At The Heart Of Progressive's Politics....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. the view that anything rules apply....all bets are off.
Just remember to vote Democrat.

AOC's Green New Deal provides pay for those who don't 'choose' to work

After enjoying the creation of the child she is carrying, Progressives give 'mothers' the go-ahead to kill the creation as a matter of convenience.

They happily vote for politicians who got rich selling out America's assets, and access to government.

They pass gun restrictions that only the law-abiding need obey.

Have you seen what Progressives have done to San Francisco?

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. "When I was a kid, a television show called Supermarket Sweep featured teams of middle Americans bolting through grocery store aisles and filling their carts with food, household products, and pet supplies. The show’s premise was that, for two minutes, the rule of law—in this case, the law against shoplifting—would be suspended. The team with the largest haul could take home their bounty of groceries, win prizes, and compete for the championship.

Today, in some West Coast cities, the Supermarket Sweep isn’t a game show—it’s a dark reality, fueled by addiction, crime, and bad public policy. From Seattle to Los Angeles, a “shoplifting boom” is hitting major retailers, which deal with thousands of thefts, drug overdoses, and assaults each year. Since 2010, thefts increased by 22 percent in Portland, 50 percent in San Francisco, and 61 percent in Los Angeles. In total, California, Oregon, and Washington reported 864,326 thefts to the FBI last year. The real figure is likely much higher, as many retailers have stopped reporting most shoplifting incidents to police."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Society has, largely, evolved away from the law of the jungle....meaning no law.....

....but Progressives/Democrats/Liberals didn't get the memo.
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You forgot to mention putting pig's heads on piles and dancing around the fire.

Hyperbole comes to the rescue when cogent thought abandons the Trumpian.

The key to your post....inadvertently, because you Progressives are hardly that bright....... that you could deny none....not a single the OP that brought you slithering out.

Nor are you able to provide a cogent post in support of the listed iniquities.

You've been more than helpful.
At the heart of progressive's politics....

4. Progressives/Democrats have their marching orders, which specify the destruction of all tradition, values, and beliefs, and the pretense is simply one more attempt to damage America and the Constitution.

"This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.
The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

Not to Progressives/Democrats.....

5. "Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border
(CNN)As Democratic presidential hopefuls spar in the leadup to 2020, there's one immigration proposal that keeps coming up.
Should the US repeal the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act that makes illegally crossing the border a crime?
It's an idea that's been floated in immigration policy circles for a while. Julian Castro pushed it into the national spotlight during the first Democratic presidential debates in June, and it came up again in Tuesday night's debate. The notion seems to be gaining steam."

Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border - CNNPolitics

And they all agree that taxpayers need to pay for the healthcare for illegal aliens.
Americans be damned!!!
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You've probably posted on this before, P.C., but "we" need to continue shouting from the rooftops the nucleus of the Progressive plan to take over the U.S. government: Legalization of illegals.

Prior to 2005, one could hear, see, and read leading Democrats decrying the costs - financial and otherwise - of the millions of people living in the U.S. illegally. The Clintons, O'Bama, Biden, Harry Reid, etc. Then there was a "pause."

And for the last decade, they have done a complete 180. At every turn, they promote the interests of illegals (use whatever term makes you uncomfortable here). De-criminalize border crossing, give them welfare, in-state tuition at state schools, housing subsidies, drivers' licenses, promise them they won't be bothered ("DACA"), give them "free" healthcare.

It is a curious thing, is it not? Why kowtow to a group of people who cannot even vote? [Except in California]

Well. The Progressive/Democrat plan to take over government is a long term one (hopefully). The Plan is simply this: The MOMENT we have a Democrat in the White House and a Democrat Congress, the THIRTY MILLION ILLEGALS ( See Ann Coulter's book, "Adios America" for details) will be legalized, then they will quickly be converted - magically - into voting citizens, at which point the Republican Party will fade into history, being nothing but a curiosity that, like the USSR, will quickly be forgotten by everyone under 20 years old.

Decriminalize crossing the U.S. border? You ain't seen nothin' yet.
You forgot to mention putting pig's heads on piles and dancing around the fire.

Hyperbole comes to the rescue when cogent thought abandons the Trumpian.

The key to your post....inadvertently, because you Progressives are hardly that bright....... that you could deny none....not a single the OP that brought you slithering out.

Nor are you able to provide a cogent post in support of the listed iniquities.

You've been more than helpful.
If you post the sky isn't blue, it's yellow, I would cite the lie.

Then you would demand I prove the sky isn't yellow but blue as I contend.

The posters here capable of cogent thought are on to your peculiar style of proffering opinion.
You've probably posted on this before, P.C., but "we" need to continue shouting from the rooftops the nucleus of the Progressive plan to take over the U.S. government: Legalization of illegals.

Prior to 2005, one could hear, see, and read leading Democrats decrying the costs - financial and otherwise - of the millions of people living in the U.S. illegally. The Clintons, O'Bama, Biden, Harry Reid, etc. Then there was a "pause."

