Behind the scene story on how the 2020 election was saved


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

This is a blueprint on how to save your Republic from an Authoritarian. It was very, very expensive....but it was successful. These efforts may have saved the nation from the grasp of authoritarianism. A compelling...but well
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Saved nothing, sent the country into the toilet. You may want men peeing and taking a dump next to your Mother, Wife, Sister, Girlfriend, Daughter, Grand Daughter...I DO NOT and all any scumbag pedophile has to do is put a wig and lipstick and say I THINK IM A GIRL and he can walk right into ladies rooms and locker rooms and anywhere else women THOUGHT they had privacy....

Biden is going to send our taxs SOARING but of course thats for republicans to pay because we acutally work most democrats believe IF ITS FOR FREE ITS FOR ME...

Maybe you like having total anti american IDIOTS like AOC and the squad being the face of american politics...I DO NOT

Mark these words, when these 4 yrs are over. democrats will lose 20% of their voters and that will send them into the toilet where they belong
These efforts were enough to offset the massive efforts that the trump regime and his criminal associates took to suppress the right to vote. He used his appointment of his crony to the Post Office in an effort to stop mail in ballots

These campaigns against mass misinformation and the continuous spewing of lies from the mouth of the Liar in Chief had to be. This was a bipartisan effort to do just that. Now that the GOP is becoming the GOPQ, the private sector will stop the flow of funds to this newly constituted political party that relies on...yes....misinformation and lies.

trump urged and even planned the January 6th insurrection on our Democracy. His efforts at overturning the vote through legal and even illegal efforts had failed. He sent in his mindless cult to take down Democracy. HE FAILED!
I'm not sure how this is any different than what they accused Cambridge Analytica and the Russians of doing. If it wasn't OK for them to do it, why is OK for this "cabal," to manipulate the public like they did?


This is a blueprint on how to save your Republic from an Authoritarian. It was very, very expensive....but it was successful. These efforts may have saved the nation from the grasp of authoritarianism. A compelling...but well
In reality, it's the exact opposite. The Democratic party is the party of authoritarianism, jackass.

This is a blueprint on how to save your Republic from an Authoritarian. It was very, very expensive....but it was successful. These efforts may have saved the nation from the grasp of authoritarianism. A compelling...but well
Don't care.

Fuck your piece of shit "union"


Burn America TO THE GROUND!!!

These efforts were enough to offset the massive efforts that the trump regime and his criminal associates took to suppress the right to vote.
There were no such efforts, you easily brainwashed idiot.

You just too fucking dumb to comprehend the difference between suppressing voter fraud and suppressing the right to vote.
Actually it looks the other way around. Um, authoritarians are now dictating speech or have the capital to shut down anyone anytime they disagree with.
Youtube. facebook they ban the "N" word, Um the one word rappers use all the time is just fine, nefarious nattering nabobs of negativity...what did you think I meant?

This is a blueprint on how to save your Republic from an Authoritarian. It was very, very expensive....but it was successful. These efforts may have saved the nation from the grasp of authoritarianism. A compelling...but well
Read that yesterday, fascinating stuff.
The chief difference between the U.S. and countries that lost their grip on democracy, he concluded, was that America’s decentralized election system couldn’t be rigged in one fell swoop. That presented an opportunity to shore it up.
Yep. And getting rid of all 100% unverifiable voting machines remains easily doable.

hand counted
hand marked
paper ballots

No machines.
IMAGINE A FOOTBALL GAME two minutes left in the 4th quarter..your team is winning by 14 points Suddenly the game stops and the lights go out..when the lights come back on the opposing team mysteriously has 20 more points on the board That’s what we saw election night

Found on Twitter.
Deep state shadow government stepped in and stole the election to save "the usual" Communist dictatorship of the proletariat from being ousted in a real election.

We little people must continue to suck up to crime bosses who remain in total denial of our Constitutional rights.

They, however, have exposed themselves dangerously with a foolish agenda of creeping totalitarianism.

This is a blueprint on how to save your Republic from an Authoritarian. It was very, very expensive....but it was successful. These efforts may have saved the nation from the grasp of authoritarianism. A compelling...but well
The trump Nazis will never accept the truth. Their cult leader's lies are the only "reality" they know. With him out of the White House and his lies muzzled by social media outlets, the trump Nazis will be left to their own devices to create increasingly bizarre conspiracy theories as to how the "Deep State" and/or other secret organizations stole their dream of a fascist fourth reich ruled by their führer trump.

However, it is unfortunate the cooperation among the opposing groups that came together to save the United States' republic cannot learn the many valuable lessons their nearly year-long union is offering.


This is a blueprint on how to save your Republic from an Authoritarian. It was very, very expensive....but it was successful. These efforts may have saved the nation from the grasp of authoritarianism. A compelling...but well
The efforts of these groups and individuals prove Edmund Burke was correct, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

Our only savior right now is the Military. And God. Because this is just a whiff of the beginning of hell on earth...especially now that the super power of the USA has been dismantled.

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