Attn. Democrats: It's All On Your Shoulders Now

Massive deficits with no end in sight. Assuming that the economy does turn around, we would need to double GDP without increasing goverenment spending in order to get back to a balanced budget without raising taxes. If we can't do this, the only other option will be to double taxes.

I disagree, we have at least one other option and it is the one that we are currently using. We will simply continue to pile the debt upon the shoulders of our great grandchildren. So far that option seems to be working. Why should things change?

Now, that is not saying that this is the best option, but it is an option.


Do you honestly believe that debt is going to hurt future generations and not us currently? A lot of debt is monetized, meaning money created out of thin air, and inflation. Other debt is borrowing from institutions that would've lent to companies to actually create jobs. There is only a finite amount of money and credit in the country. Each dollar either can go to financing government or financing jobs. Not both. Of course, debt hurts us, both, in the here and now and will certainly hurt us in future generations. We will have to deal with a government 1/5th the size with 60%+ tax rates just to pay off this debt.

That's why Bush's spending spree was horrible for the economy, and Obama's continuation of that is downright criminal.

Me thinks you misunderstood my post.

I was not saying that we should continue to stack the debt upon our great grandchildren, nor did I say that doing so would not hurt our own economy in the here and now.

What I was saying was that doing so is still an option. Unfortunately, it seems to be the only option our "leaders" are willing to entertain.

It has always been on the shoulders of responsible democrats.

The republicans, for all of their electoral success, never quite learned how to govern. Republicans never seem to have learned that they had won. Being against what your in charge of just doesn't seem to work.


That's hysterical (in at least two contexts and on several levels...); the Republicans governed in exactly the same way as the Democrats governed... and that's where they failed.

I'd ask you to elucidate on your point, clarifying, in specific terms what you meant by 'governed' but such is clearly beyond your means... and this based upon the certianty that IF you had a deeper understanding; a sound basis for your point; you'd have already done so.

BUT... if I've misjudged you... please; do not hesitate to correct me. Thus, I await the looming confirmation.
driveby said:
Dem policies will not fix the economy, but 15 months later, they will STILL blame Bush........

My, my, you think giving 2 years to make up for 8 years of total incompetance is a fair deal? But then, should President Obama actually pull it off, you will find some other reason to whine, snivel, and otherwise deny that he succeeded.

ROFLMNAO... So to contest the assertion that the left is practicing nothing but cult of personality, 'blame the opposition' cultural destruction politics... this member RUNS to practice, cult of personality, 'blame the opposition' cultural destruction politics...

Let the record reflect that this argument is tantamount to advocating policy to set someone ON FIRE; concluding that the solution to repair the severe burns is to burn them to an exponentially greater extent; and demanding that those who contest such idiocy through their observations that by setting the poor burn victim, on fire AGAIN, will only make his wounds worse; that no one has ever cured a burn victim by setting A WORSE FIRE UPON THEM... will not be able to admit it when the burn victim, gets up a perfectly whole human being, MUCH better off than he was when their policy set him ablaze the FIRST TIME!
LOL... Leftists...
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Dem policies will not fix the economy, but 15 months later, they will STILL blame Bush........

I certainly don't believe that the democrats ought to blame Bush any longer than the republicans blamed Clinton.

I figure that gives the democrats at least six more years to blame Bush.

Yet ANOTHER leftist RUNNING to contest the argument, by proving it's certainty!

LOL... Ya can't make this stuff up.
My, my, you think giving 2 years to make up for 8 years of total incompetance is a fair deal? But then, should President Obama actually pull it off, you will find some other reason to whine, snivel, and otherwise deny that he succeeded.

If I was a complete tool as you are, I would point out that the economy didn't tank until after the Dems took control of Congress. We already know who is to blame for the housing mess. The Dems blocked Bush and Republicans from trying to address the problems within Freddie Mac and Fannie May, but you idiot Dems continue to blame the Republicans. At least I will admit that the problem can be blamed on the whole lot of them, but you idiots continue to wear your blinders as to the Dems involvement in this fiasco.

And now, you are jumping up and down like little kids who just got an ice cream cone because your party can now spend more money than has ever been spent before, even though we all know this will lead to incredibly higher taxes at some point. On top of that, they will now print more money to pay their bills, leading to a complete devaluing of the dollar.

