Bankers taunt OWS

That's right, anyone that can't get a career is either lazy, lacks ambition or the education required. Which of these describes your children?

Many of careers were launched by first mopping floors and washing dishes. Why is that kind of work beneath you? I would do either job in a heart beat if I had to.

Lay offs happen, being in the construction business as I am it's pretty much a way of life. Fortunately here in Texas a man that has initiative and ambition doesn't stay laid off very long.

Hard to blame the victim of a lay off, but I do blame them if they sit collecting unemployment for 99 weeks then bitch cause they can't find a job.

That remark is so full of shit. You've just never had to see the other side of American life. There are at least ten million who had a job but now have been laid of and are on food stamps. Don't you people ever read a goddamed thing. We almost had another great depression. Just how long can you remember something

Remember the market tanking

Remember the economy bleeding 120,000 jobs a month in early 2009

Remember the banks continuing to travel cross country to luxurious hotels and doling out bonuses

Remember AIG being TOO BIG TO FAIL

No...I guess all that shit never happened
Yeah, I remember....I also remember that your party of choice had the presidency and both houses of congress . What did it do? I'll tell you what it did; it passed a "stimulus bill" that spent three quarters of a TRILLION dollars, and created many jobs was that, again? *crickets* How many jobs? How much "infrastructure repaired? *crickets* . Oh, but they did manage to pass Obama's Legacy"-a healthcare bill 70% of Americans TOLD them they didn't want! Pass a budget? *crickets* Regulate business by executive fiat? Yep, did that, and created how many jobs? *crickets*. Get this straight, democrats; you had your chance, you had control, you had two years....and YOU BLEW IT! Last November, the people of America sent you and Obama a message about that. Did you change course? Come up with something new? Nope, you went right on with the same failed policies, only now, you couldn't ram them down the other side's throat-didn't stop you, or Obama, from trying, though, did it? Not that the other side is all that much better, but given your miserable track record on this issue, somehow, I don't think blaming an administration that's been out of office for over three years now is going to help you much. You promised to fix the problem, you campaigned on it, you got it, you failed, and you own that failure! Once again, the tired Leftist mantras of the last forty years have been tried....and found wanting! We're going to remind the people of what you promised, and what you failed to do, and my guess is, that come November 2012, they are going to fire you at the polls, and let the other party try. They could hardly do worse! It was a national temper tantrum that swept you into office, and I predict another one is going to sweep you out of office!

Remind us what your party of choice did again...?

You don't want to do that though, it wouldn't look pretty.

Face it, both parties have fucked America good this time. We need to do away with this whole two party bullshit system. It's no longer effective as extremists have infested both sides.
That remark is so full of shit. You've just never had to see the other side of American life. There are at least ten million who had a job but now have been laid of and are on food stamps. Don't you people ever read a goddamed thing. We almost had another great depression. Just how long can you remember something

Remember the market tanking

Remember the economy bleeding 120,000 jobs a month in early 2009

Remember the banks continuing to travel cross country to luxurious hotels and doling out bonuses

Remember AIG being TOO BIG TO FAIL

No...I guess all that shit never happened
Yeah, I remember....I also remember that your party of choice had the presidency and both houses of congress . What did it do? I'll tell you what it did; it passed a "stimulus bill" that spent three quarters of a TRILLION dollars, and created many jobs was that, again? *crickets* How many jobs? How much "infrastructure repaired? *crickets* . Oh, but they did manage to pass Obama's Legacy"-a healthcare bill 70% of Americans TOLD them they didn't want! Pass a budget? *crickets* Regulate business by executive fiat? Yep, did that, and created how many jobs? *crickets*. Get this straight, democrats; you had your chance, you had control, you had two years....and YOU BLEW IT! Last November, the people of America sent you and Obama a message about that. Did you change course? Come up with something new? Nope, you went right on with the same failed policies, only now, you couldn't ram them down the other side's throat-didn't stop you, or Obama, from trying, though, did it? Not that the other side is all that much better, but given your miserable track record on this issue, somehow, I don't think blaming an administration that's been out of office for over three years now is going to help you much. You promised to fix the problem, you campaigned on it, you got it, you failed, and you own that failure! Once again, the tired Leftist mantras of the last forty years have been tried....and found wanting! We're going to remind the people of what you promised, and what you failed to do, and my guess is, that come November 2012, they are going to fire you at the polls, and let the other party try. They could hardly do worse! It was a national temper tantrum that swept you into office, and I predict another one is going to sweep you out of office!

