Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

MrClean and DFury got it correct , just for fun google up how taxpayer paid public school teacher are sexually messing with your kids , if that matters to you .
Another thing people need to be aware of is all of the programming coming out in children's programs. Just caught a portion of a grandmother talking about her not yet tween grand dressing up like some child's icon with smeared lipstick and a shirt that says "don't be a hater" on the back for holloween. The grand went on to say the granddaughter was allowed to wear lipstick (kinda young IMO not even being a teen yet but not mine so..) anyhow the grand told her grand back that the lipstick smeared all over the upper lip was the way the icon wore it. I agree with the message of 'do not be a hater' but not the programming that all things are good, fine and dandy to find acceptable as normal.

Deviance and mental derangement are most generally from something that is effecting the brain. All the chemical disrupters and pharmaceuticals of all sorts that are being foisted onto and into society needs to be checked as it is a slow kill of the people health and is damaging their minds at younger and younger ages. Even minor simple parasites and bacteria like Giardia, Blastocystis, E.histolytica and a host of others to various to list in a brief post or lack of needed sustenance's like vitamin K, B or Magnesium, etc... can ultimately effect the brain through the gut brain axis that transpires and it becomes more prevalent in small children whose parents and even some of their parents parents have weaken systems. Healthier people breed smarter people and healthier children are generally more stable and can better cope with all the issues that come with life. The creating the zombies approach isn't going to work out well. Until people who are in positions and aware can start approaching it looking at the whole instead of piecing and parting out one or two things to point out it is going to be messy.

I mean look at this type shit that the ignorant and unaware are being told online when it comes to their infants when they ask if fluoride is okay for infants. First search "is fluoride safe for infants" on Google this is what comes up. IG Farben and the seemingly mindless masses is the first thought that comes to mind for me when I see shit like this.

View attachment 159314
Sweet Jesus. LOL
It was lipstick...
It is trash feeding a mind of a nine year old girl to act out and normalizing party hearty both at the same time.

From her youtube "Check out my new song "Do The Miranda!", do u lick it???"

trash feeding the mind of a nine year old?

you mean like teaching them insane conspiracy theories?

Is this the 4th thread you felt the need to start today about the trans woman who won in VA? you're the one scared shitless of my Chix With Dix phrase....I love it...self exposure!
It's not going away...embrace it.


You seem particularly obsessed. Have you spoken to a shrink about this?

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.

Too stupid.
It’s remarkable to consider that as a transgender American is about to hold elected office most on the right would seek to disadvantage and discriminate against those transgender through force of law.

It just makes my point that the right bitches about small government but what they really mean is fuck the poor but otherwise I'll control every movement you make.

Sick bastards.
Why is it important for you to normalize the abnormal?

Why do you call that guy a she when you know differently?

Why should tax-payers entertain men using the women's bathroom, or new bathrooms for gender imitations?
You'd have a fit if she walked into a men's room. :lmao:

Exactly, most Transgenders look pretty damn female and most males wouldn't want them in their bathroom. The womens bathroom is where they belong.

Is this the 4th thread you felt the need to start today about the trans woman who won in VA? you're the one scared shitless of my Chix With Dix phrase....I love it...self exposure!
It's not going away...embrace it.


You seem particularly obsessed. Have you spoken to a shrink about this?

Not yet...why are you so terrified of the phrase?
Are you an it also?


You're projecting again. I couldn't care less what phrases you use to search for porn.
MrClean and DFury got it correct , just for fun google up how taxpayer paid public school teacher are sexually messing with your kids , if that matters to you .
Another thing people need to be aware of is all of the programming coming out in children's programs. Just caught a portion of a grandmother talking about her not yet tween grand dressing up like some child's icon with smeared lipstick and a shirt that says "don't be a hater" on the back for holloween. The grand went on to say the granddaughter was allowed to wear lipstick (kinda young IMO not even being a teen yet but not mine so..) anyhow the grand told her grand back that the lipstick smeared all over the upper lip was the way the icon wore it. I agree with the message of 'do not be a hater' but not the programming that all things are good, fine and dandy to find acceptable as normal.

Deviance and mental derangement are most generally from something that is effecting the brain. All the chemical disrupters and pharmaceuticals of all sorts that are being foisted onto and into society needs to be checked as it is a slow kill of the people health and is damaging their minds at younger and younger ages. Even minor simple parasites and bacteria like Giardia, Blastocystis, E.histolytica and a host of others to various to list in a brief post or lack of needed sustenance's like vitamin K, B or Magnesium, etc... can ultimately effect the brain through the gut brain axis that transpires and it becomes more prevalent in small children whose parents and even some of their parents parents have weaken systems. Healthier people breed smarter people and healthier children are generally more stable and can better cope with all the issues that come with life. The creating the zombies approach isn't going to work out well. Until people who are in positions and aware can start approaching it looking at the whole instead of piecing and parting out one or two things to point out it is going to be messy. People do get freedom of choice as to where they will walk in this world but they will also take what comes with the path they choose.

