Aug 2012 BLS report


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Something worth mentioning within the report how healthy is the economy? Well here you go
Employment Situation Summary
Manufacturing employment edged down in August (-15,000). A decline in motor vehicles
and parts (-8,000) partially offset a gain in July. Auto manufacturers laid off fewer
workers for factory retooling than usual in July, and fewer workers than usual were
recalled in August.

Employment in other major industries, including mining and logging, construction,
retail trade, transportation and warehousing, information, and government, showed
little change over the month.
If the main engine of the economy is not moving up or losing employees the economy is not good and people are not doing better than 4 years ago.


I thought obama's bailout of GM was supposed to help the auto industry? What happen?

They are still pretending it worked. The tax payers were royally screwed on the deal and they still aren't doing all that great, but the unions are happy and isn't that all that matters?

Liberals are the ones who like unemployment. It causes desperate people to turn to government and the more dependents, the more control they have.

I thought obama's bailout of GM was supposed to help the auto industry? What happen?

They are still pretending it worked. The tax payers were royally screwed on the deal and they still aren't doing all that great, but the unions are happy and isn't that all that matters?

Liberals are the ones who like unemployment. It causes desperate people to turn to government and the more dependents, the more control they have.

the progressive agenda is a danger to the U.S. it's pushed and defended by stupid people.

I thought obama's bailout of GM was supposed to help the auto industry? What happen?

Duh, people need jobs to buy new vehicles - and many are holding on to their used vehcles due to slow/unsure economy. Bush fucked us really long time.

Well Hell. How come Barry the Great hasn't straightened things out yet?? He's had almost 4 whole years. He said he could do it in one term.

Oh wait. I forgot. His polices ain't worth shit and he hasn't got a clue how to fix the economy.

Never mine

I thought obama's bailout of GM was supposed to help the auto industry? What happen?

Duh, people need jobs to buy new vehicles - and many are holding on to their used vehcles due to slow/unsure economy. Bush fucked us really long time.
They need jobs for everything in life...

Guess your messiah should have concentrated on that instead of an unneeded healthcare takeover, eh?
If Obama is re-elected will lefties still be blaming Bush in 2015?

I bet they will.

But what does it say about the level of incompetence of the GOP they aren't beating the living shit out of Obama in the polls?

It's dumbshits everywhere you turn these days.

If Obama is re-elected will lefties still be blaming Bush in 2015?

I bet they will.

But what does it say about the level of incompetence of the GOP they aren't beating the living shit out of Obama in the polls?

It's dumbshits everywhere you turn these days.


I don't buy any of these polls.... the economy is in the shitter, 2 credit downgrades, worthless $, record unemployment, etc.

Only a moron would vote for this guy a second time.
Big time cluster fuck, how can they pretend unemployment is going down without cooking he numbers?

Are you claiming that the numbers you cite in the OP are "cooked?"

What numbers did I cite? We're not going to allow you to spin this, so what numbers?
Cut and paste the numbers I cited.

Can you not read your own post? Where you quoted
Manufacturing employment edged down in August (-15,000). A decline in motor vehicles
and parts (-8,000) partially offset a gain in July. Auto manufacturers laid off fewer
workers for factory retooling than usual in July, and fewer workers than usual were
recalled in August.

Employment in other major industries, including mining and logging, construction,
retail trade, transportation and warehousing, information, and government, showed
little change over the month.
So, simple question. Are you claiming that what you quoted is accurate or cooked?
Are you claiming that the numbers you cite in the OP are "cooked?"

What numbers did I cite? We're not going to allow you to spin this, so what numbers?
Cut and paste the numbers I cited.

Can you not read your own post? Where you quoted
Manufacturing employment edged down in August (-15,000). A decline in motor vehicles
and parts (-8,000) partially offset a gain in July. Auto manufacturers laid off fewer
workers for factory retooling than usual in July, and fewer workers than usual were
recalled in August.

Employment in other major industries, including mining and logging, construction,
retail trade, transportation and warehousing, information, and government, showed
little change over the month.
So, simple question. Are you claiming that what you quoted is accurate or cooked?

The lose of jobs shown in what I quoted does not justify the lowering of unemployment, so yes the numbers are cooked

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