Ben Carson: Still Nutty as a fruitcake

Rome fell because of political correctness?

I thought conservatives blame the gays?
It's not Carson's fault really. It's just that to be paid attention to in his party, he has to utter increasingly weird shit.

So we get statements like universal healthcare is worse than slavery and we roll our eyes.

Even Fox's Wallace knows the guy is unelectable and has said as much.
What year were you thinking of? Carson says almost as much dumb stuff as Palin...

In EVERY SINGLE CASE you can dig up of Dr. Ben Carson saying something you want us to believe is dumb, it is a lie or you are intentionally twisting the meaning of his words.

But maybe it's an honest mistake on your part.

Sometimes Jihadists have trouble assimilating into our culture.

Well, there are SOME lies which are too obviously false to fool Americans.

This is one.

Everyone knows his judgement is sound. He saved many lives which would have been lost if not due to his extraordinary skill and expertise. He is a thoughtful, soft spoken man of conviction and integrity.

Your lies can't blemish his record of excellence and moderation.

He is the man the Libs hoped they were getting with Eboma.

But they were duped.
It's kind of sad for low information racist democrats that they lash out without thinking especially at a Black upity republican. We need to acknowledge the latent racism in the left wing agenda. Carson is a freaking brain surgeon. The current Vice President is alive because of the skill of brain surgeons like Dr. Carson.
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.

If what you say about democrats being the party of racists were true, then why do the majority of blacks always vote democrat?
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It's not Carson's fault really. It's just that to be paid attention to in his party, he has to utter increasingly weird shit.

So we get statements like universal healthcare is worse than slavery and we roll our eyes.

Even Fox's Wallace knows the guy is unelectable and has said as much.

"Even Fox's Wallace knows the guy is unelectable and has said as much"

Until you prove yourself please post links to validate your assertions or we will presume your questionable statements are lies.

ESPECIALLY after reading your first two silly sentences.

We are humans too. We want good affordable quality healthcare.

Obamacare is none of the above.

In addition he lied to us to get it passed and the whole thing has been a study in fuckeduppedness.

And that doesn't even take into account how it will result in our losing , no, GIVING our sovereignty over this country to the Government.


Or until we mount a military rebellion ONCE AGAIN to wrest it back from those who have no intention to allow our representative democracy as our founding fathers spelled it out, to survive.
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It's kind of sad for low information racist democrats that they lash out without thinking especially at a Black upity republican. We need to acknowledge the latent racism in the left wing agenda. Carson is a freaking brain surgeon. The current Vice President is alive because of the skill of brain surgeons like Dr. Carson.

Maybe if Dr. Ben had been old enough at the time he might have operated on Biden and saved him a lifetime of embarrassment from his now well developed case of Footinmouth disease.
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.

If what you say about democrats being the party of racists were true, then why do the majority of blacks always vote democrat?

Entitlement programs revised and/or initially created as part of LBJ's "Great Society" series of programs.

And in getting his racist fellow Southerners to go along with his programs he appealed to their sense of racism AND personal political gain.


But those programs not only DIDN'T work as well for America nor American Blacks as they worked to help the Progressive Democrats gain or retain power, but those programs have created a dependency in generations of American Blacks and shoved a wedge in the traditionally strong and proud Black families. So the children have no positive male role models growing up.

So they grow wild and learn to steal and sell drugs and then you fear them and spend more on law enforcement, the justice system, car insurance, retail goods, alarm systems, guns and ammo and practice and lessons and accessories and guard dogs and better fences and rising death tolls in all parts of the community and Zimmerman/Trayvon incidents and Big Mike incidents and Police contempt for these young gangsters who become inured to violence after being programmed by hours upon hours of gangsta rap crap and being racially profiled because young Black men ARE likely to be up to no good if given a chance if they were anything like the guys I grew up with in MY neighborhood.

Don't get me started on this subject.

But if you do, I'm ready.

I'd post a quote from a shrewd political observer, Irving Kristol.

That's all the clue I'll give you.
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Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?

I see. It's perfectly alright for Elizabeth Warren and Co to promise to steal, excuse me , tax the fuck , out of taxpayers and producers. It's is perfectly acceptable to continue the welfare/warfare police state

.In 2014 an individual who spouses those policies is not considered to be "nutty as a fruitcake".

Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.

If what you say about democrats being the party of racists were true, then why do the majority of blacks always vote democrat?

Entitlement programs revised and/or initially created as part of LBJ's "Great Society" series of programs.

And in getting his racist fellow Southerners to go along with his programs he appealed to their sense of racism AND personal political gain.


