Before people get giddy over the Climate Summit :-)

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Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

  • Any treaty is not binding and zero chance of making it through the Senate:up:
  • No enforcement provisions will even be discussed in Paris:gay:
  • More people are driving SUV's than ever before in our history:ack-1:
  • More people carpooled in 1980 than they do now:uhh:
  • 70% of the American people are against any taxes to fight "climate change":badgrin:
  • On every reputable poll taken since 2010, global warming is at or near the bottom of voter "concerns".:bye1:
  • We have seen zero significant climate legislation since 2007:boobies:
  • Electric vehicle sales are still a joke:coffee:
  • China will only be agreeing to reduce emissions starting in.....2030.:eek-52:
  • China will be upping its coal production by 50% over the next 30 years.:disbelief:
  • Cap and Trade failed in the US and has been a disaster in places like Germany and Australia.:eusa_dance:
  • NASA has admitted its data is rigged.:spinner:
  • Over 30,000 scientists say global warming is a bunch of hooey:rofl:
  • Going "green" in Spain 10 years ago cost 2 jobs for every green job gained!!:eusa_clap:

Now.....for 30 years, with the backing of the entire media and a wholesale sell of the 97% mantra on every campus in America ( grade/middle/high/college) unmitigated disaster. TOTAL FAILURE!!!:2up:

Actually........its quite astonishing!!! failed efforts have become so laughable that the circus has now taken to blaming the refugee crisis on global if desert and sand and heat just arrived in the middle east 25 years ago!!!

And then this week...........giant falling boulders caused guessed it!!!:2up::laugh::laugh:

  • Any treaty is not binding and zero chance of making it through the Senate:up:
  • No enforcement provisions will even be discussed in Paris:gay:
  • More people are driving SUV's than ever before in our history:ack-1:
  • More people carpooled in 1980 than they do now:uhh:
  • 70% of the American people are against any taxes to fight "climate change":badgrin:
  • On every reputable poll taken since 2010, global warming is at or near the bottom of voter "concerns".:bye1:
  • We have seen zero significant climate legislation since 2007:boobies:
  • Electric vehicle sales are still a joke:coffee:
  • China will only be agreeing to reduce emissions starting in.....2030.:eek-52:
  • China will be upping its coal production by 50% over the next 30 years.:disbelief:
  • Cap and Trade failed in the US and has been a disaster in places like Germany and Australia.:eusa_dance:
  • NASA has admitted its data is rigged.:spinner:
  • Over 30,000 scientists say global warming is a bunch of hooey:rofl:
  • Going "green" in Spain 10 years ago cost 2 jobs for every green job gained!!:eusa_clap:

Now.....for 30 years, with the backing of the entire media and a wholesale sell of the 97% mantra on every campus in America ( grade/middle/high/college) unmitigated disaster. TOTAL FAILURE!!!:2up:

Actually........its quite astonishing!!!

  • Any treaty is not binding and zero chance of making it through the Senate:up:
  • No enforcement provisions will even be discussed in Paris:gay:
  • More people are driving SUV's than ever before in our history:ack-1:
  • More people carpooled in 1980 than they do now:uhh:
  • 70% of the American people are against any taxes to fight "climate change":badgrin:
  • On every reputable poll taken since 2010, global warming is at or near the bottom of voter "concerns".:bye1:
  • We have seen zero significant climate legislation since 2007:boobies:
  • Electric vehicle sales are still a joke:coffee:
  • China will only be agreeing to reduce emissions starting in.....2030.:eek-52:
  • China will be upping its coal production by 50% over the next 30 years.:disbelief:
  • Cap and Trade failed in the US and has been a disaster in places like Germany and Australia.:eusa_dance:
  • NASA has admitted its data is rigged.:spinner:
  • Over 30,000 scientists say global warming is a bunch of hooey:rofl:
  • Going "green" in Spain 10 years ago cost 2 jobs for every green job gained!!:eusa_clap:

Now.....for 30 years, with the backing of the entire media and a wholesale sell of the 97% mantra on every campus in America ( grade/middle/high/college) unmitigated disaster. TOTAL FAILURE!!!:2up:

Actually........its quite astonishing!!!

