CDZ Barack Obama...Greatest President of Modern times


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I open this discussion with if you think President Obama is not the greatest president of modern times you have to name the president and what he accomplished that is better than Obama
Lets start here

Barack H. Obama is the Greatest President of Modern Times

What we can do is judge them by their accomplishments, by how they faced the challenges of their time. Coming off arguably one of the most disastrous presidencies in our history, that of George W. Bush, who cut taxes yet involved us in two un-paid for wars, and crashed our economy and that of the rest of the world as a result, we found ourselves with our nation’ first black president.
Not only did Barack H. Obama face the deeply entrenched racism of the nation that elected him, but a Republican Party determined to obstruct his every move, to make him a one term president and that term an utter failure. All the while, he had to face his real work, that for which he was elected: digging our nation out of the hole into which his predecessor had dragged us.
And it was a deep hole. Hated by the world, our economy in shambles, two wars continuing and with no real end in sight, let alone any idea of what, exactly, would constitute victory, Barack Obama stepped up to the plate, and like Babe Ruth calling his shot, made his play. Like Ruth, he hit it out of the park. This is not hyperbole. The facts prove it.
The wars are over, the economy is booming. Unemployment, like gas prices, are dropping and we have seen record levels of job growth. By any measure of success, including that of Republican candidates in 2012, his presidency has been a success. Even businesses and Wall Street agree that Republicans are killing the economy, and the evidence proves that the economy grows more under Democratic than Republican presidents.
And not only did he end the wars (and without getting us into any of the new ones proposed by Republicans) and restored the economy, but he helped speed along social change by embracing marriage equality, kicking DOMA to the curb and ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; he has supported women’s rights, including equal pay and the right to manage their own reproductive rights; He has fought for workers and for a living wage; battled on behalf of the environment; and fought for the rights of immigrants. And with the Affordable Care Act, known fittingly as Obamacare, he has given all Americans access to healthcare for the first time in our nation’s history.
The wars are over, the economy is booming. Unemployment, like gas prices, are dropping and we have seen record levels of job growth. By any measure of success, including that of Republican candidates in 2012, his presidency has been a success. Even businesses and Wall Street agree that Republicans are killing the economy, and the evidence proves that the economy grows more under Democratic than Republican presidents.
And not only did he end the wars (and without getting us into any of the new ones proposed by Republicans) and restored the economy, but he helped speed along social change by embracing marriage equality, kicking DOMA to the curb and ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; he has supported women’s rights, including equal pay and the right to manage their own reproductive rights; He has fought for workers and for a living wage; battled on behalf of the environment; and fought for the rights of immigrants. And with the Affordable Care Act, known fittingly as Obamacare, he has given all Americans access to healthcare for the first time in our nation’s history.
What has he done for the jobs to come back?
What HASNT he been able to do to make matters worse? It isn't that black and white.
"the rights of immigrants"
You mean illegals? You mean that corporatist move to drive down national wages? Thanks Obama!
The wars are over
Tell that to the soldiers still there taking bullets for YOU.
Not where I live, there is talk of another 700 lay-offs in a nearby town of less than 10k, that on top of about 1400 just this year.
Unemployment, like gas prices, are dropping and we have seen record levels of job growth.
That is if you don't count the people who have quit looking. Gas prices are due in large part to the Balkin Oil Feilds that Obama has opposed from the beginning. Record levels of job growth? Where are you getting your info? CBS?
and the evidence proves that the economy grows more under Democratic than Republican presidents
It's easy to "grow the economy" by spending record levels of deficit money, that our children and grandchildren will have to pay back...
he has supported women’s rights, including equal pay
While HE payed female staffers less than their male counterparts.
And with the Affordable Care Act, known fittingly as Obamacare, he has given all Americans access to healthcare for the first time in our nation’s history.
And put countless small, medium and large companys out of business in the process.

Rousing sucess.

As for the greatest President since WWII? Dispite his many flaws, I would nominate Reagen. Cold War ended because of his policies. Not too bad for an actor.
The wars are over, the economy is booming. Unemployment, like gas prices, are dropping and we have seen record levels of job growth. By any measure of success, including that of Republican candidates in 2012, his presidency has been a success. Even businesses and Wall Street agree that Republicans are killing the economy, and the evidence proves that the economy grows more under Democratic than Republican presidents.
And not only did he end the wars (and without getting us into any of the new ones proposed by Republicans) and restored the economy, but he helped speed along social change by embracing marriage equality, kicking DOMA to the curb and ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; he has supported women’s rights, including equal pay and the right to manage their own reproductive rights; He has fought for workers and for a living wage; battled on behalf of the environment; and fought for the rights of immigrants. And with the Affordable Care Act, known fittingly as Obamacare, he has given all Americans access to healthcare for the first time in our nation’s history.
What has he done for the jobs to come back?
What HASNT he been able to do to make matters worse? It isn't that black and white.
"the rights of immigrants"
You mean illegals? You mean that corporatist move to drive down national wages? Thanks Obama!