When you look at the big picture, you can hope all you want that Obama's plans will succeed. But we all know, his plans are leading us down a slippery slope and his massive expansion of government will eventually need to be paid for by every single American. When our kids wake up to what we have done, you can be certain conservatism will take hold in this country once again.

They have waited 15 years to get back to what they had in 94.

Well, they have it now.

For years the right said that if the Left had this back, they would spend like mad, raise taxes and try to turn the nation socialist.

Looks like the right was spot on.

Except they haven't raised taxes, or at least not nearly enough given the projected deficits.

There you go, again, Irie.

Raining on their parade by pointing out the facts that they somehow have failed to that taxes really haven't been raised on most people

What a rightwing political rant buzzkill you are

Don't you realize by now that these people speak in mythical terms which bear no relationship to reality?

Let them have their delusions.

That's all they've ever wanted, anyway.

They were thrilled with the fiscal conservatism of Bush II.

They were wowed by his KKKristian version of how life should be.


HE was their "bring 'em on" kinda chickenhawk.

No wonder these people hate people like you, man.

You're like the guy who turns on the light that make the formerly happy cockroaches scuttle for the blissful darkness of ignorance.
They have waited 15 years to get back to what they had in 94.

Well, they have it now.

For years the right said that if the Left had this back, they would spend like mad, raise taxes and try to turn the nation socialist.

Looks like the right was spot on.

Except they haven't raised taxes, or at least not nearly enough given the projected deficits.

There you go, again, Irie.

Raining on their parade by pointing out the facts that they somehow have failed to that taxes really haven't been raised on most people

What a rightwing political rant buzzkill you are

Don't you realize by now that these people speak in mythical terms which bear no relationship to reality?

Let them have their delusions.

That's all they've ever wanted, anyway.

They were thrilled with the fiscal conservatism of Bush II.

They were wowed by his KKKristian version of how life should be.


HE was their "bring 'em on" kinda chickenhawk.

No wonder these people hate people like you, man.

You're like the guy who turns on the light that make the formerly happy cockroaches scuttle for the blissful darkness of ignorance.

If Bush was a fiscal conservative, then Stalin must've been the most free market capitalist.

In reality, Bush was a socialist. He went to war, he raised taxes (the inflation tax, not the income one), and he spent like no one before him.

Why can't people understand that government exists at the expense of our prosperity and freedom? Did we grow more free with Bush II? Hell no. So why should Bush III, aka Obama, be any different? When he passes the economic equivalent of the Patriot Act, ala "Stimulus" Package, that is theft of our money to line the pockets of those undeserving.
They have waited 15 years to get back to what they had in 94.

Well, they have it now.

For years the right said that if the Left had this back, they would spend like mad, raise taxes and try to turn the nation socialist.

Looks like the right was spot on.

Except they haven't raised taxes, or at least not nearly enough given the projected deficits.

There you go, again, Irie.

Raining on their parade by pointing out the facts that they somehow have failed to that taxes really haven't been raised on most people

What a rightwing political rant buzzkill you are

Don't you realize by now that these people speak in mythical terms which bear no relationship to reality?

Let them have their delusions.

That's all they've ever wanted, anyway.

They were thrilled with the fiscal conservatism of Bush II.

They were wowed by his KKKristian version of how life should be. (So Christianity is Ku Klux KLAN? The Racist organization created BY Democrats, FRO DEMOCRATS? Are you sure? It doesn't ring true to me and stands at odds with common sense...)

He was their MISSION ACCOMPLISHED kinda POTUS. (The Mission WAS accomplished... if there a Mission you know of that was NOT accomplished? For instance The US Liberation of Iraq is a 100% success; as is the Liberation of Afghanistan... and to the best of my knowledge Osama Bin Laden is still hiding... What was it that ya have in mind?)

HE was their "bring 'em on" kinda chickenhawk. (Oh so "chickenhawk' now means anything ya want it to mean? How does undefining words actually help you people? What purpose other than cultural subversion does this kind of anti-intellectual practice serve? And FTR: they brought it on and they got the shit kicked out of them for their trouble; which considering that, that was precisely the goal of that statement, it represents yet another SUCCESS...)

No wonder these people hate people like you, man.