Oh yes.....that's another talking point for progressives.( and this is the only thing this bozo ever posts in here :coffee: )

That's been a real effective campaign too!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Hey anybody see the Soetero speech in Paris yesterday???!!! After thousands of years of civilizations battling each other in every corner of the globe and 500 million deaths, this guy is going to end it all with a climate treaty!!!:banana::banana:

You know, when this guy leaves office in 2017, its kinda going to suck around here...........whats more fun than being able to make fun of an intellectual mental case who does everything wrong but still thinks he's 100% right all the time?:spinner:
Our present President did not leave the man that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil alive for seven years. He promised in his campaign for the Presidency that if he was elected, Bin Laden would die. Bin Laden is dead.

Our present President did not preside over the biggest economic debacle since the First Great Republican Depression. Instead, in seven years he presided over an economy that moved from over 10% unemployment to one with 5% unemployment. And the DOW moved from an anemic 6500 to around 17,500. I am sure the GOP longs for the good ol' days of January 2009.

Our present President is not regarded by leaders foreign and domestic as an utter dunce, as the man put in office by the GOP was.

And our present President is taking a leadership position on the very important issue of AGW. If that torques your jaws, great. See you on election day, Nov16.

  • Any treaty is not binding and zero chance of making it through the Senate:up:
  • No enforcement provisions will even be discussed in Paris:gay:
  • More people are driving SUV's than ever before in our history:ack-1:
  • More people carpooled in 1980 than they do now:uhh:
  • 70% of the American people are against any taxes to fight "climate change":badgrin:
  • On every reputable poll taken since 2010, global warming is at or near the bottom of voter "concerns".:bye1:
  • We have seen zero significant climate legislation since 2007:boobies:
  • Electric vehicle sales are still a joke:coffee:
  • China will only be agreeing to reduce emissions starting in.....2030.:eek-52:
  • China will be upping its coal production by 50% over the next 30 years.:disbelief:
  • Cap and Trade failed in the US and has been a disaster in places like Germany and Australia.:eusa_dance:
  • NASA has admitted its data is rigged.:spinner:
  • Over 30,000 scientists say global warming is a bunch of hooey:rofl:
  • Going "green" in Spain 10 years ago cost 2 jobs for every green job gained!!:eusa_clap:

Now.....for 30 years, with the backing of the entire media and a wholesale sell of the 97% mantra on every campus in America ( grade/middle/high/college) unmitigated disaster. TOTAL FAILURE!!!:2up:

Actually........its quite astonishing!!!

Oh yes.....that's another talking point for progressives.( and this is the only thing this bozo ever posts in here :coffee: )

That's been a real effective campaign too!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Given the present GOP candidates statement on AGW, and what we are seeing this year and what we will see next year concerning weather, and the increase in temperature, it is an excellent talking point.

  • Any treaty is not binding and zero chance of making it through the Senate:up:
  • No enforcement provisions will even be discussed in Paris:gay:
  • More people are driving SUV's than ever before in our history:ack-1:
  • More people carpooled in 1980 than they do now:uhh:
  • 70% of the American people are against any taxes to fight "climate change":badgrin:
  • On every reputable poll taken since 2010, global warming is at or near the bottom of voter "concerns".:bye1:
  • We have seen zero significant climate legislation since 2007:boobies:
  • Electric vehicle sales are still a joke:coffee:
  • China will only be agreeing to reduce emissions starting in.....2030.:eek-52:
  • China will be upping its coal production by 50% over the next 30 years.:disbelief:
  • Cap and Trade failed in the US and has been a disaster in places like Germany and Australia.:eusa_dance:
  • NASA has admitted its data is rigged.:spinner:
  • Over 30,000 scientists say global warming is a bunch of hooey:rofl:
  • Going "green" in Spain 10 years ago cost 2 jobs for every green job gained!!:eusa_clap:

Now.....for 30 years, with the backing of the entire media and a wholesale sell of the 97% mantra on every campus in America ( grade/middle/high/college) unmitigated disaster. TOTAL FAILURE!!!:2up:

Actually........its quite astonishing!!!