You neglected who was a better President and why

Then we can compare notes
The wars are over, the economy is booming. Unemployment, like gas prices, are dropping and we have seen record levels of job growth. By any measure of success, including that of Republican candidates in 2012, his presidency has been a success. Even businesses and Wall Street agree that Republicans are killing the economy, and the evidence proves that the economy grows more under Democratic than Republican presidents.
And not only did he end the wars (and without getting us into any of the new ones proposed by Republicans) and restored the economy, but he helped speed along social change by embracing marriage equality, kicking DOMA to the curb and ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; he has supported women’s rights, including equal pay and the right to manage their own reproductive rights; He has fought for workers and for a living wage; battled on behalf of the environment; and fought for the rights of immigrants. And with the Affordable Care Act, known fittingly as Obamacare, he has given all Americans access to healthcare for the first time in our nation’s history.
What has he done for the jobs to come back?
What HASNT he been able to do to make matters worse? It isn't that black and white.
"the rights of immigrants"
You mean illegals? You mean that corporatist move to drive down national wages? Thanks Obama!

You neglected who was a better President and why

Then we can compare notes
I had replied to a post you made that was full of rhetoric. Of course, I don't blame you for not refuting it lol
What makes you think I think any of them are "better"?
The wars are over, the economy is booming. Unemployment, like gas prices, are dropping and we have seen record levels of job growth. By any measure of success, including that of Republican candidates in 2012, his presidency has been a success. Even businesses and Wall Street agree that Republicans are killing the economy, and the evidence proves that the economy grows more under Democratic than Republican presidents.
And not only did he end the wars (and without getting us into any of the new ones proposed by Republicans) and restored the economy, but he helped speed along social change by embracing marriage equality, kicking DOMA to the curb and ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; he has supported women’s rights, including equal pay and the right to manage their own reproductive rights; He has fought for workers and for a living wage; battled on behalf of the environment; and fought for the rights of immigrants. And with the Affordable Care Act, known fittingly as Obamacare, he has given all Americans access to healthcare for the first time in our nation’s history.
What has he done for the jobs to come back?
What HASNT he been able to do to make matters worse? It isn't that black and white.
"the rights of immigrants"
You mean illegals? You mean that corporatist move to drive down national wages? Thanks Obama!

You neglected who was a better President and why

Then we can compare notes
I had replied to a post you made that was full of rhetoric. Of course, I don't blame you for not refuting it lol
What makes you think I think any of them are "better"?
OK. That's one for one

Anyone else ready to name a better President than Obama and why?

So far....looks like Obama
I have to go with Obama, especially considering what he accomplished in spite of the war republicans declared on him almost to the point of treason. This was especially bad since when he took office, the nation's economy was close to crashing, to say the least. Yet, these filthy republican scumbags like Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor conspired to go against anything Obama proposed to make things better to help get the nation on the right track.
Day two and Obama is still in the lead

None of our Republican posters has been able to name a President and his accomplishments that exceed Obama

I don't know who I'd concider the greatest since WW2, but it's not Obama by any stretch of the imagination. I can think of a couple who would be in the running; JFK, and Reagan. JFK because he handled the threat of nuclear war well enough, stood face to face with an aggressive Russia, and pushed the space program. Reagan because he was an inspirational leader, a true patriot, and helped crush communist Russia. I admit that neither of my choices were perfect but the rest of the presidents were a pretty sorry bunch.
My ranking:
1. John F Kennedy
2. Ronald Reagan
3. Dwight Eisenhower
4. Richard Nixon
5. Bill Clinton
6. George H W Bush
7. Gerald Ford
8. George Bush
9. Lyndon Johnson
10. Jimmy Carter
11. Barack Obama

Obama is by far the worst. His signature achievement, Obamacare is a disaster, his foreign policy is a joke, his economic policy has damaged the country, he has stoked the fire of racism and divided the country along racial lines and he lies about everything. The entire world is laughing at us, at least those who are'nt celebrating our downfall are.
The wars are over
Tell that to the soldiers still there taking bullets for YOU.
Not where I live, there is talk of another 700 lay-offs in a nearby town of less than 10k, that on top of about 1400 just this year.
Unemployment, like gas prices, are dropping and we have seen record levels of job growth.
That is if you don't count the people who have quit looking. Gas prices are due in large part to the Balkin Oil Feilds that Obama has opposed from the beginning. Record levels of job growth? Where are you getting your info? CBS?
and the evidence proves that the economy grows more under Democratic than Republican presidents
It's easy to "grow the economy" by spending record levels of deficit money, that our children and grandchildren will have to pay back...
he has supported women’s rights, including equal pay
While HE payed female staffers less than their male counterparts.
And with the Affordable Care Act, known fittingly as Obamacare, he has given all Americans access to healthcare for the first time in our nation’s history.
And put countless small, medium and large companys out of business in the process.

Rousing sucess.

As for the greatest President since WWII? Dispite his many flaws, I would nominate Reagen. Cold War ended because of his policies. Not too bad for an actor.

The OP's meager points are easily taken down, which you have done quite well here. Bravo.
I have to go with Obama, especially considering what he accomplished in spite of the war republicans declared on him almost to the point of treason. This was especially bad since when he took office, the nation's economy was close to crashing, to say the least. Yet, these filthy republican scumbags like Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor conspired to go against anything Obama proposed to make things better to help get the nation on the right track.