But those programs not only DIDN'T work as well for America nor American Blacks as they worked to help the Progressive Democrats gain or retain power, but those programs have created a dependency in generations of American Blacks and shoved a wedge in the traditionally strong and proud Black families. So the children have no positive male role models growing up.

So they grow wild and learn to steal and sell drugs and then you fear them and spend more on law enforcement, the justice system, car insurance, retail goods, alarm systems, guns and ammo and practice and lessons and accessories and guard dogs and better fences and rising death tolls in all parts of the community and Zimmerman/Trayvon incidents and Big Mike incidents and Police contempt for these young gangsters who become inured to violence after being programmed by hours upon hours of gangsta rap crap and being racially profiled because young Black men ARE likely to be up to no good if given a chance if they were anything like the guys I grew up with in MY neighborhood.

Don't get me started on this subject.

But if you do, I'm ready.

I'd post a quote from a shrewd political observer, Irving Kristol.

That's all the clue I'll give you.

So what you're saying is blacks like the dependency on the government?
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.

If what you say about democrats being the party of racists were true, then why do the majority of blacks always vote democrat?
You know there isn't really a good explanation for that. Stockholm syndrome I'm guessing plays a big part. Not having the basic family structure in place to promote individual success and a society more impressed with people being gangsta for success instead of actually looking up to those in the community that earned it.

I think blacks vote for democrats not because of any great benefit to themselves but they are just used to doing so in order to keep the bare minimum of existence the dems promise them. And the dems deliver exactly that bare minimum of just surviving. Welfare, food stamps, no schooling for their kids, no hope for the future and only their basic ability to live as long as they vote for that lifestyle.

I can't tell you exactly why any race of people would keep voting for failure and a life based upon what the government will hand you in exchange for a vote that guarantee's the continuation of that poverty. But you're right, they keep doing just that.

I'm guessing it has something to do with the white liberals not living in those conditions constantly attacking the true black successful members of the group by calling them uncle tom's and traitors to their race. If that wasn't happening maybe more blacks would be impressed by people like Ben Carson, Mia Love, Daymond John or Herman Cain. Instead they are portrayed as the enemy when all they bring to the table is how to get out of the democrat system of failure and no opportunity. And the dems can't have that they lose votes.

I'm looking forward to the day the dems actually celebrate a black mans success outside a government funded job.

Why is it you hate black people that succeed so much? That's probably the same reason the majority of them don't vote for success. It comes with a lot of white liberal redicule that plays out daily in the news.

Just look at this thread. The OP actually calls a black man a clown when not long ago a rodeo clown dressed as obama as a clown was the most racist fucking person in the country. I'm thinking the problems within the black community are all problems you and people like you have started and wish to perpetuate.

You're the reason they vote dem because if they don't you will brutalize them in any way possible. Who's the racist now?
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.

If what you say about democrats being the party of racists were true, then why do the majority of blacks always vote democrat?

Entitlement programs revised and/or initially created as part of LBJ's "Great Society" series of programs.

And in getting his racist fellow Southerners to go along with his programs he appealed to their sense of racism AND personal political gain.


But those programs not only DIDN'T work as well for America nor American Blacks as they worked to help the Progressive Democrats gain or retain power, but those programs have created a dependency in generations of American Blacks and shoved a wedge in the traditionally strong and proud Black families. So the children have no positive male role models growing up.

So they grow wild and learn to steal and sell drugs and then you fear them and spend more on law enforcement, the justice system, car insurance, retail goods, alarm systems, guns and ammo and practice and lessons and accessories and guard dogs and better fences and rising death tolls in all parts of the community and Zimmerman/Trayvon incidents and Big Mike incidents and Police contempt for these young gangsters who become inured to violence after being programmed by hours upon hours of gangsta rap crap and being racially profiled because young Black men ARE likely to be up to no good if given a chance if they were anything like the guys I grew up with in MY neighborhood.

Don't get me started on this subject.

But if you do, I'm ready.

I'd post a quote from a shrewd political observer, Irving Kristol.

That's all the clue I'll give you.

So what you're saying is blacks like the dependency on the government?

I'm saying it was a studied act of duplicity and cunning pandering.

It's the perfect Hall-Coblentz theorem at work.

Dems make programs for the citizens of this country.

But those programs often have a hidden solid gold benefit for the Dem politicians.

Though the program's benefits or efficacy or the unwanted and unanticipated side effects of these programs can do all kinds of damage to America and/or Americans, the benefits to the Democrat politicians will be solid and masterfully conceived and perfectly executed (usually...Obamacare was the exception in this is designed to be the perfect scheme to give Progressive Democrats our entire government on a platter. Ask me how!) for the foreseeable future.