Oh yes.....that's another talking point for progressives.( and this is the only thing this bozo ever posts in here :coffee: )

That's been a real effective campaign too!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It's all your obnoxious ass deserves. It shocks me that people try to engage you seriously about anything.
Man made Climate Change is a scam. It's the perfect scam for Democrats because the cause has no violence, no guns, they can claim we are all victims, and the answer to it is more and bigger government. The more we hold the Democrats off and prevent them from damaging the country pushing their AGW scam, the more the American people realize what a scam it is.

  • Any treaty is not binding and zero chance of making it through the Senate:up:
  • No enforcement provisions will even be discussed in Paris:gay:
  • More people are driving SUV's than ever before in our history:ack-1:
  • More people carpooled in 1980 than they do now:uhh:
  • 70% of the American people are against any taxes to fight "climate change":badgrin:
  • On every reputable poll taken since 2010, global warming is at or near the bottom of voter "concerns".:bye1:
  • We have seen zero significant climate legislation since 2007:boobies:
  • Electric vehicle sales are still a joke:coffee:
  • China will only be agreeing to reduce emissions starting in.....2030.:eek-52:
  • China will be upping its coal production by 50% over the next 30 years.:disbelief:
  • Cap and Trade failed in the US and has been a disaster in places like Germany and Australia.:eusa_dance:
  • NASA has admitted its data is rigged.:spinner:
  • Over 30,000 scientists say global warming is a bunch of hooey:rofl:
  • Going "green" in Spain 10 years ago cost 2 jobs for every green job gained!!:eusa_clap:

Now.....for 30 years, with the backing of the entire media and a wholesale sell of the 97% mantra on every campus in America ( grade/middle/high/college) unmitigated disaster. TOTAL FAILURE!!!:2up:

Actually........its quite astonishing!!!

Oh yes.....that's another talking point for progressives.( and this is the only thing this bozo ever posts in here :coffee: )

That's been a real effective campaign too!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It's all your obnoxious ass deserves. It shocks me that people try to engage you seriously about anything.

You and your kind are the ones that no one takes seriously.
These climate summits are political theater at it best or worst

If we were serious about cutting emissions we would be taking on a challenge akin to that proposed by JFK in regards to the moon

If we had a real leader he would throw down the guantlet and declare that we will have an emission free electric grid in 20 years

And how do we do that?



But we don't have that do we?

We have nothing but rhetoric spewing selfie taking morons in power
Man made Climate Change is a scam. It's the perfect scam for Democrats because the cause has no violence, no guns, they can claim we are all victims, and the answer to it is more and bigger government. The more we hold the Democrats off and prevent them from damaging the country pushing their AGW scam, the more the American people realize what a scam it is.
People like you are ignorant asses that constantly make statements with zero to back the statements up. Are you ever going to back up anything you state, or just continue to be a board troll?

The climate summit represents that fact that most of the world understands now what we are doing to ourselves, and are starting to seek remedies. By standing on the sidelines, ignorant and stupid, you will have no say is what is done, and will not be able to do anything but go along while it is being done.

  • Any treaty is not binding and zero chance of making it through the Senate:up:
  • No enforcement provisions will even be discussed in Paris:gay:
  • More people are driving SUV's than ever before in our history:ack-1:
  • More people carpooled in 1980 than they do now:uhh:
  • 70% of the American people are against any taxes to fight "climate change":badgrin:
  • On every reputable poll taken since 2010, global warming is at or near the bottom of voter "concerns".:bye1:
  • We have seen zero significant climate legislation since 2007:boobies:
  • Electric vehicle sales are still a joke:coffee:
  • China will only be agreeing to reduce emissions starting in.....2030.:eek-52:
  • China will be upping its coal production by 50% over the next 30 years.:disbelief:
  • Cap and Trade failed in the US and has been a disaster in places like Germany and Australia.:eusa_dance:
  • NASA has admitted its data is rigged.:spinner:
  • Over 30,000 scientists say global warming is a bunch of hooey:rofl:
  • Going "green" in Spain 10 years ago cost 2 jobs for every green job gained!!:eusa_clap:

Now.....for 30 years, with the backing of the entire media and a wholesale sell of the 97% mantra on every campus in America ( grade/middle/high/college) unmitigated disaster. TOTAL FAILURE!!!:2up:

Actually........its quite astonishing!!!

