Australian PM on his perceptions as a Christian regarding gay marriage


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
[ame=]If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition, I cannot agree with you - Q&A - YouTube[/ame]


He said his decision to back gay marriage was made after "years of reflection in good Christian conscience".

"I do not believe people when they are born choose their sexuality. They are gay if they are born gay," he said.

"You don't decide at some later stage in life to be one thing or the other. It is how people are built. Therefore, the idea this is somehow an abnormal condition is just wrong. I don't get that. I think it is a completely ill-founded view."

Kevin Rudd makes passionate defence of his support for gay marriage in Q&A appearance - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

I would like to discuss this video and your perceptions of it. I have thus far been unable to locate the essay he speaks of at the end of the video.
No one I know believes one word he says these days, given his track record.

"Barack Obama's attack dog" and his buddies were hired by Rudd-Labor to help with its election campaign.

Social media...where 'Barack Obama's attack dog' and his buddies live...has Rudd and his Left-far Left Labor Party winning the election this Saturday.
If that happens, Australia is finished, well and truly.

"The dirtiest, filthiest election campaign ever"...and which side is guilty?
Yes exactly.


The bookies and the polls say Rudd-Labor will not win the Sept 7 election.
We'll see...too many Left/far Left voting bogans, immigrants, academics, cops, nurses, teachers, unionists, 'brainwashed Left at school' young voters for the liking of bianco-ilk.
...Left/far Left/Greens voters who elected useless Rudd Prime Minister in 2007 and voted for Gillard in 2010 [she formed govt with the help of two turncoat Independents.]
She was even more useless than he was, so they replaced her with him again.

Most of the nation believes that gay people should be able to marry...Rudd's stated beliefs are nothing special....he's nothing special.
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Okay. And that's irrelevant. The points he made would be what we are discussing.

It's all relevant. I would like to discuss this video and your perceptions of it.

Very convenient that he's found these new beliefs and changed his mind just before the election?
Wouldn't be after the gay vote by any chance? the pastor in the video seemed to suggest.

Of course, Rudd Could be 100% 'fair dinkum' in what he said, and truly believe it.

I repeat...most, but not all, people in the nation believe that gay people should be able to marry..."separation of Church and State".

Are gay people born that way?
Yes, I believe so.

Should gay people be treated equally under the law?
Yes, I believe so.

Should gay people be able to marry?
Yes, I believe so.

I can't find the essay either, but it will likely just state all the things he said in the Q& A video above.
What he said in the video, is what I believe...I am a Christian.
Think we've 'moved on' from some things that are written in the Bible.
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He put up an essay months before, as stated on the video.

Madam PM Gillard announced the election date [as Sept 14] at the beginning of this year.
Since then the nation has basically been in 'election mode' and 'on hold'.

K Rudd has been plotting his return...destabilising her as PM basically since she 'knifed' him in the back and had him replaced as PM before the 2010 election.
She was at rock bottom in the polls, so her party replaced her with him a couple of months ago.
He knew what was going on and going to happen...he got the numbers and struck.

Trouble is, it's not easy to know whether Rudd is genuine in anything he says, does, or writes...or it's just more 'bulldust'.

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