Be Careful What You Wish For....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Rubbing our hands with glee at the lies, ineptitude, scandals, and outright failure of the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, we should carefully consider the words of Oscar Wilde:
"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

1. "The USA Today-Pew poll showing “the strongest tilt to Republican candidates at this point in a midterm year in at least two decades, raising hopes in some quarters that the Republicans will add a Senate majority to the House of Representatives ...

2. ... in the mid-1990s Congressional Republicans led by Newt Gingrich tried a “Contract With America” that set some pre-election priorities. But with no such contract on the table, at least at the moment, a new Republican majority will run the risk of exposing all the intraparty differences that have been quietly festering.

a. - Tea Party versus establishment, or libertarians versus Christian conservatives, or big business versus small business.

3. Immigration: Free-market, business-oriented types want to open up the gates to increase the labor supply and cut red tape. Law-and-order conservatives want to get tough on illegals and oppose “amnesty.”

4. NSA surveillance: Tough-on-terrorism Republicans ....Libertarian types think that this is Orwellian big government run amok.

5. Defense spending: Republicans remember the Reagan military buildup,... But getting to a balanced budget is harder without curbing growth in military spending.

6. Common Core: ... local control of education. They bristle at national standards, but they are also tempted to impose them, as in George W. Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” education law. Plenty of Republican governors have adopted the Common Core in their states, and Jeb Bush supports it. There’s no consensus.

7. Infrastructure spending: The Chamber of Commerce supported the Obama stimulus bill ....Governors often like this kind of spending, too. But, like defense spending, it makes it harder to balance the budget, ....

8. Tax reform: ....there’s disagreement over what should replace it. A flat tax? A consumption tax or “fair tax”? Some version of the current system but with lower rates and fewer deductions?

9. Means testing: Some Republicans favor reducing government benefits, like Social Security or unemployment, for well-off recipients, ....Others see it as joining Democrats in a misguided effort to soak the rich or punish hard work, savings, or success.

10. .....these sorts of disagreements can be healthy and creative, translating into “team of rivals” style Cabinet-level debates. At other times, the rifts can degenerate into counterproductive backstabbing. Without a president, the Republicans will lack a clear decider on these issues."
Republican Control of Congress Could Spell Trouble for GOP - The New York Sun

With respect to the above, every decision should be made with this perspective: it has taken Progressives over a full century to bring America this close to destruction.... election will hardly be enough to return it.

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