Oh yes.....that's another talking point for progressives.( and this is the only thing this bozo ever posts in here :coffee: )

That's been a real effective campaign too!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It's all your obnoxious ass deserves. It shocks me that people try to engage you seriously about anything.

You and your kind are the ones that no one takes seriously.
^ He says in the thread about 195 countries and their leaders holding a summit to take this seriously.

These climate summits are political theater at it best or worst

If we were serious about cutting emissions we would be taking on a challenge akin to that proposed by JFK in regards to the moon

If we had a real leader he would throw down the guantlet and declare that we will have an emission free electric grid in 20 years

And how do we do that?



But we don't have that do we?

We have nothing but rhetoric spewing selfie taking morons in power
Why choose the most expensive and dangerous way? Vulnerable to terrorism and natural disasters. We have more than enough power by using wind, solar, and geothermal. Not only less expensive, but less vulnerable to natural or manmade disasters.

  • Any treaty is not binding and zero chance of making it through the Senate:up:
  • No enforcement provisions will even be discussed in Paris:gay:
  • More people are driving SUV's than ever before in our history:ack-1:
  • More people carpooled in 1980 than they do now:uhh:
  • 70% of the American people are against any taxes to fight "climate change":badgrin:
  • On every reputable poll taken since 2010, global warming is at or near the bottom of voter "concerns".:bye1:
  • We have seen zero significant climate legislation since 2007:boobies:
  • Electric vehicle sales are still a joke:coffee:
  • China will only be agreeing to reduce emissions starting in.....2030.:eek-52:
  • China will be upping its coal production by 50% over the next 30 years.:disbelief:
  • Cap and Trade failed in the US and has been a disaster in places like Germany and Australia.:eusa_dance:
  • NASA has admitted its data is rigged.:spinner:
  • Over 30,000 scientists say global warming is a bunch of hooey:rofl:
  • Going "green" in Spain 10 years ago cost 2 jobs for every green job gained!!:eusa_clap:

Now.....for 30 years, with the backing of the entire media and a wholesale sell of the 97% mantra on every campus in America ( grade/middle/high/college) unmitigated disaster. TOTAL FAILURE!!!:2up:

Actually........its quite astonishing!!!

Oh yes.....that's another talking point for progressives.( and this is the only thing this bozo ever posts in here :coffee: )

That's been a real effective campaign too!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It's all your obnoxious ass deserves. It shocks me that people try to engage you seriously about anything.

You and your kind are the ones that no one takes seriously.
^ He says in the thread about 195 countries and their leaders holding a summit to take this seriously.


Not Climate Change retard, it's YOU that no one takes seriously.

In addition to your other mental insufficiencies, you are functionally illiterate too? Tough break pal.

Oh yes.....that's another talking point for progressives.( and this is the only thing this bozo ever posts in here :coffee: )

That's been a real effective campaign too!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It's all your obnoxious ass deserves. It shocks me that people try to engage you seriously about anything.

You and your kind are the ones that no one takes seriously.
^ He says in the thread about 195 countries and their leaders holding a summit to take this seriously.


Not Climate Change retard, it's YOU that no one takes seriously.

In addition to your other mental insufficiencies, you are functionally illiterate too? Tough break pal.
Oh you big fucking idiot I guess you shouldn't have typed "your kind." Please post some more emoji's and shitty edited MS piant photos so you can be taken seriously like skooker.
These climate summits are political theater at it best or worst

If we were serious about cutting emissions we would be taking on a challenge akin to that proposed by JFK in regards to the moon

If we had a real leader he would throw down the guantlet and declare that we will have an emission free electric grid in 20 years

And how do we do that?



But we don't have that do we?

We have nothing but rhetoric spewing selfie taking morons in power
Why choose the most expensive and dangerous way? Vulnerable to terrorism and natural disasters. We have more than enough power by using wind, solar, and geothermal. Not only less expensive, but less vulnerable to natural or manmade disasters.
Why are you deliberately ignorant of new reactor technology that will not only use spent fuel from our outdated reactors but that are inherently safer and are modular and less expensive than our outdated reactors that can be buried underground and only need refueling every 2-3 decades and can supply enough emission free power to cover all our needs and instead of wind which at best only produces 30% of its nominal output or solar that only works less than half the time where both will eat up acres and acres of land?
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