Barack Obama, the king of deportations

What were bush's numbers so we can compare?

The amount of illegals have gone down some 2 million people since President Obama's been in office.

Some of this is due to the economy true..but Obama's been on overdrive with Deportations and sent troops to the borders.

EXACTLY what conservatives have suggested in the past.

to man desks... not to patrol the border.
Anyone have any ideas, other than what I listed in the OP, as to why none of the big media outlets are covering this?

CNN reports on this.

FOX doesn't.

Neither does most of the MSM. Which should put to bed it's not as lefty as people imagine.

really? FOX News did not report on this?

Interesting. This link must be part of the vast, right-wing conspiracy then.

Record Number of Criminals Deported, Many Based on Traffic Violations

Well good.

They're finally catching up.

This has been ongoing for three years.
What were bush's numbers so we can compare?

The amount of illegals have gone down some 2 million people since President Obama's been in office.

Some of this is due to the economy true..but Obama's been on overdrive with Deportations and sent troops to the borders.

EXACTLY what conservatives have suggested in the past.

to man desks... not to patrol the border.

They are there for surveillence. Yeah..that's sorta like patrol..without patrol.

The figures speak for themselves, pal.
Anyone have any ideas, other than what I listed in the OP, as to why none of the big media outlets are covering this?

Trying to keep potential voters happy by playing both sides of the fence.

Corporatists are not very happy. They are losing vast numbers of cheap labor. In fact, they've been trying to "mine" prisons to get workers. :lol:

Very true and depending on the offense, they should. Here in Texas, Rick Perry has stymied attempts to get tougher on illegals. I do hope that that's a question they put to him here soon.
He has not been able to dazzle the American public with his brilliance, I am hoping that he cant baffle them with his bull shit either.
The amount of illegals have gone down some 2 million people since President Obama's been in office.

Some of this is due to the economy true..but Obama's been on overdrive with Deportations and sent troops to the borders.

EXACTLY what conservatives have suggested in the past.

to man desks... not to patrol the border.

They are there for surveillence. Yeah..that's sorta like patrol..without patrol.

The figures speak for themselves, pal.

Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -
obama himself said those additional 1200 were not patroling the border.
Speaking at a press conference in the White House East Room Thursday, the president said the Guard won't be on the front lines but will be offering vital support roles.

Someone puts up a thread on the reality of the situation.

President Obama is the first President in decades to deal squarely with illegal immigration in a manner that ought to make Conservatives pop champagne corks.

And they were still unhappy! :confused:

Smoke and mirrors. I think more and more illegals are deporting themselves in droves due to states signing their own immigration bills into law then Obama deporting. We will know for sure whether he is directly responsible for deportation when we see how the Hispanics vote in 2012. But with Obama not putting his name on any type of major decision in the last 3 years, I find it hard to believe he would put his name on something that could cost him so many votes.
Then why did he sue Arizona, and what was with his joke about building a moat?

What Arizona did was Unconstitutional. Immigration falls under the scope of the Federal government.

Arizona was addressing ILLEGAL immigration. Bush, Clintion, Bush have ignored it and Obama remains contradictory and vague about it. I dont see how asking some one to show ID and asking if they are legal is unconstitutional. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it must be a duck. No racism there, just common sense.
Kudo's for the deportations.

Only problem is that they keep coming back.

If Barry or any POTUS wanted to stop this they would build the fence and triple the Border Patrol.

Of course they are all angling for the Hispanic vote so I ain't holdin my breath for that to happen.
to man desks... not to patrol the border.

They are there for surveillence. Yeah..that's sorta like patrol..without patrol.

The figures speak for themselves, pal.

Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -
obama himself said those additional 1200 were not patroling the border.
Speaking at a press conference in the White House East Room Thursday, the president said the Guard won't be on the front lines but will be offering vital support roles.

The 1,200 National Guard troops President Obama is dispatching to the U.S.-Mexico border will provide intelligence, reconnaissance and other "back office" support, but one thing they won't be doing is helping a beleaguered Border Patrol and local law enforcement nab illegal immigrants and smugglers flowing into Arizona.

Read more: Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -

Do you even bother to read the stuff you post?
They are there for surveillence. Yeah..that's sorta like patrol..without patrol.

The figures speak for themselves, pal.

Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -
obama himself said those additional 1200 were not patroling the border.

The 1,200 National Guard troops President Obama is dispatching to the U.S.-Mexico border will provide intelligence, reconnaissance and other "back office" support, but one thing they won't be doing is helping a beleaguered Border Patrol and local law enforcement nab illegal immigrants and smugglers flowing into Arizona.

Read more: Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -

Do you even bother to read the stuff you post?

Yes... and I apparently understand it more than you do.

They are there for surveillence. Yeah..that's sorta like patrol..without patrol.

The figures speak for themselves, pal.

Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -
obama himself said those additional 1200 were not patroling the border.

The 1,200 National Guard troops President Obama is dispatching to the U.S.-Mexico border will provide intelligence, reconnaissance and other "back office" support, but one thing they won't be doing is helping a beleaguered Border Patrol and local law enforcement nab illegal immigrants and smugglers flowing into Arizona.

Read more: Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -

Do you even bother to read the stuff you post?
And, more good news. Seems it came from Fox, too.

Normally, I read the WaPo, though. Any of the TV news outlets provide good background noise for me from time to time.
Kudo's for the deportations.

Only problem is that they keep coming back.

If Barry or any POTUS wanted to stop this they would build the fence and triple the Border Patrol.
Of course they are all angling for the Hispanic vote so I ain't holdin my breath for that to happen.

With what money? :lol:
Kudo's for the deportations.

Only problem is that they keep coming back.

If Barry or any POTUS wanted to stop this they would build the fence and triple the Border Patrol.

Of course they are all angling for the Hispanic vote so I ain't holdin my breath for that to happen.

Yup. Both sides.
Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -
obama himself said those additional 1200 were not patroling the border.

The 1,200 National Guard troops President Obama is dispatching to the U.S.-Mexico border will provide intelligence, reconnaissance and other "back office" support, but one thing they won't be doing is helping a beleaguered Border Patrol and local law enforcement nab illegal immigrants and smugglers flowing into Arizona.

Read more: Obama: National Guard Won't Be on Front Lines in Arizona -

Do you even bother to read the stuff you post?

Yes... and I apparently understand it more than you do.


You know what "intelligence and reconnaissance" is, exactly?

It generally isn't gleaned by sitting in an office.

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