Ben Carson finds 500 billion in errors during audit of Obama HUD

You do realize that HUD has been around since 1965 ?
Why would Carson audit back to

Is he really that inept?
Get as much information as you possibly can about the problems facing your Department. That's what a good Department head does.
Now you are really reaching

If Carson ordered an audit of records going back to 1965 he should be jailed
Jailed ? Now you're reaching. Can't stand a Conservative Black man making his way without the Democratic Party dogma can you ?
Carson brought no qualifications to the job

Now we are seeing how incapable he is
By doing an audit? You've obviously never been responsible for anything. A new leader that doesn't do exactly as Dr. Carson did is a moron and is exactly what's wrong with Government today..

That is a half a trillion dollars.........Bigger than HUDS whole budget

Carson is hallucinating again

Read the article there genius- It's NOT about HUDS internal budget, it's about the loans they underwrite. They underwrote more than $200 billion in 2015 alone. Liberal sophistication is an oxymoron.


Show the Trillions in loans that they are underwriting. $200 billion is still not half a trillion dollars. Are you claiming they lost EVERY dollar they underwrote?

Holly crap dude, I always thought you were a bit left leaning, but I had no idea you were so much of a simpleton. They found ERRORS which totaled $500 billion. Did you even bother reading the article? If you did, you clearly had no idea what you were reading. It doesn't say the money was lost, It was a summation of the total dollars that were recorded inaccurately. What it demonstrates is the loose management at HUD, the failure to mind the details. It doesn't mean the money was lost, misplaced or wasted. What have we learned from this? 1- HUD, like most Government agencies, does not keep tight records, and 2- RIGHTDINGER doesn't know shit about internal audit reporting. Neither of those is real news.
Why would Carson audit back to

Is he really that inept?
Get as much information as you possibly can about the problems facing your Department. That's what a good Department head does.
Now you are really reaching

If Carson ordered an audit of records going back to 1965 he should be jailed
Jailed ? Now you're reaching. Can't stand a Conservative Black man making his way without the Democratic Party dogma can you ?
Carson brought no qualifications to the job

Now we are seeing how incapable he is
By doing an audit? You've obviously never been responsible for anything. A new leader that doesn't do exactly as Dr. Carson did is a moron and is exactly what's wrong with Government today..
Spell HUD Backwards and What Do You Get?

And the poverty pimps told us that Big Ben was only smart at surgery. If he doesn't get the Nobel Prize in medicine, he should get one in Accounting.

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