Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe

You forgot to post a link to Daily Kook.
For you see, it is Weiss who has allowed any number of felonies to go unpunished by their becoming time-barred.

It was Weiss who presided over a joke of a plea deal thrown out by the court.

So, now, the same Weiss we are to believe will now do something different?

Well, 'different' would be indicting Hunter next week. Because once an indictment is handed down, the statute of limitations is no longer in play. Again, though, this is the same Weiss who allowed multiple felonies that Hunter Biden should have been charged with to have lapsed. And time is running on remaining felonies.

Since Weiss has virtually all the information he needs to indict, any foot dragging to indictments will show his appointment is all smoke and mirrors.

Time to put up or shut up for Weiss, indict next week, or it is indeed a sham, a further protection racket for not Hunter but for Joe Biden and familia.

He already indicted. This farce has been going on for five years. Now he wants a second bite at the apple?

The appeals court having jurisdiction will throw this garbage in the trash wear it belongs, the second it hits their docket.
Yeah, about that!



You might want to consider breaking away from watching only the Legacy Media or you're going to look more and more ignorant.

Those are both from Biden's bank records.
The Post did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC, which took place after he had left the vice presidency and before he announced his intentions to run for the White House in 2020.


the dates on this check confirm that Biden was not in office as the VP or President.

So are u saying that a civilian (Hunter ) cannot make business deals. If Joe Biden was not the VP or President

what could he provide to them? Still as you point out this was a deal between other bidens.

Yet China also gave Trumps daughter a sweet sweat shop deal when Trump was the president and she was one of his advisors. Where is or was the republican outrage?

This is just another attempt to connect the dots but it fails. He was not in office. Even if he was to run for office , there is no guarantee that he will win.

thus we see how republicans are desperate to connect the dots.
Truth social?
It’s incredible how mindless you are. Not unexpected anymore. But your mindlessness is galactic in size and scope.

Truth Social simply came up on my phone Reporting the Speaker’s statement.

Why on Earth do you zero IQ libturds insist on relying on such obvious fallacies as “attacking the messenger” when your stupidity keeps getting so quickly dismissed?
David Wess appointed special counsel to head Hunter Biden Probe. Nominated by Trump in 2017. This works for me. If there is a there there then go for it.

Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe​

They did this to keep him from testifying in the House......he is the same guy who set up the sweet heart deal for hunter......this is a scam....and more corruption from the democrat party DOJ....
They did this to keep him from testifying in the House......he is the same guy who set up the sweet heart deal for hunter......this is a scam....and more corruption from the democrat party DOJ....
Nonsense. Your conclusion has no evidence at all. The SC status allows him to investigate in DC, FL, and CA, where he had no jurisdiction before.

Weiss could get Hunter on murder, and your ilk would accuse him of covering up.
David Wess appointed special counsel to head Hunter Biden Probe. Nominated by Trump in 2017. This works for me. If there is a there there then go for it.

Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe​

He is one creepy looking Freak.. :omg:
It’s incredible how mindless you are. Not unexpected anymore. But your mindlessness is galactic in size and scope.

Truth Social simply came up on my phone Reporting the Speaker’s statement.

Why on Earth do you zero IQ libturds insist on relying on such obvious fallacies as “attacking the messenger” when your stupidity keeps getting so quickly dismissed?

Donald Trumps personal website just simply popped up on your phone?

And you went with that/

Simpleton doesn't even begin to describe you.

Trump is out on bail in 3 different jurisdictions. I don't know if his IP address is going to register from a federal prison cell.
Let's see what Weiss digs up elsewhere.

He could get Hunter on murder, and Excalibur would be calling it a cover up.

Unless there's something out there nobody knows about yet. The only other charge I can ascertain from all of the current information, is a violation of the FARA Act. That's a realistic possibility.

It makes sense why Weiss would ask Garland to allow him to further investigate, because he now sees the other charges are a dead end he's probably going to lose on appeal anyway.

This will end up being a lot of noise, and five plus years of a political witch hunt, that has already exposed nothing but liars, and duds on the prosecution side.

You can talk all of the shit you want, until you are in that courtroom under oath, and have to tell the truth.
Interesting that it’s the same person that tried to give Hunter the sweet heart plea deal that the judge blew up.
There is no way justice can be served by this administration, and that be it in any way what so ever. This nation will remain in crisis mode until this administration is over. As long as Joe Biden is escaping justice, his son will get a mock investigation just to make it look like something is being done. If anything the investigation will be used to drag up every bit of evidence that can be used against Biden and his son, and then it will be destroyed or made some kind of excuse for. We'll be right back to investigating the investigator's.
Nonsense. Your conclusion has no evidence at all. The SC status allows him to investigate in DC, FL, and CA, where he had no jurisdiction before.

Weiss could get Hunter on murder, and your ilk would accuse him of covering up.
Both Garland and Weiss said he did have authority to investigate in DC, FL, and CA.

Were the both lying?
There is no way justice can be served by this administration, and that be it in any way what so ever. This nation will remain in crisis mode until this administration is over. As long as Joe Biden is escaping justice, his son will get a mock investigation just to make it look like something is being done. If anything the investigation will be used to drag up every bit of evidence that can be used against Biden and his son, and then it will be destroyed or made some kind of excuse for. We'll be right back to investigating the investigator's.
... as if Trump's can do better? 2/3'ds of America hates MAGA.
Why do you keep lying? Does it serve you well? Are you this desperate?

No lie. Trump can't do better, and 2/3ds of America hates MAGA. All of us are laughing at the Comer-Jordan show.

Yeah, you guys are going to have a horrible election season next year as you are overwhelmingly rejected at the polls.
No lie. Trump can't do better, and 2/3ds of America hates MAGA. All of us are laughing at the Comer-Jordan show.

Yeah, you guys are going to have a horrible election season next year as you are overwhelmingly rejected at the polls.
Who is "all of us" ? Oh you mean the one's who have the current government lying for you all, and the media pumping up your numbers in hopes to trick the masses into thinking that you all have overwhelming numbers when in fact you don't ???

Yeah I thought so.
Excellent point!

That appears to be from the Code of Federal regulations. I wonder how Garland got around that provision here?
The SP is there to protect Hunter Biden....his presence preempts lower policing structures in effect overruling their presence. So when the SP....who will take 3 to five years to reach any conclusion (as if) let's him off easy no one will be allowed to contravene.

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