been here for years


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
:thewave:but since everything else here is "new"
i just want to say how great it is to be here.

... but, there is one minor bone i have to pick..
i was looking at the slogan and it's "where your voices (plural) count"

great slogan... to be sure.

shouldn't it be voice singular ?
wouldn't voices automatically imply more than one voice, constituting/implementing multiple user platform status, thereby violating the house rules on sock puppeteering ?

it's just a little thing though, everything else here is great. way better than that fuckin politicalforum hackjob site
maybe this should be in the humor section of conspiracy, that's where you'll find me.
Strange voices from far, far to the right. Very strange voices.
Jake you are not mainstream you are as leftwing as luddy and paint.
I am far more mainstream than you reactionary far right wing weirdoes in the party. You have no common sense or patriotism at all. Only a desire for power.
The weirdos cannot understand that a mainstream exists because somehow they believe their extremist views (HenryBHough, WilliamtheWie, SayIt, and others, e.g.) are normal and the mainstream, which of course they aren't. :)
Sorry the acting out in public politicians are Gore, Kerry, Pelosi and Reid. They may not be clinically insane for making fatuous claims about the internet, their public record, their legislative misdeeds and continuous problems with exercise equipment beating them up but they sure do a great job of playing psychotic on the news.
you guys might be off topic just a little bit..
can we continue this in my conspiracy/birther section ?
thanks everybody this is the best board in the business... and America..

hey mods i don't ask you guys for much. but PC's thread belongs on the big board.

not the rubber room, could you please move it back ?? it's a bunch of bullies down there...

actually whom's teenage hormone collective asses she is totally kicking ...

and i must say is very entertaining...

as we speak... Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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All birfer threads and BHOisaMuslim threads of course belong in conspiracy or rubber room.
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:thewave:but since everything else here is "new"
i just want to say how great it is to be here.

... but, there is one minor bone i have to pick..
i was looking at the slogan and it's "where your voices (plural) count"

great slogan... to be sure.

shouldn't it be voice singular ?
wouldn't voices automatically imply more than one voice, constituting/implementing multiple user platform status, thereby violating the house rules on sock puppeteering ?

it's just a little thing though, everything else here is great. way better than that fuckin politicalforum hackjob site
maybe this should be in the humor section of conspiracy, that's where you'll find me.
All I hear is my butt farting show tunes....howdy....
:thewave:but since everything else here is "new"
i just want to say how great it is to be here.

... but, there is one minor bone i have to pick..
i was looking at the slogan and it's "where your voices (plural) count"

great slogan... to be sure.

shouldn't it be voice singular ?
wouldn't voices automatically imply more than one voice, constituting/implementing multiple user platform status, thereby violating the house rules on sock puppeteering ?

it's just a little thing though, everything else here is great. way better than that fuckin politicalforum hackjob site
maybe this should be in the humor section of conspiracy, that's where you'll find me.
All I hear is my butt farting show tunes....howdy....

moonblow said...

All I hear is my butt farting show tunes....howdy....

that's because you are a douchebag.. everyone knows it....stay away from open flamings (assholes) for awhile

lighters matches candles... you get the idea
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