I mean look at this type shit that the ignorant and unaware are being told online when it comes to their infants when they ask if fluoride is okay for infants. First search "is fluoride safe for infants" on Google this is what comes up. IG Farben and the seemingly mindless masses is the first thought that comes to mind for me when I see shit like this.

View attachment 159314
Sweet Jesus. LOL
It was lipstick...
It is trash feeding a mind of a nine year old girl to act out and normalizing party hearty both at the same time.

From her youtube "Check out my new song "Do The Miranda!", do u lick it???"

trash feeding the mind of a nine year old?

you mean like teaching them insane conspiracy theories?
Did go full atheist Jillian? I am lazy so I'm going to just copy and paste for you and well anyone else who may be interested that isn't a like minded perverted loon such as you and your evil promotion crew seems to be.

In order to break down a society or nation you first break down its most honorable institutions and belief systems. How many have heard of the New Century Version revisionist Bible? I hadn't until yesterday when someone who worships government brought it to my attention that I was "breaking god's law" (under this person who claimed to be a devote atheist precepts anyhow) because I wasn't following the law of the government. I am not exactly sure where this person resides but it seemed to think that anyone could legally be forced to work for it even if it meant giving of my religious faith and beliefs in avoiding joining in with what I believed was an immoral abominable act. That person then quoted Romans 13 of the NCV bible as the authority for its claim of me not following God's law or the chosen authority of its god. So I investigated the matter further to see what in the world this idiot was trying to pull off. That is when I found the unapproved revisionist bible it was quoting. Yep, there it was in black and white, the revisionist version of the bible for communist which basically states the authority of god is the government and if I didn't adhere to whatever the government told me I would receive punishment.

Just in case anyone is interested here is what the NCV says in Romans 13 1 All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. 2 So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves. 3 Those who do right do not have to fear the rulers; only those who do wrong fear them. Do you want to be unafraid of the rulers? Then do what is right, and they will praise you. 4 The ruler is God’s servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God’s servant to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must yield....

I must admit that even evil serves the lord's purpose but that does not mean we are supposed to follow it or heed its voice. We are to flee from evil not join in with it. It is really very simple advice I was given years ago as a child by the leader of the Hell's Angels that he asked me to give to the community church members and believers in Jesus Christ. "Tell them to stay out of our camp. As long as they do not come into our camp they will not be subject to what goes on in our camp. If they come into our camp they will be subjected to whatever goes on there."

For more information on this propagandist revision of the International Children's Bible if you are interested you can search the link and the links within the wiki to find out who publishes this revisionist version that reeks of totalitarian government fascism.

New Century Version - Wikipedia
The New Century Version of the Bible is a revision of the International Children's Bible. The ICB was aimed at young readers and those with low reading skills/limited vocabulary in English. It is written at a 3rd grade level (from the introduction) and is both conservative and evangelical in tone. T...

Is this the 4th thread you felt the need to start today about the trans woman who won in VA? you're the one scared shitless of my Chix With Dix phrase....I love it...self exposure!
It's not going away...embrace it.


You seem particularly obsessed. Have you spoken to a shrink about this?

Not yet...why are you so terrified of the phrase?
Are you an it also?


You're projecting again. I couldn't care less what phrases you use to search for porn.

I noticed you're working your ass off trying to steer the rhetoric as it relates to the freak show in VA. At least your bias as a moderator here isn't obvious or're a joke.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN

Sodom re-visited.


Adults voted and you poor little cupcakes are just going have to deal with that.

Define 'deal with that'

This 'thing' obviously has issues with reality. For sure cant tell the difference between black and white, right and wrong

Like I said in my OP, America has reached an all time low in her society

It's filthey

MrClean and DFury got it correct , just for fun google up how taxpayer paid public school teacher are sexually messing with your kids , if that matters to you .
Because the school teacher's get caught and disavowed by school districts instead of protected and moved like the Catholic Hierarchy does.

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.

To be honest I am glad a transgender got elected, good for her. It is landmark in this nation's history.
maybe but neither should be tolerated . Hey my kids are grown . As i said many times on this board , its the millenials and hip hoppers that will be fecked with all the societal changes that happen Bodecea .
In before he commits suicide before his term is up.

Seriously though, who thought this was a good idea? :cuckoo:

Given around 40% of trannies try to off themselves at some point you might be correct. But noooooo it's not a mental condition.
I repeat, bigots, like you, cause them to consider suicide.

That's a crutch you leftist assholes use. They're mental. Mental illness and suicide go hand in hand

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