BBC News - Palestinian teenager's body found in Jerusalem

no thanks, the one about the Palestinian boy being murdered because he was Gay is still stuck in my throat.

Ps when are you going to apologise ?

The Israel extremists will hang on to their lie, even after some Jewish extremist is convicted.
Scapegoat, miscarriage of justice, anything but a murdering bastard.
Let's recap what happened here. Three Israeli boys were kidnapped and then murdered by some Arab animals, for no apparent reason. A few morons like you then went on the internet and claimed that Israel did this intentionally in order to start oppressing the Palestinians. This caused some crazy Jews, probably related to the Israeli kids, to take revenge on an Arab boy. Two wrongs don't make a right, but I didn't see any of you assholes howling like rabid dogs over the Israeli boys. Israel went ahead and arrested those who committed the crime against the Palestinian boy and there was condemnation by Israelis across the spectrum. Palestinians on the other hand celebrated the killers of the boys and praised them as heroes. Anybody who can't see the difference between the two is probably mentally ill.
Toady, how many people thanked the four IDF soldiers for their Facebook page glorifying in the murder of the Palestinian child, how many wrote vile comments applauding his death before the page was closed?

As an "evil" left wing Jew I am happy the four soldiers were prosecuted and got a short spell in prison.I would hope they are kicked out of the army.
Well done Israel for swift justice.

I condemn any person who celibates the death of an innocent
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Let's recap what happened here. Three Israeli boys were kidnapped and then murdered by some Arab animals, for no apparent reason. A few morons like you then went on the internet and claimed that Israel did this intentionally in order to start oppressing the Palestinians.

Please quote where I claimed that or admit you lied.
Ignorant dumbass doesn't know that Jews have lived in Hebron since ancient days, and it is the location of the Tomb of Patriarchs, one of Judaism's holiest sites, which the boys were paying a religious visit to.

The same animals who's forefathers committed ancient cleansing and genocide on the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929 killed those three boys.
Zionists started the Hebron riots in '29 when a band of them went down to the Wailing Wall and declared it "theirs".

BTW, there were over 400 Jews whose lives were saved by their Arab neighbors during those riots.

In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.

Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.
The part the asshole intentionally left out was it was a false rumor started by the Nazi Mufti, that's why you didn't post a link. Muslim ethnic cleansing of Hebron was what started it all.

The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by false rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.[1] The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.[2][3] Soon after, all Hebron's Jews were evacuated by the British authorities. Many returned in 1931, but almost all were evacuated at the outbreak of the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The massacre formed part of the 1929 Palestine riots, in which a total of 133 Jews and 110 Arabs were killed, and brought the centuries-old Jewish presence in Hebron to an end.

The massacre, together with that of Jews in Safed, sent shock waves through Jewish communities in Palestine and around the world. It led to the re-organization and development of the Jewish paramilitary organization, the Haganah, which later became the nucleus of the Israel Defense Forces.[citation needed] In the metanarrative of Zionism, according to Michelle Campos, the event became 'a central symbol of Jewish persecution at the hands of bloodthirsty Arabs'[4] and was 'engraved in the national psyche of Israeli Jews', particularly those who settled in Hebron after 1967.[5] Hillel Cohen regards the massacre as marking a point-of-no-return in Arab-Jewish relations, and forcing the Mizrahi Jews to join forces with Zionism

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Palestinian teen's abduction, killing heightens tension -

"Those who spoke out passionately included an uncle of one of the three Israeli teens whose bodies were found earlier this week. He called the young Palestinian's killing "a forbidden action, and it has no forgiveness."

"Any act of revenge of any kind whatsoever is completely inappropriate and wrong. Murder is murder," said Yishai Frankel, uncle of Naftali Frankel, a 16-year-old dual Israeli-American citizen, to Israel's Channel 2. "One should not differentiate between bloods, be it Arab or Jew."

From the CNN report...... A typical Zionist response.
It's really sad when such a good person has to suffer the loss of a loved one.

That uncle is a good person who has my respect.
would you believe there are plenty of Jews who are like this man, he is a mensch.
There are plenty of Jews who will revile him as weak.

Lipush and Phoenall step up and agree with what Yishai Frankel said, for people like him are the future of Israel.[/QUOTE [MENTION=38033]Indofred[/MENTION] do you remember when I posted this, the silence has been deafening till today. When the duplicitous lickspittle [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] was forced to make an apology for her vile remarks. The only remark made by Lipush that I believe is to quote "I only do what the Army tells me to".
Where are the Palestinian leaders and defenders of the rule of law?

there are criminals in every group.

the question is what does the so-called "normal" citizenry do about those criminals. israel charged it's creepers, what did the palestinians do besides the mother of one of its murderers saying she is "proud" of her son for helping to kidnap and murder three innocent boys.
Now you're spreading pure lies. I believes at first this murder was not committed by Jews, when I found out I was wrong I admitted it and apologized.