What has he accomplished? He lengthened the economic downturn which to this day has not fully recovers because of his economic policies. It should have been recovered back in 2011. His signiture achievement, Obamacare, is a failure whichever way you look at it, and name me something that the GOP didn't give Obama. Obama got everything he wanted. Remember that his first two years, the democrats had full control.

The Middle East is burning, our debt is skyrocketing, the poor are getting poorer, racial tension is worsening, the economy is floundering, no one respects us, and it's all on Obama, all of it. He's the worst POTUS of our or any time in U.S. history. To deny that simple fact is partisan hackery in the extreme.
I don't know who I'd concider the greatest since WW2, but it's not Obama by any stretch of the imagination. I can think of a couple who would be in the running; JFK, and Reagan. JFK because he handled the threat of nuclear war well enough, stood face to face with an aggressive Russia, and pushed the space program. Reagan because he was an inspirational leader, a true patriot, and helped crush communist Russia. I admit that neither of my choices were perfect but the rest of the presidents were a pretty sorry bunch.
My ranking:
1. John F Kennedy
2. Ronald Reagan
3. Dwight Eisenhower
4. Richard Nixon
5. Bill Clinton
6. George H W Bush
7. Gerald Ford
8. George Bush
9. Lyndon Johnson
10. Jimmy Carter
11. Barack Obama

Obama is by far the worst. His signature achievement, Obamacare is a disaster, his foreign policy is a joke, his economic policy has damaged the country, he has stoked the fire of racism and divided the country along racial lines and he lies about everything. The entire world is laughing at us, at least those who are'nt celebrating our downfall are.

Another failed attempt

"All of them" is a response worthy of Sarah Palin

If you think any of them are better presidents than President Obama, name the President and your rationale that makes him better
I don't know who I'd concider the greatest since WW2, but it's not Obama by any stretch of the imagination. I can think of a couple who would be in the running; JFK, and Reagan. JFK because he handled the threat of nuclear war well enough, stood face to face with an aggressive Russia, and pushed the space program. Reagan because he was an inspirational leader, a true patriot, and helped crush communist Russia. I admit that neither of my choices were perfect but the rest of the presidents were a pretty sorry bunch.
My ranking:
1. John F Kennedy
2. Ronald Reagan
3. Dwight Eisenhower
4. Richard Nixon
5. Bill Clinton
6. George H W Bush
7. Gerald Ford
8. George Bush
9. Lyndon Johnson
10. Jimmy Carter
11. Barack Obama

Obama is by far the worst. His signature achievement, Obamacare is a disaster, his foreign policy is a joke, his economic policy has damaged the country, he has stoked the fire of racism and divided the country along racial lines and he lies about everything. The entire world is laughing at us, at least those who are'nt celebrating our downfall are.

Another failed attempt

"All of them" is a response worthy of Sarah Palin

If you think any of them are better presidents than President Obama, name the President and your rationale that makes him better

I did that in the post you quoted, can you not read?
Day two and Obama is still in the lead

None of our Republican posters has been able to name a President and his accomplishments that exceed Obama


Ronald Reagan.....hell for that matter Jimmuh Carter was better than the big eared disaster
I don't know who I'd concider the greatest since WW2, but it's not Obama by any stretch of the imagination. I can think of a couple who would be in the running; JFK, and Reagan. JFK because he handled the threat of nuclear war well enough, stood face to face with an aggressive Russia, and pushed the space program. Reagan because he was an inspirational leader, a true patriot, and helped crush communist Russia. I admit that neither of my choices were perfect but the rest of the presidents were a pretty sorry bunch.
My ranking:
1. John F Kennedy
2. Ronald Reagan
3. Dwight Eisenhower
4. Richard Nixon
5. Bill Clinton
6. George H W Bush
7. Gerald Ford
8. George Bush
9. Lyndon Johnson
10. Jimmy Carter
11. Barack Obama

Obama is by far the worst. His signature achievement, Obamacare is a disaster, his foreign policy is a joke, his economic policy has damaged the country, he has stoked the fire of racism and divided the country along racial lines and he lies about everything. The entire world is laughing at us, at least those who are'nt celebrating our downfall are.

Another failed attempt

"All of them" is a response worthy of Sarah Palin

If you think any of them are better presidents than President Obama, name the President and your rationale that makes him better

I did that in the post you quoted, can you not read?

My mistake.....I was responding to your next post

OK...So you respond JFK and Reagan
Two fine Presidents in my estimation

What did JFK accomplish in three years?
Not a hell of a lot. His first two years were pretty much wasted. It was not till year three that he began to shine. JFK had the Bay of Pigs that was a disaster, Cuban Missile crisis was a major accomplishment but he didn't get the Soviets to back down like history records. JFK also pulled our missiles out of Turkey. JFK could have also done more for Civil Rights which he ignored the first two years. Then there was opening the door to Vietnam

Overall, I'd take Obamacare, stopping an economic depression, expansion of gay rights, killing bin Laden, recognition of Cuba and the Iran nuclear deal


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