...because Congress refuses to act


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
So, we're all cool now with the Obama Dick tater Doctrine of a President using his executive authority to make changes when he can't get Congressional approval?

Reagan should have closed the Department of Education and Bush should have shut Fannie and Freddie and Privatized Social Security, right?
So, we're all cool now with the Obama Dick tater Doctrine of a President using his executive authority to make changes when he can't get Congressional approval?

As you know perfectly well, or should, Obama is only proposing to find ways to act using Congressional approval he has already received.

Those actions by Reagan, which of course he never did, would have violated the Constitution. What Obama is proposing does not.
So, we're all cool now with the Obama Dick tater Doctrine of a President using his executive authority to make changes when he can't get Congressional approval?

As you know perfectly well, or should, Obama is only proposing to find ways to act using Congressional approval he has already received.

Those actions by Reagan, which of course he never did, would have violated the Constitution. What Obama is proposing does not.

So, I get Congressional approval to do "A", therfore I can do "Z"?

I knew it was a matter of time until some Bush-hater jumped in here, only took 5 posts. Right on cue Kiwiman. :lol:

Oh and did he blame a lame Congress for signing those executive orders?? I think not.
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So, I get Congressional approval to do "A", therfore I can do "Z"?

You get Congressional approval to do A-Z, so far you've done A, D, and G, which was the main original intent, now you look up the legislation and find it authorizes you to do Z, so this would be a good time. That's what Obama's talking about doing.

Y'all know this. Or you should.
Did Obama actually he can act instead of congress? Or is that your interpretation of his remarks? What meat does he eat that he is grown so great? Unless Congress and the constitution gives specific authority, then he can't.
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I knew it was a matter of time until some Bush-hater jumped in here, only took 5 posts. Right on cue Kiwiman. :lol:

Oh and did he blame a lame Congress for signing those executive orders?? I think not.

Actually, I'm not exactly a GWB hater. I disagreed with many of his policies, just like I disagree with Obama (and have stated on these boards I have no intention of voting for the guy). Actually I'd rather have a beer with "W" than with the Big O. I'm just sick of the hypocrisy shown on these boards.
I don't hate Bush as a person and I don't hate Obama as a person either, I leave the hating to the childish haters.
Oh, did I forget to mention the 4 new wars?

First of all, they're called 'executive orders'. Every president uses them. Remember all of the EOs Bush issued right before he left office? Yeah, it pissed off some of us liberals, but it wasn't unconstitutional.

Second of all, 4 new wars? Try ZERO new wars. The only two wars we are currently in are the same two wars we were in in Nov 2008. I find it hard to believe that you don't understand that; therefore, you must be lying.
Did Obama actually he can act instead of congress? Or is that your interpretation of his remarks? What meat does he eat that he is grown so great? Unless Congress and the constitution gives specific authority, then he can't.

Congress often passes laws that allow considerable leeway to the executive. Obama, faced with an uncooperative Congress, is having his staff look through existing legislation to see what authorization has been granted that they can use to help the economy. I saw the video of that staff session. That's what was proposed, no more, no less.

It's perfectly legal.
I knew there was a reason I never granted him the dignity of the office. I knew he would abuse it and use it for the betterment of his buddies. Tsk Tsk,, what a fucking waste of time.
I knew there was a reason I never granted him the dignity of the office. I knew he would abuse it and use it for the betterment of his buddies. Tsk Tsk,, what a fucking waste of time.

So now helping to lower loan payments for college students is cronyism? :lol::lol::lol: BTW, every president has used executive orders. I guess you think they're all shitting on the Constitution too? :cuckoo:
If their number one priority is to sit on their hands and do whatever it takes to unseat the President, then you're damn straight!

So Bush should have taken the same tact when Pelosi took over, right?
I knew there was a reason I never granted him the dignity of the office. I knew he would abuse it and use it for the betterment of his buddies. Tsk Tsk,, what a fucking waste of time.

So now helping to lower loan payments for college students is cronyism? :lol::lol::lol: BTW, every president has used executive orders. I guess you think they're all shitting on the Constitution too? :cuckoo:

lower payments for college students is fucking once again over the taxpayer. asswipe. we'll be stuck with his fucking generosity.
Oh, did I forget to mention the 4 new wars?

First of all, they're called 'executive orders'. Every president uses them. Remember all of the EOs Bush issued right before he left office? Yeah, it pissed off some of us liberals, but it wasn't unconstitutional.

Second of all, 4 new wars? Try ZERO new wars. The only two wars we are currently in are the same two wars we were in in Nov 2008. I find it hard to believe that you don't understand that; therefore, you must be lying.

What do you call it when we drop bombs and missiles on people? Outreach?
So, we're all cool now with the Obama Dick tater Doctrine of a President using his executive authority to make changes when he can't get Congressional approval?

Reagan should have closed the Department of Education and Bush should have shut Fannie and Freddie and Privatized Social Security, right?

I love how you pretend republicans are not the exact same way.
lets all watch frank dip duck dodge the fact that this was done 100's of times under the previous president when he didn't say squat about it.................poor guy

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