Bain threads


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.
I would have to agree. The fact that he was there from 1999 to 2002 has been debunked several times. I believe any thread that implies he was there or involved with outsourcing during that time should go in the Conspiracy Forum.
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

Try law & justice, they will die out quickly as no crime has been committed.
How many times do you have to debunk a lie before it will finally lay down and die?
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

Well, that would mean every thread started by the right about Obama would need to be in that forum as well, such as the idiotic threads about Obama ‘gutting’ the Welfare Reform Act.
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

Well, that would mean every thread started by the right about Obama would need to be in that forum as well, such as the idiotic threads about Obama ‘gutting’ the Welfare Reform Act.

Way to kill a thread, home skillet. :thup:
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

Well, that would mean every thread started by the right about Obama would need to be in that forum as well, such as the idiotic threads about Obama ‘gutting’ the Welfare Reform Act.

The reason Obama birth certificate threads are in conspiracy and not politics is because there is no credible evidence that he was not born in the US. There is no credible evidence that Romney worked at Bain after he says he left. We have 3 prominent Liberal papers even saying so. We have a court case as I recall from a few years back saying so. We have Bain saying so ( ohh did I mention Bain is the 9th largest donator to Obama?).

Or are you saying that we should allow Obama birth certificate threads to remain in politics?
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

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Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

And the plethora of fast and furious threads? What about those..Fuck you whinge alot
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

And the plethora of fast and furious threads? What about those..Fuck you whinge alot

They ARE political since we have absolute evidence Holder lied.
Romney signed papers with the SEC stating he was the sole share holder and chief executive of Bain Capital. That..and he was being paid over 100K a year.

In any case..what's Romney ashamed of? It was his company?

So what they were shipping jobs to China, Mexico and India.

That was what the Bush administration was doing as well.

What rich guy cares about that?
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

And yet another Bain thread. Oy vey!
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

You can smell the fear over Bain coming from the USMB Right Wingnut Brigade for miles away in every direction.
You just have to laugh over the fact that any criticism of Mitt is considered a conspiracy theory.

Dude was CEO and sole owner until 2002.

That's no conspiracy.
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

You can smell the fear over Bain coming from the USMB Right Wingnut Brigade for miles away in every direction.

Big time, Willard is already against the ropes with his gloves over his face while Obama is whooping the crap out of him.
Since we have a Court, numerous Liberal papers and assorted professionals all telling us that Romney had no day to day control of Bain after he left in February 1999 shouldn't all such threads be moved to conspiracy forum?

We move all the threads on Obama's birth certificate there. This is the same, there is absolutely no credible evidence to support the claim he ran the Company after he claims he left.

You can smell the fear over Bain coming from the USMB Right Wingnut Brigade for miles away in every direction.

Big time, Willard is already against the ropes with his gloves over his face while Obama is whooping the crap out of him.

that's as incorrect as saying that romney is whupping the president.

the president is doing well. i hope he keeps doing well.

reports of either candidate's demise at this point is premature.

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