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "Rather than defending her email misconduct, the Justice Department has more than enough evidence to reopen its investigations into Hillary Clinton."

Judicial Watch: Benghazi Emails Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up

OH OH....Hillary gonna be in for some 'bigly' butthurt....:omg:
obama birth certificate was cooked. but it still exists in a secret vault in hawaii..
Or maybe it's hidden in that server Trump tried hiding his call to Ukraine in.
Trump downplayed nothing. He tried to offer hope.
And as more was learned about this virus, through no help from China or the WHO, he recommended states take action, as well as his team continued to take actions needed to help fight it. Just as past presidents have been expected to in times of turmoil. But for some reason, that escapes the left with this president.
It can't be a coincidence that Trumpist's are drudging up old bullshit about their favorite targets as more and more detailed info comes to light about Trump's negligence in failing to take the steps necessary to prepare the country for the viral outbreak.
Trump downplayed nothing. He tried to offer hope.
And as more was learned about this virus, through no help from China or the WHO, he recommended states take action, as well as his team continued to take actions needed to help fight it. Just as past presidents have been expected to in times of turmoil. But for some reason, that escapes the left with this president.
Too little too late. Lack of leadership. And it was for political purposes. Same as with that call to Ukraine. Now you see why Trump is dangerous?
Sorry Hillary, you can't hide forever...

"On Monday, Judicial Watch released new emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and that would have exposed Clinton's private email account if they had been released to Judicial Watch in a FOIA request win 2014. One long withheld email, which provides talking points for a call with senators and therefore fits the criteria of records concerning "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack," should have been disclosed in 2014, but it was hidden from Judicial Watch for years."

"This email is a twofer – it shows Hillary Clinton misled the U.S. Senate on Benghazi and that the State Department wanted to hide the Benghazi connection to the Clinton email scheme," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "Rather than defending her email misconduct, the Justice Department has more than enough evidence to reopen its investigations into Hillary Clinton."

Judicial Watch: Benghazi Emails Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up

OH OH....Hillary gonna be in for some 'bigly' butthurt....:omg:
great job:
Nothing will happen.
i will forever think she got away with something. but they've gone after her more than enough to where you need to just let it go. if nothing could be "proven" to the point that would force our government to take action, all this INVESTIGATE is simply feeding the left to INVESTIGATE trump for ... well pretty much what the fuck ever they want.

as far as i'm concerned she was 100% guilty as soon as she invented bullshit reasons to bleachbit her hard drive. to be clear, i would drag my brother to jail if authorities said "turn that over" and he formatted it first. some things you just don't do if you are 'innocent' and this is one.

while she may well be 'innocent' - her actions of destroying everything she could says otherwise. that said, just stop. it isn't the first time someone in power got away with something and it won't be the last. but our "investigate til you get what you want" culture needs to end.
Trump downplayed nothing. He tried to offer hope.
And as more was learned about this virus, through no help from China or the WHO, he recommended states take action, as well as his team continued to take actions needed to help fight it. Just as past presidents have been expected to in times of turmoil. But for some reason, that escapes the left with this president.
Really, why are Trump haters so upset. Only 20,000 or so people have died so far. Everyone has to die from something.
Banana Republicans don't give a rats ass that they are confirmed hypocrites. That's what embracing corruption at the highest level is all about. They investigated the fuck out of Obama and increased the House of Representatives subpoena power to do so. However when those same new powers were focused on their Ruler, not one of them stood up for their once prize subpoena power and they all stood behind their obstructionist hypocrite in the White House.
We are going to find that Trump played politics with the coronavirus and how many have died?

It is TRULY sad to see you reduced to attempting to hijack a thread in an attempt to protect / defend this proven criminal bitch who abandoned Americans to die, lied before Congress, and should be banished from public life for being the most despicable, shameless POS in US history.
Sorry Hillary, you can't hide forever...

"On Monday, Judicial Watch released new emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and that would have exposed Clinton's private email account if they had been released to Judicial Watch in a FOIA request win 2014. One long withheld email, which provides talking points for a call with senators and therefore fits the criteria of records concerning "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack," should have been disclosed in 2014, but it was hidden from Judicial Watch for years."

"This email is a twofer – it shows Hillary Clinton misled the U.S. Senate on Benghazi and that the State Department wanted to hide the Benghazi connection to the Clinton email scheme," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "Rather than defending her email misconduct, the Justice Department has more than enough evidence to reopen its investigations into Hillary Clinton."

Judicial Watch: Benghazi Emails Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up

OH OH....Hillary gonna be in for some 'bigly' butthurt....:omg:




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