(Who could hate the intellectual deficient? Suggesting that someone 'hates' the halfwit, is a function of overstatement... we might lament their deficiency and criticize the error of their reasoning, but we do not hate them; we hate the calamitous result of the policies which result from their addle-minded advocacies; the never ending stream of unintended consequences, from which they demand to be excused...)

You're like the guy who turns on the light that make the formerly happy cockroaches scuttle for the blissful darkness of ignorance. (Oh that's simply a specious conclusion... her argument has shed no light, it merely sought to take advantage of the crumbs left in our wake... thus she represents the Cockroach... not the light.)


The Lord if the Idiots has SADDLED THE US with MORE DEBT than every President before him...

Now he is writing bad checks to fund WORTHLESS MONEY... which is an increase in individual liability upon the tax payers of the US... Taxes are NOTHING BUT, an increase in fiscal liability... thus King Hussein of the US has RAISED TAXES on EVERYONE...


The Lord if the Idiots herself has declared her intention to sign a 4 trillion dollar budget and SPEND a TRILLION MORE IN DEFICIT IN EACH OF HER REMAINING YEARS IN OFFICE...

Which considering the consistant pledge by the good King Hussein of the US, to RAISE TAXES on the Rich... this for the purposes of "SHARING THE WEALTH" as her positions that redistribution of income is a RIGHT OF THE POOR... leaves absolutely NO CERTAINTY that the INCOME tax liabilities MUST BE INCREASED... and the RICH do not have anywhere near the means, IF YOU STRIPPED THEM OF 100% of their holdings, to pay satisfy THIS absurd level of spending; WHICH IS ONLY GOING TO GET MUCH WORSE!
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They have waited 15 years to get back to what they had in 94.

Well, they have it now.

For years the right said that if the Left had this back, they would spend like mad, raise taxes and try to turn the nation socialist.

Looks like the right was spot on.

Except they haven't raised taxes, or at least not nearly enough given the projected deficits.

Not yet, it's far from over. Anyone with common sense knows that it's going to happen.
What is wrong with Raise taxes, cut spending?

Remember--we have a huge national debt!!
What is wrong with Raise taxes, cut spending?

Nothing, but that's not what this administration is doing nor what it's going to do. They'll raise taxes and raise spending by even more.

But that is not the Republican platform either.

Maybe there is room for a third party. The anti-populists.

Platform--Taxes will increase, and Government service will drop.

Motto--You will swear it is socialism but it is not

Slogan--Good government is demonstrated by Surplusses, not deficits!!
There you go, again, Irie.

Raining on their parade by pointing out the facts.

He pointed out no 'facts' just ludicrous talking points.

The 'fact' is Obama did already raises taxes, on Cigerettes, that directly effect the poorest in this country, and Obama plans to sunset the Bush tax cuts, which means a tax increase next year.

THOSE are 'the facts.'
What is wrong with Raise taxes, cut spending?

Remember--we have a huge national debt!!

Unfortunately the government only understands the first part of that "equation". They get the raising taxes part. They haven't figured out the cutting spending part. In fact, the norm is that they raise taxes by x amount and increase spending by x + y.

That doesn't work to solve the problem of our national debt.


Whoops! apologies for rephrasing what JSanders said.
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But that is not the Republican platform either.

Maybe there is room for a third party. The anti-populists.

Platform--Taxes will increase, and Government service will drop.

Motto--You will swear it is socialism but it is not

Slogan--Good government is demonstrated by Surplusses, not deficits!!

You misunderstand. I'm not in favor of raising taxes for the sake of raises taxes. I'm in favor of raising taxes to cut the deficit. To do so, we have to cut spending. If we cut spending, raises the taxes to pay off the debt, then eventually, we can cut taxes across the board and keep them at a low rate.

And you're absolutely right, it has not been the Republican platform to cut spending, either. That's why John McCain lost my vote with his support of the first bailout. The only recent President to understand the tax system was Clinton. I'm hoping that more like him run in the near future. Actually, Clinton is almost like what you described. He cut spending but forgot to cut taxes after the deficit was gone. So he ended up with a surplus, albeit small. I don't believe the government exists to earn money, it should spend every dime it takes in as revenues or it should return that money to the taxpayers. It would have been nice if Clinton's surplus could have stayed in the Social Security fund, but Bush fucked that up real nice for us.
You misunderstand. I'm not in favor of raising taxes for the sake of raises taxes. I'm in favor of raising taxes to cut the deficit. To do so, we have to cut spending. If we cut spending, raises the taxes to pay off the debt, then eventually, we can cut taxes across the board and keep them at a low rate.