Remind us what your party of choice did again...?

You don't want to do that though, it wouldn't look pretty.

Face it, both parties have fucked America good this time. We need to do away with this whole two party bullshit system. It's no longer effective as extremists have infested both sides.

That's exactly what the OWS demonstrators are attempting to highlight.

When the white house convinced congress to hand nearly a trillion dollars of taxpayer's money to the banks with no specifications about how they were to use it and they continued to take expensive trips to luxurious places to conduct conferences and never missed a bonus...that proved that the financial world and politicians have taken the "By the People" "ForThe People" government away from us. Through campaign contributions and high paid lobbyists corporations and the wealthy own us. We are their peons. It will not stand...throughout history there has been a breaking point and America is very close.

During the last fifteen years the wealthiest Americans have quadrupled their wealth while wages for what used to be the middle class have stagnated when adjusted for inflation. That alone should wake up the 90%.
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Why would I think anything was wrong with it? The reason I am where iam today is because of my work ethic.

The proper answer, then is "I didn't HAVE to do that, I did it in order to get ahead." And that's fine. But today, it is true that many people do HAVE to work multiple jobs just to get by, and that's not right.

I don't know how old you are. It could be that when you were in your teens, the rot had yet to set in.

I am 45 and if you think a work ethic is rot then you belong out there with the OW Sheep.

For those who are claiming that those who don't have jobs could all find them if they lowered their standards: it IS A FACT that there are approximately 10 unemployed people for every 4 job openings. So no matter how they lowered their standards, no, they could NOT all find jobs, because there are not enough jobs to be found.

Every one of the so called occupiers that have hung around for weeks could find a great paying job if they want. How many times do i have to tell you sheep that in ND there are jobs right now that require no experience and no degree that are paying up to 100K a year?

I realize that the right is not fact-based. I keep hoping for that to change, which is perhaps foolish on my part. Still, it never hurts to point out the facts even if they will be ignored.

I realize that you and your OW Sheep are not really interested in working so as to pay off the debts you voluntarily incurred because you think you're all entitled to have someone else pay your way.
The truth is everybody shares their own little shard of guilt. It's everyone's fault.

It's the fault of the employer who won't hire someone who's unemployed considering economic recession. It's the fault of the looker who doesn't move on to other possibilities, it's the fault of congress for doing nothing but making it more difficult to start a business.

It's EVERYONE'S fault.

If someone doesn't have a job, it's his fault. Look at the vids posted here over and over of kids looking at job applications and discarding them because "I dont want to work for them" or "I cant live on that wage." That's bullshit. Those are people who don't want a job.

It just shows how totally out of touch conservatives are....

My kids are in their 20s. They have both held jobs since they were 15, never got into trouble, graduated High School and one went to college the other to trade school.
The kids they graduated with are in the same situation. They have jobs, Jobs you can get. What they can't get are careers. A Career is something you can do for the rest of your life, a career is something you can support yourself and your family on. A career is something you can someday retire from
That is what kids today are missing....that is why they are protesting

I say...good for them

When you're young, you're supposed to take the jobs you can get not hold out for some magic career.
15 years ago there were jobs, lots of jobs. Now, there are around 16 million that are unemployed and about 3.5 available million jobs.

Vital Signs: 4.5 Unemployed for Each Job Opening
Vital Signs: 4.5 Unemployed for Each Job Opening - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Times have changed and banks aren't going nuts giving loans to small businesses.
Also, how many 100's of millions of dollars have banks paid out in fines for fraud and predatory loan practices in the last couple of years? And people are cheering for banks?