What more do you want??
What you did was to shout the vile slur that the child was a homosexual and that he was murdered by his family as an honor killing. Is that true?
At least someone admits there are Jewish terrorists.

Just waiting for assholes like you to admit that the Palestinians are terrorists.
no problem for me there are people on both sides who use terrorists, and I condemn them.Would you condemn the terrorists who murdered the Palestinian child?

Yes will you condemn the terrorists that act as human shields around hamas rocket launchers ?
It's really sad when such a good person has to suffer the loss of a loved one.

That uncle is a good person who has my respect.
would you believe there are plenty of Jews who are like this man, he is a mensch.
There are plenty of Jews who will revile him as weak.

Lipush and Phoenall step up and agree with what Yishai Frankel said, for people like him are the future of Israel.[/QUOTE [MENTION=38033]Indofred[/MENTION] do you remember when I posted this, the silence has been deafening till today. When the duplicitous lickspittle [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] was forced to make an apology for her vile remarks. The only remark made by Lipush that I believe is to quote "I only do what the Army tells me to".

While you make demands like your fellow ISLAMONAZI PALESTINIAN TERRORIST SCUM you will get nothing.
Now you're spreading pure lies. I believes at first this murder was not committed by Jews, when I found out I was wrong I admitted it and apologized.

What more do you want??
What you did was to shout the vile slur that the child was a homosexual and that he was murdered by his family as an honor killing. Is that true?

Repeated the media story that he was gay and was murdered for family honour. The same media that you use when they post untruths about Israel and the Jews.

So will you now apologise unreservedly for all your LIES and BLOOD LIBELS repeated by you that you read in the same media
Israel is a land of----gossip-----no matter what the event---rumors (aka gossip) flies
around the country --immediately. Repeating a rumor is no crime----clinging to false
rumors is disgusting-----Lipush did not cling to the false rumor ( Ie ---that the family killed
the boy has been demonstrated as false-----whether he was a homosexual or not is a moot
point now-----it is possible that he was and that IF he was----someone came up with the idea
of a possible honor killing <<< and that is all there is to it)
Now you're spreading pure lies. I believes at first this murder was not committed by Jews, when I found out I was wrong I admitted it and apologized.

What more do you want??
What you did was to shout the vile slur that the child was a homosexual and that he was murdered by his family as an honor killing. Is that true?

Repeated the media story that he was gay and was murdered for family honour. The same media that you use when they post untruths about Israel and the Jews.

So will you now apologise unreservedly for all your LIES and BLOOD LIBELS repeated by you that you read in the same media
From one Jew to another post examples please.:badgrin:
Now you're spreading pure lies. I believes at first this murder was not committed by Jews, when I found out I was wrong I admitted it and apologized.

What more do you want??
What you did was to shout the vile slur that the child was a homosexual and that he was murdered by his family as an honor killing. Is that true?

The police had to explore all possible options and motives in a murder investigation. Honor killings are very common in that area of the world. But once the investigation was completed, Israel didn't try to hide the truth.
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Now you're spreading pure lies. I believes at first this murder was not committed by Jews, when I found out I was wrong I admitted it and apologized.

What more do you want??
What you did was to shout the vile slur that the child was a homosexual and that he was murdered by his family as an honor killing. Is that true?

The police had to explore all possible options and motives in a murder investigation. Honor killings are very common in that area of the world. But once the investigation was completed, Israel didn't try to hide the truth.

However---the murderers of the three teens are still being hidden and protected by their
adoring fans and ummah sluts thruout the world are developing fantasies of love
Now you're spreading pure lies. I believes at first this murder was not committed by Jews, when I found out I was wrong I admitted it and apologized.

What more do you want??
What you did was to shout the vile slur that the child was a homosexual and that he was murdered by his family as an honor killing. Is that true?

Except that she didn't 'shout it as a vile slur': she was merely reporting what was being brought up as a POSSIBILITY. And yes, in many 'Islamic' nations, homosexual males are being harassed and even executed for their orientation - and 'honor killings' are hardly unknown in Muslim society.

Which, BTW, I thanked her post *for bringing in more POSSIBLE context of this hideous crime* - I wasn't concluding anything, and I wasn't 'agreeing' or accepting the details as fact.
I've been busy elsewhere, and haven't followed the thread, but the Hamas and PA fans are now pretending to be all upset that they provoked the very kind of a reprisal they wanted? Nothing like hypocrisy and deflection, and of course the usual tactic of shifting the focus away from their centuries of atrocities to somebody else's. They love this sort of thing; it's great for fund raising. If some Jews hadn't done it, they would have done it themselves and claimed it was Jews anyway, and the usual apologists would still be defending the animals.

The people responsible for this crime are none other than the 'Palestinian' leadership and their fans, and that will never change no matter how much hubris they throw out.
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At least someone admits there are Jewish terrorists.

Fred - Please show the posts where you fantasize that people have denied Jewish terrorists exist?

Oh, and would you point me to your retraction of the outrageous inaccuracies you've posted earlier regarding this murder? Thanks .....

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