Bank of Americans: TrumpUSA Death-Tax(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA capitalism create too much anti-taxation citations?

What do you think?

What would President Trump say/think?



"As the citizens of TrumpUSA prepared for Election 2020, to see who would lead American capitalism into the third decade of this new millennium, an incarcerated criminally-insane Algerian-American homegrown terrorist named Ajay Satan was being treated at Arkham Asylum for his anti-social crimes against American consumerism. Ajay was convicted of trying to rob a vault filled with money at the White House and claimed his attempt was a defiance of TrumpUSA idolatry and was found criminally insane. Ajay's doctor, Karyn Lee, was assigned the odious task of determining if Ajay had terrorist-links to ISIS. This was Arkham drama in TrumpUSA!"


"Ajay was on a prescription of various medicines including Klonopin and Lithium. He did not want electro-shock therapy, so his doctor, Karyn (Lee), decided he'd be kept in a solitary room where he could be visited/treated with the assistance of security-personnel. Prior to trying to break into the White House to steal money/treasure being kept there temporarily for a diplomatic purpose, Ajay used to dress up like a vigilante and create Internet blogs about the controversy of pornography/censorship in the modern age of media. Now, Dr. Karyn Lee was assigned to see if the eccentric/mad Ajay had real ties to the terrorist group ISIS. Karyn came prepared to deal with all of Ajay's obvious idiosyncrasies(!)."


AJAY: Thanks for caring about me, doc!
KARYN: It's my special assignment to treat you, Mr. Satan.
AJAY: Well, I dunno what you think I think...but TrumpUSA stinks.
KARYN: You believe you tried to steal from the White House for religion?
AJAY: I simply wanted to liberate the minds of countless TrumpUSA drones.
KARYN: Well, it does seem to me Ajay that you can be considered a terrorist!
AJAY: I tell you plainly, doc, I'm merely a servant of God...
KARYN: Hmm, I think you're doing pretty well on your meds/doses, eh?
AJAY: Yeah, the Klonopin helps, and I'm dealing with those hallucinations.
KARYN: You're no longer seeing 'visions' of that little girl, right?
AJAY: Yes, that little girl kept telling me to break out and rob banks!
KARYN: Ajay, I need to know if you believe you have 'ties' to ISIS.
AJAY: That super-terrorist group from the Middle East is alien to me, doc.
KARYN: You're sure you don't 'think' you're seeing the 'wisdom' of ISIS mentality?
AJAY: A terrorist/rebel is not simple, but TrumpUSA critique needn't be dangerous!
KARYN: As you deal with your attempted-robbery, do you daydream of ISIS?
AJAY: Honestly, Karyn, I don't see any practical ties between me and ISIS...
KARYN: Alright, Ajay; you've been cooperative and attentive; stay well!
AJAY: I'll see you next week, doc.
KARYN: Stay out of trouble...
AJAY: Didn't you want to ask me why I wanted to steal money from Trump?
KARYN: Yes, why were you mired like that?
AJAY: TrumpUSA is a cancer which will breed all kinds of 'political bandits.'
KARYN: You're 'keeping pace' by becoming another one of these 'bandits' then?
AJAY: Exactly, doc; mark my words; TrumpUSA will be a thing of 'vanity.'
KARYN: Alright, Ajay; thanks for your eccentricity (as always!); stay clean.
AJAY: Stay cool, doc!


"Dr. Karyn Lee remained professional and straightforward with her new eccentric patient, the eerie Ajay Satan, but she started growing fond of him. Nevertheless, she submitted her objective report to the CIA/FBI that Ajay did not seem tied (in any way) to the terrorist group ISIS. Ajay was merely another one of those 'anti-TrumpUSA propaganda-protesters' who simply needed psychiatric help. Things proceeded smoothly at Arkham Asylum, when one day, Karyn turned on CNN to discover that a red hooded/masked gang of bandits called Red Hood Gang were performing robberies all across D.C. and claiming the incarcerated Ajay Satan was their 'inspiration'."


"Karyn ran into Ajay's cell/room at Arkham and demanded to know if he'd managed to communicate with Red Hood Gang and was serving as their secret liaison/leader for their terrorist robberies in D.C.! Ajay assured his perturbed doctor that he had no conscious ties to ISIS, Red Hood, or any other criminal/terrorist group and only wished to remain in Arkham and be treated by Dr. Lee. Karyn commanded Ajay to make a series of stick-figure drawings of 'evil clowns' so she could determine if Ajay's creativity matched the tone/style of Red Hood. She gave Ajay's clown-doodles in Arkham to the FBI/CIA. There was no way to establish any psychological links between Ajay Satan and Red Hood with these evil clown doodles. Dr. Karyn Lee (and the CIA) concluded that Red Hood was simply a terrorist group exploiting the press! Ajay's clown-art had cleared his name(!)."


TRUMP: Have you been following this hoopla about Red Hood?
CARTER: They're considered to be media-exploitative terrorists.
TRUMP: Dr. Karyn Lee of Arkham established no ties with Ajay Satan.
CARTER: Yes, Ajay was merely a 'nut' Red Hood is 'using' for celebrity!
TRUMP: It seems TrumpUSA commerce/traffic breeds 'social hysteria.'
CARTER: You should tweet about journalism, Mr. President.
TRUMP: I intend to ensure America that capitalism is beautiful.
CARTER: Perhaps anti-consumerism sentiment is a 'traffic tax.'
TRUMP: There's no way to avoid anti-social lunacy in a democracy.
CARTER: Fortunately, we're not McCarthyists.
TRUMP: Well, maybe WikiLeaks intrigue will create mature media!
CARTER: I think TrumpUSA advocates praise 'Microsoft consciousness.'
TRUMP: Fans of capitalism will always endorse 'commercial networks.'
CARTER: Hail to the Age of Twitter!
TRUMP: Let's go watch the traffic movie Takers on Netflix, Carter.



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