Maybe they need to move.

To China?

To North Dakota. The state has less than 3% unemployment and businesses are crying for people.

I've only told you sheep this a couple dozen times now.
The attitude of the young sheep these days is that there are many jobs that are beneath them.

I had a friend of mine ask if his daughter could work for me but I do not hire anyone under the age of 18.

Now my wife and I have been looking for someone to clean our house once a week. Nothing too heavy just the usual vacuuming and washing floors. I offered $50 a week for what would amount to less than 3 hours work. You know what she said?

"I'm not going to clean anyone's house I don't care how much it pays"

So there ya go.
So all it takes is the belligerence of one spoiled brat to form a bias in your mind? What does that say about you?

Excuse me but that one anecdote is but a representative sample of my experiences with today's entitled youth.

I hired several kids to help with some heavy grunt work during the major remodeling I've been doing this year.

I fired every one of them after a couple days because all of them were more interested in giving me excuses why they were late and why they had to leave early than they were in working.

I ended up hiring a 50 year old guy who was just laid off and he outworked all the other punks combined.

The lazy entitled attitude is an epidemic among young people today.
That is the American dream. What millions of kids in their 20s have found out is that if you hold up your end, work low paying jobs, go to college .....there are no jobs when you get out. You end up competing for that same minimum wage job

Look at the kids who did there part and joined the military. They did their 3-4 years, developed skills, went to college when they got out........still no jobs

Only about 2% of the jobs are minimum wage.
The smart people are competing for the other 98% of jobs.

The point is there are no jobs that would be considered careers or career paths

Jobs you can support a family on, jobs with benefits...

So? You take what you can get and then work to improve your condition.

Why does every job have to be a so called career with you people?
Bullshit. I'm dependent on one person. Me. End of story. I followed the "rules" to get ahead in life and now at 54, I'm living quite comfortably. It wasn't because anyone gave me anything. It was because of the choices I made and make. My 18 year old son is doing the same. In the final analysis, the only person you can depend on is yourself. Can you benefit from the kindness of others? Absolutely. But when the going gets tough, there is only one person looking out for you. You. You make your own luck in life. Other people's problems are noy MY fault.

So you spent 40 years trying to get yourself stabilized, and you don't think there is anything wrong with that?

40 years getting stabilized? Yeah, I see a problem with someone taking 40 years to get themself stabilised. If it takes them 40 years, they are doing something seriously wrong. I'm not sure where you got that idea about me. I was 22 when I graduated college. I got married at 23. I bought my first home when I was 27 and it was bigger than my parents house I grew up in. By the time I was 28, I was making more than my dad did after 30 years with his company. When I was 44 (10 years ago), I bought a house twice the size of my first house. Since I graduated college in 1979, I've never been a day without work and have steadily increased in income and accumulated wealth. I came from a blue collar family. There was no silver spoon in my mouth. My parents taught us by their own example that you stay out of trouble, work hard and you live within your means and over time your lot in life continually gets better. It worked for them. It works for me and it will work for my son. It will work for anyone. Life is about choices. Good choices are worth their weight in gold.

(applause in background)

Try this one:

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946.I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to drive it legally

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers $0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift. Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was layed off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did go to an electronics school for about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

I'm totally in support of the protesters.This government which the founding fathers intended to be "For The People" "By The People" has been taken over by corporations and the wealthy through campaign contributions and high paid lobbyists and through fair means or foul it's time to take it back.
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Yes, lets blame the poor for their own condition.

Stupid poor, always being poor. What assholes.

They deserve to be poor. That's why they were born poor.

All hail our new caste system.

Let me introduce you to the US of A, the greatest nation on the face of the Earth where any person who wants to can improve their condition very easily. It starts with free public schools and minimum wage jobs where you can build a work ethic and job skills. It continues with trade schools or community colleges which are far less costly than the universities. There is assistance for those with low incomes. All one need do is study hard, work hard, keep their nose clean and make good choices. Do that, and you are on your way to having a much better condition.