The Great Society thoroughly failed in most respects and made America WORSE off instead of better off!

But the Dems have enjoyed this tree's fruit for fifty years so far and it doesn't look like it will end anytime soon!
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.

If what you say about democrats being the party of racists were true, then why do the majority of blacks always vote democrat?

Entitlement programs revised and/or initially created as part of LBJ's "Great Society" series of programs.

And in getting his racist fellow Southerners to go along with his programs he appealed to their sense of racism AND personal political gain.


But those programs not only DIDN'T work as well for America nor American Blacks as they worked to help the Progressive Democrats gain or retain power, but those programs have created a dependency in generations of American Blacks and shoved a wedge in the traditionally strong and proud Black families. So the children have no positive male role models growing up.

So they grow wild and learn to steal and sell drugs and then you fear them and spend more on law enforcement, the justice system, car insurance, retail goods, alarm systems, guns and ammo and practice and lessons and accessories and guard dogs and better fences and rising death tolls in all parts of the community and Zimmerman/Trayvon incidents and Big Mike incidents and Police contempt for these young gangsters who become inured to violence after being programmed by hours upon hours of gangsta rap crap and being racially profiled because young Black men ARE likely to be up to no good if given a chance if they were anything like the guys I grew up with in MY neighborhood.

Don't get me started on this subject.

But if you do, I'm ready.

I'd post a quote from a shrewd political observer, Irving Kristol.

That's all the clue I'll give you.

So what you're saying is blacks like the dependency on the government?
It's all you are offering them. I've never seen a democrat celebrate the individual success of a black person. I do see them being attacked for having the gall to do so though.
Rome fell because of political correctness?

I thought conservatives blame the gays?

No, Rome fell because the government was too corrupt to be maintained and the population became lazy. Kind of like ours. Eventually there weren't enough producers to keep the whole mess afloat. Kind of like where we're headed.
The National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, a PAC seeking to draft retired neurosurgeon and conservative darling Dr. Benjamin Carson into the 2016 presidential race, raised more money than all prospective GOP candidates and Democrat Hillary Clinton in the last three months.

Documents filed with the Federal Election Commission show that the Ben Carson PAC raised $2.4 million beating out the more prominent political figures despite Carson's lack of political experience, according to TIME.
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.
look at you trying to bait......
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.

If what you say about democrats being the party of racists were true, then why do the majority of blacks always vote democrat?
You know there isn't really a good explanation for that. Stockholm syndrome I'm guessing plays a big part. Not having the basic family structure in place to promote individual success and a society more impressed with people being gangsta for success instead of actually looking up to those in the community that earned it.

I think blacks vote for democrats not because of any great benefit to themselves but they are just used to doing so in order to keep the bare minimum of existence the dems promise them. And the dems deliver exactly that bare minimum of just surviving. Welfare, food stamps, no schooling for their kids, no hope for the future and only their basic ability to live as long as they vote for that lifestyle.

I can't tell you exactly why any race of people would keep voting for failure and a life based upon what the government will hand you in exchange for a vote that guarantee's the continuation of that poverty. But you're right, they keep doing just that.

I'm guessing it has something to do with the white liberals not living in those conditions constantly attacking the true black successful members of the group by calling them uncle tom's and traitors to their race. If that wasn't happening maybe more blacks would be impressed by people like Ben Carson, Mia Love, Daymond John or Herman Cain. Instead they are portrayed as the enemy when all they bring to the table is how to get out of the democrat system of failure and no opportunity. And the dems can't have that they lose votes.

I'm looking forward to the day the dems actually celebrate a black mans success outside a government funded job.

Why is it you hate black people that succeed so much? That's probably the same reason the majority of them don't vote for success. It comes with a lot of white liberal redicule that plays out daily in the news.

Just look at this thread. The OP actually calls a black man a clown when not long ago a rodeo clown dressed as obama as a clown was the most racist fucking person in the country. I'm thinking the problems within the black community are all problems you and people like you have started and wish to perpetuate.

You're the reason they vote dem because if they don't you will brutalize them in any way possible. Who's the racist now?

You're basically saying that blacks are too stupid to know they are being used by democrats. This I get. Now, if they don't vote democrat, I will brutalize them? How so? Always the final accusation that democrats are the racists. The constant accusation by republicans trying to tell a lie enough times that it might be believed. By the way, which party uses vote caging to eliminate black voters on the voter rolls? Republicans, of course, check it out. I think Ben Carson is a ploy. The republicans are putting him out there to convince a certain percentage of blacks that republicans aren't the racists they are accused of by most blacks. My opinion anyway.

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