And for the last decade, they have done a complete 180. At every turn, they promote the interests of illegals (use whatever term makes you uncomfortable here). De-criminalize border crossing, give them welfare, in-state tuition at state schools, housing subsidies, drivers' licenses, promise them they won't be bothered ("DACA"), give them "free" healthcare.

It is a curious thing, is it not? Why kowtow to a group of people who cannot even vote? [Except in California]

Well. The Progressive/Democrat plan to take over government is a long term one (hopefully). The Plan is simply this: The MOMENT we have a Democrat in the White House and a Democrat Congress, the THIRTY MILLION ILLEGALS ( See Ann Coulter's book, "Adios America" for details) will be legalized, then they will quickly be converted - magically - into voting citizens, at which point the Republican Party will fade into history, being nothing but a curiosity that, like the USSR, will quickly be forgotten by everyone under 20 years old.

Decriminalize crossing the U.S. border? You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Thank you, D....

Can't be said too often!

No border, no sovereignty, food stamps were offered in MEXICO by Hussein, Democrats raised their paws in favor of free healthcare for illegal aliens, Obama told illegals to vote in 2016....

Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to the prison system.
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.
You forgot to mention putting pig's heads on piles and dancing around the fire.

Hyperbole comes to the rescue when cogent thought abandons the Trumpian.

The key to your post....inadvertently, because you Progressives are hardly that bright....... that you could deny none....not a single the OP that brought you slithering out.

Nor are you able to provide a cogent post in support of the listed iniquities.

You've been more than helpful.
If you post the sky isn't blue, it's yellow, I would cite the lie.

Then you would demand I prove the sky isn't yellow but blue as I contend.

The posters here capable of cogent thought are on to your peculiar style of proffering opinion.

The key to your post....inadvertently, because you Progressives are hardly that bright....... that you could deny none....not a single the OP that brought you slithering out.

Nor are you able to provide a cogent post in support of the listed iniquities.

You've been more than helpful.
1. the view that anything rules apply....all bets are off.
Yet more lies. Progressives have rules and believe in the rule of law (at this one does), they just believe in a different set of rules than you do. Sorry.

1. the view that anything rules apply....all bets are off.
Just remember to vote Democrat.

AOC's Green New Deal provides pay for those who don't 'choose' to work

After enjoying the creation of the child she is carrying, Progressives give 'mothers' the go-ahead to kill the creation as a matter of convenience.

They happily vote for politicians who got rich selling out America's assets, and access to government.

They pass gun restrictions that only the law-abiding need obey.

Have you seen what Progressives have done to San Francisco?

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. "When I was a kid, a television show called Supermarket Sweep featured teams of middle Americans bolting through grocery store aisles and filling their carts with food, household products, and pet supplies. The show’s premise was that, for two minutes, the rule of law—in this case, the law against shoplifting—would be suspended. The team with the largest haul could take home their bounty of groceries, win prizes, and compete for the championship.

Today, in some West Coast cities, the Supermarket Sweep isn’t a game show—it’s a dark reality, fueled by addiction, crime, and bad public policy. From Seattle to Los Angeles, a “shoplifting boom” is hitting major retailers, which deal with thousands of thefts, drug overdoses, and assaults each year. Since 2010, thefts increased by 22 percent in Portland, 50 percent in San Francisco, and 61 percent in Los Angeles. In total, California, Oregon, and Washington reported 864,326 thefts to the FBI last year. The real figure is likely much higher, as many retailers have stopped reporting most shoplifting incidents to police."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Society has, largely, evolved away from the law of the jungle....meaning no law.....

....but Progressives/Democrats/Liberals didn't get the memo.
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At the heart of progressive politics is an oikophobic self-hatred of America, which they pervert into a form of preening virtue-signalling. It's just that simple.
1. the view that anything rules apply....all bets are off.
Yet more lies. Progressives have rules and believe in the rule of law (at this one does), they just believe in a different set of rules than you do. Sorry.

1. the view that anything rules apply....all bets are off.
Just remember to vote Democrat.

AOC's Green New Deal provides pay for those who don't 'choose' to work

After enjoying the creation of the child she is carrying, Progressives give 'mothers' the go-ahead to kill the creation as a matter of convenience.

They happily vote for politicians who got rich selling out America's assets, and access to government.

They pass gun restrictions that only the law-abiding need obey.

Have you seen what Progressives have done to San Francisco?

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. "When I was a kid, a television show called Supermarket Sweep featured teams of middle Americans bolting through grocery store aisles and filling their carts with food, household products, and pet supplies. The show’s premise was that, for two minutes, the rule of law—in this case, the law against shoplifting—would be suspended. The team with the largest haul could take home their bounty of groceries, win prizes, and compete for the championship.