Now you can work your way through college just have the same job you had working your way through college.

We still have the foundation, just no jobs to get.

Incorrect. Life is about choices. If you do like my niece has done and chose to study medieval literature (working on her phd now), you will probably have a damned hard time finding a job. If she is lucky, some old white haired professor somewhere will retire or die and she might get a job teaching. If that doesn't happen, she might be able to teach in a public school. My son is studying fire protection and safety technology in the engineering department at one of our state universities. This is a specialized field and his school is one of two in the nation with an accredited program. There are about 250 people at his school in this major. Even in their freshman year, companies put on career fairs and begin courting these students and provide paid internships during the summer months. Last year, Conoco-Phillips alone hired 50 graduating seniors from this program. There are marketable skills and there are less marketable skills. Any family spending the chunk of change if costs to send a kid to a university, need to think long and hard about the choices they make that will set their child up for a successful life. If some kid just absolutely has to follow his passion of being a xylophone major, more power to him........he just needs to understand that he has very limited opportunities down the road. Life is about choices.
So you spent 40 years trying to get yourself stabilized, and you don't think there is anything wrong with that?

40 years getting stabilized? Yeah, I see a problem with someone taking 40 years to get themself stabilised. If it takes them 40 years, they are doing something seriously wrong. I'm not sure where you got that idea about me. I was 22 when I graduated college. I got married at 23. I bought my first home when I was 27 and it was bigger than my parents house I grew up in. By the time I was 28, I was making more than my dad did after 30 years with his company. When I was 44 (10 years ago), I bought a house twice the size of my first house. Since I graduated college in 1979, I've never been a day without work and have steadily increased in income and accumulated wealth. I came from a blue collar family. There was no silver spoon in my mouth. My parents taught us by their own example that you stay out of trouble, work hard and you live within your means and over time your lot in life continually gets better. It worked for them. It works for me and it will work for my son. It will work for anyone. Life is about choices. Good choices are worth their weight in gold.

(applause in background)

Try this one:

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946.I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to drive it legally

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers $0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift. Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was layed off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did go to an electronics school for about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

I'm totally in support of the protesters.This government which the founding fathers intended to be "For The People" "By The People" has been taken over by corporations and the wealthy through campaign contributions and high paid lobbyists and through fair means or foul it's time to take it back.

Nice record.....which raises the question of why you support the jealous OWS entitlement crowd? Your support would be better used with the Tea Party.
really? What do they owe you personally?

They screwed me out of $80,000.

Financial Rescue Pledges Top $12.8 Trillion

You mean the market tanked and your 401k decreased in value. I wonder what could turn that around?


We have two IRA's and in fourth quarter 2008 I quickly moved everything to cash and then when it hovered at about 2000 points down got back in. I ended up after about a year making about 15%.

You mean the market tanked and your 401k decreased in value. I wonder what could turn that around?


We have two IRA's and in fourth quarter 2008 I quickly moved everything to cash and then when it hovered at about 2000 points down got back in. I ended up after about a year making about 15%.

so in other words, you did not let yopur greed get the better of you. You opted to cash out and see what happens and then get back in.

So while evrybody is blaming wall street for their woes, you actually MADE money despite the meltdown.

You can not get hurt by anyone financially unless you let it happen.

Means one thing...the OWS got their attention.

Don't they get it The upper 1% in this country have quadrupled their wealth in the last 15 years while average salaries have stagnated when adjusted for inflation. Add to that the government handing the banks a trillion dollars of taxpayer's money with no strings attached and not a banker missed a bonus. Add to that the 20,000,000 when those who are no longer looking are added to the unemployed. Add to that the 50,000,000 Americans with no health insurance. Add to that the fact that corporations own our politicians lock, stock and barrel through campaign contributions and high paid lobbyists.

This is phase one of a move which will ultimately have a permanant effect on politicians and tax structure in this country. Why do you think the approval rate of the congress is in single digits

If I was 15 years younger I would pack up my camping gear and join them. I retired 17 years ago and would have been able then. I remember my army days and I would have just imagined I was bivouacked.