And you're absolutely right, it has not been the Republican platform to cut spending, either. That's why John McCain lost my vote with his support of the first bailout. The only recent President to understand the tax system was Clinton. I'm hoping that more like him run in the near future. Actually, Clinton is almost like what you described. He cut spending but forgot to cut taxes after the deficit was gone. So he ended up with a surplus, albeit small. I don't believe the government exists to earn money, it should spend every dime it takes in as revenues or it should return that money to the taxpayers. It would have been nice if Clinton's surplus could have stayed in the Social Security fund, but Bush fucked that up real nice for us.

I concur. I would just like to see the government AS A WHOLE start to come to some kind of realistic view of the cost of our taxes. They seem to have this idea that its monopoly money or something. I think their staggering losses have woke up some of the Republican party to this fact. I guess The Demos will have to get squashed before they realize it.

They need to make a budget like normal people do. There is alot of things I would LIKE to have and do, but I'm confined by the amount I have to work with. The government doesn't seem to realize this confinement, and just does everything it wants, costs be damned. Sorry partisans, but Bush was bad about spending, and Obama is worse. Some of his "investments" are good ideas, but I would be more apt to swallow them if they weren't surrounded by waste everywhere, and if they came bundled with more than token cost cutting.
Obama is worse. Some of his "investments" are good ideas, but I would be more apt to swallow them if they weren't surrounded by waste everywhere, and if they came bundled with more than token cost cutting.

Precisely. The pet projects as a whole were a colossal waste. If they had been inspected on a case-by-case basis, we may have reduced the bailout by a tremendous amount and spent money on GOOD projects. But Obama and his lackeys, like his predecessor, used fear to push a bill through Congress in spite of public outcries. Change we can believe in? More of the same, if you ask me.
Precisely. The pet projects as a whole were a colossal waste. If they had been inspected on a case-by-case basis, we may have reduced the bailout by a tremendous amount and spent money on GOOD projects. But Obama and his lackeys, like his predecessor, used fear to push a bill through Congress in spite of public outcries. Change we can believe in? More of the same, if you ask me.

The Demos used the previous GOP tactic: use a crisis to push legislation fast and hard while you can. Why else give congress less than 4 hours to read and vote on a nearly 1100 page document? The people who signed it didn't even read it... it only passed because of the partisan majority. If you are doing everything above board, why not give the standard 48 hours to at least read the darned thing. Couple that with the fact that the majority of this "stimulus" the purpose of which was to "get the economy going now with shovel ready jobs" is mostly backloaded into later years.... after the economy is supposed to have recovered and began growing again according to repeated statements by the current administration. I think the I heard only like $130 Bil is being spent this year, and only slightly more in 2010; the rest is in 2011 and 2012 AFTER we will have recovered (supposedly, again, according to the administration).

So what's the real purpose here? Push your spending agenda while you have a bulletproof voting majority (rather than in 2011 and 2012 when you might not), and crisis-driven public sentiment. As dismissive as the left was about them, I think the tea parties were great. Obama may feel like he's beyond their reach, but the congress, up for election soon, should surely take notice.

Irie is right though that the numbers being spent here are a drop in the bucket compared to the loss of GDP (it was over $14 tril p/year last I saw). To put in perspective, we lost 6% of our GDP in the 4th quarter of 2008 and again in the 1st quarter of 2009. By some napkin math thats over $200 bil per quarter.

What bothers me is the trend and the attitudes. We are on a bad course here and washington doesn't even seem concerned at all. Its like racing toward a brick wall at 75 mph. We keep looking for our governement to turn, slow down, something.... and then all we see is them stepping on the gas with a wild eyed look. Now how are we supposed to take that? Any of our more liberal brethren have a good explanation here? I would love to hear some logic, if any, that can be offered, because it seems absolutely devoid of any common sense from my perspective. :confused:
Um Presidents do not have it in their power to cut anything. Only the congress can do that and Clinton had the good luck to have a Republican congress that was acting like they were Republicans. Had he a Democrat congress it is almost a certainty that the crap we are in now would have befallen us years sooner.

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