Today, in some West Coast cities, the Supermarket Sweep isn’t a game show—it’s a dark reality, fueled by addiction, crime, and bad public policy. From Seattle to Los Angeles, a “shoplifting boom” is hitting major retailers, which deal with thousands of thefts, drug overdoses, and assaults each year. Since 2010, thefts increased by 22 percent in Portland, 50 percent in San Francisco, and 61 percent in Los Angeles. In total, California, Oregon, and Washington reported 864,326 thefts to the FBI last year. The real figure is likely much higher, as many retailers have stopped reporting most shoplifting incidents to police."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Society has, largely, evolved away from the law of the jungle....meaning no law.....

....but Progressives/Democrats/Liberals didn't get the memo.
Yet more lies. Progressives have rules and believe in the rule of law (at this one does), they just believe in a different set of rules than you do. Sorry.

How Liars Create the Illusion of Truth

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the “illusion of truth” effect.​
1. the view that anything rules apply....all bets are off.
Yet more lies. Progressives have rules and believe in the rule of law (at this one does), they just believe in a different set of rules than you do. Sorry.

1. the view that anything rules apply....all bets are off.
Just remember to vote Democrat.

AOC's Green New Deal provides pay for those who don't 'choose' to work

After enjoying the creation of the child she is carrying, Progressives give 'mothers' the go-ahead to kill the creation as a matter of convenience.

They happily vote for politicians who got rich selling out America's assets, and access to government.

They pass gun restrictions that only the law-abiding need obey.

Have you seen what Progressives have done to San Francisco?

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. "When I was a kid, a television show called Supermarket Sweep featured teams of middle Americans bolting through grocery store aisles and filling their carts with food, household products, and pet supplies. The show’s premise was that, for two minutes, the rule of law—in this case, the law against shoplifting—would be suspended. The team with the largest haul could take home their bounty of groceries, win prizes, and compete for the championship.

Today, in some West Coast cities, the Supermarket Sweep isn’t a game show—it’s a dark reality, fueled by addiction, crime, and bad public policy. From Seattle to Los Angeles, a “shoplifting boom” is hitting major retailers, which deal with thousands of thefts, drug overdoses, and assaults each year. Since 2010, thefts increased by 22 percent in Portland, 50 percent in San Francisco, and 61 percent in Los Angeles. In total, California, Oregon, and Washington reported 864,326 thefts to the FBI last year. The real figure is likely much higher, as many retailers have stopped reporting most shoplifting incidents to police."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Society has, largely, evolved away from the law of the jungle....meaning no law.....

....but Progressives/Democrats/Liberals didn't get the memo.
Yet more lies. Progressives have rules and believe in the rule of law (at this one does), they just believe in a different set of rules than you do. Sorry.

How Liars Create the Illusion of Truth

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the “illusion of truth” effect.​

Drop back when you find a way to deny the indictments in the OP.

AOC's Green New Deal provides pay for those who don't 'choose' to work

After enjoying the creation of the child she is carrying, Progressives give 'mothers' the go-ahead to kill the creation as a matter of convenience.

They happily vote for politicians who got rich selling out America's assets, and access to government.

They pass gun restrictions that only the law-abiding need obey.

Have you seen what Progressives have done to San Francisco?

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

When you can''ve helped me fulfill my mission.
6. And when Progressives have total control, and create the Progressive Utopia....their aim for all of America......

" West Coast cities grapple with an addiction epidemic, the shoplifting boom has only accelerated because of decriminalization. California's Proposition 47, approved by nearly 60 percent of voters statewide in 2014, reclassified many drug and property felonies as misdemeanors, effectively decriminalizing thefts of $1,000 or less. Many criminals now believe, justifiably, that they can steal with impunity.

For example, in San Francisco, police reported 33,000 car break-ins last year; the city now leads the nation in overall property crime. In Portland, a repeat offender nicknamed the “Hamburglar” stole $2,690 worth of meat in one year. He bluntly told police officers: “I know the law. I know the rules. I know what I can and can’t do . . . I’m never going to get over $1,000 at any store.” The Portland Police Department, which doesn’t assign officers to retail theft cases, admits that official statistics vastly underreport actual crime."
The “Supermarket Sweep”
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They pass gun restrictions that only the law-abiding need obey.
A new level of absurdity. Name a law that the law-abiding don't need obey.

Can't deny the indictments in the OP????

I'll consider you a hostile witness.....and a fool....OK?

AOC's Green New Deal provides pay for those who don't 'choose' to work

After enjoying the creation of the child she is carrying, Progressives give 'mothers' the go-ahead to kill the creation as a matter of convenience.

They happily vote for politicians who got rich selling out America's assets, and access to government.

They pass gun restrictions that only the law-abiding need obey.

Have you seen what Progressives have done to San Francisco?

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media've helped me fulfill my mission.
7. Here's the result of Progressive/Democrat governance:

"...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

8. Recognize whose party the Democrat's are???

"Sanders faces heat for saying people should be able to vote from prison
A questioner at a CNN town hall Monday night asked the presidential candidate whether he believes that incarcerated felons — the Boston Marathon bomber, for instance, or sex offenders — should be allowed to vote while they are serving their sentences.

Sanders’s answer: an unapologetic “yes.”
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