Indeed it does.
That remark is so full of shit. You've just never had to see the other side of American life. There are at least ten million who had a job but now have been laid of and are on food stamps. Don't you people ever read a goddamed thing. We almost had another great depression. Just how long can you remember something

Remember the market tanking

Remember the economy bleeding 120,000 jobs a month in early 2009

Remember the banks continuing to travel cross country to luxurious hotels and doling out bonuses

Remember AIG being TOO BIG TO FAIL

No...I guess all that shit never happened
Yeah, I remember....I also remember that your party of choice had the presidency and both houses of congress . What did it do? I'll tell you what it did; it passed a "stimulus bill" that spent three quarters of a TRILLION dollars, and created many jobs was that, again? *crickets* How many jobs? How much "infrastructure repaired? *crickets* . Oh, but they did manage to pass Obama's Legacy"-a healthcare bill 70% of Americans TOLD them they didn't want! Pass a budget? *crickets* Regulate business by executive fiat? Yep, did that, and created how many jobs? *crickets*. Get this straight, democrats; you had your chance, you had control, you had two years....and YOU BLEW IT! Last November, the people of America sent you and Obama a message about that. Did you change course? Come up with something new? Nope, you went right on with the same failed policies, only now, you couldn't ram them down the other side's throat-didn't stop you, or Obama, from trying, though, did it? Not that the other side is all that much better, but given your miserable track record on this issue, somehow, I don't think blaming an administration that's been out of office for over three years now is going to help you much. You promised to fix the problem, you campaigned on it, you got it, you failed, and you own that failure! Once again, the tired Leftist mantras of the last forty years have been tried....and found wanting! We're going to remind the people of what you promised, and what you failed to do, and my guess is, that come November 2012, they are going to fire you at the polls, and let the other party try. They could hardly do worse! It was a national temper tantrum that swept you into office, and I predict another one is going to sweep you out of office!

Remind us what your party of choice did again...?

You don't want to do that though, it wouldn't look pretty.

Face it, both parties have fucked America good this time. We need to do away with this whole two party bullshit system. It's no longer effective as extremists have infested both sides.

Would you be surprised that I agree with you, especially the last sentence? The extremists in the respective party bases have largely managed to cut the center out of the American body politic. I vote republican because the alternative is to vote for fanatical tax-and-spend democrats. Believe me, I'd like to have something to actually vote FOR, for a change; I'd like to get the democrats' hands out of my wallet, and the republicans out of the rest of my life. Somehow, a "movement" whose public face is a bunch of Marxists and anarchists and assorted other loons doesn't look like a promising alternative.This used to be a center to center-right country; what happened to that? Is there any such thing as a moderate remaining? What I don't see, is any leadership prospects for any viable alternative.

From where I sit, you are one of the few people in this thread actually making sense.

You mean the market tanked and your 401k decreased in value. I wonder what could turn that around?


We have two IRA's and in fourth quarter 2008 I quickly moved everything to cash and then when it hovered at about 2000 points down got back in. I ended up after about a year making about 15%.

Yeah right. Another one claiming to be able to "time the market".


Means one thing...the OWS got their attention.

Don't they get it The upper 1% in this country have quadrupled their wealth in the last 15 years while average salaries have stagnated when adjusted for inflation. Add to that the government handing the banks a trillion dollars of taxpayer's money with no strings attached and not a banker missed a bonus. Add to that the 20,000,000 when those who are no longer looking are added to the unemployed. Add to that the 50,000,000 Americans with no health insurance. Add to that the fact that corporations own our politicians lock, stock and barrel through campaign contributions and high paid lobbyists.

This is phase one of a move which will ultimately have a permanant effect on politicians and tax structure in this country. Why do you think the approval rate of the congress is in single digits

If I was 15 years younger I would pack up my camping gear and join them. I retired 17 years ago and would have been able then. I remember my army days and I would have just imagined I was bivouacked.

Indeed it does.

No, it just means that hard working Americans are tired of supporting the likes of the OWS filth.

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