Attempts To Kill Adolf Hitler


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
The below is a list of known assassination plots & attempts directed
against Adolf Hitler, both before and during his time as leader of
Germany, some were no more than ideas but serious attempts were made
as well, the best known being the one on 20 July 1944.
Date Location Assassin / Plotter
July 1921 Munich ? (shots fired at Hitler during a rally at the

1923 Leipzig ? (shots fired at his car)
15 Mar 1932 Munich-Weimar ? (shots fired at the train car Hitler,
Joseph Goebbels & Dr. Wilhelm Frick was in)

June 1932 Stralsund ? (ambush on a road near Stralsund)

30 July 1932 Nuremberg ?

4 Mar 1933 Köningsberg Kurt Luttner (arrested 3 Mar for planning to
kill Hitler with a bomb at a rally in Köningsberg 4 Mar)

1933-34 ? At least 10 attempts or plots came to the attention of the
authorities, no additional details known

1933 Obersalzberg ? (a man in a SA-leaders uniform is arrested and a
gun is found on him)

1934 ? Ernst Röhm & Julius Uhl (most likely only alleged)

1936 Nuremberg Helmut Hirsch (Hirsch, a Jewish student, confessed to
having been sent by Otto Strasser to kill Hitler with a bomb)

1937-38 ? Émigré groups mainly in Czechoslovakia, but also in
Switzerland & Great Britain, plotted to kill Hitler, but nothing came
of it

Nov 1937 Berlin Josef Thomas (Thomas, a mentally ill man from
Elberfeld was arrested by the Gestapo 26 Nov 1937, he had travelled
Berlin to shoot Hitler and Hermann Göring)

Apr 1938 Munich Alexander Foote (Foote, an Englishman working as a
for the USSR investigated the possibilities of assassinating Hitler,
succeeding to get close to him in his favourite restaurant, Osteria
Bavaria, without any problem)

1938 Berlin F.W. Heinz (plans were made to arrest Hitler during the
Sudetenland crisis and Heinz, who were to lead those responsible for
the arrest, decided to kill him instead. The crisis was solved

1938 Munich Maurice Bavaud (Bavaud, a Swiss theology student, made
several attempts to shoot Hitler, but failed and was arrested when
trying to leave the country by train without a valid ticket)

1938-39 Berlin Colonel Noel Mason-MacFarlane (Mason-MacFarlane, the
Britsh Military Attaché, investigated the possibilities of
assassinating Hitler, but his ideas were rejected in London)

8 Nov 1939 Munich Georg Elser (Elser planted a bomb in the
Bürgerbräukeller. Hitler left 21:07 and the bomb went off 21:20,
killing eight people)

11 Nov 1939 Berlin Dr Erich Kordt (Kordt, head of Joachim von
Ribbentrop's personal secretariat, planned to kill Hitler the day
before the planned offensive against France)

1939 Berlin Generaloberst Franz Halder (Halder, Chief of the General
Staff, repeatedly went to see Hitler with a loaded gun planning to
shoot him)

July 1940 Paris Oberleutnant d. R. Fritz-Dietlof Graf von der
Schulenburg, Dr Eugen Gerstenmaier (they planned to kill Hitler
the planned victory parade in Paris)

1943 Walki General der Gebirgstruppen Hubert Lanz, Generalmajor Dr
Hans Speidel, Oberst Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz (they planned to arrest
Hitler when he can to visit the troops near Poltawa)

Mar 1943 Smolensk Major Friedrich König (König planned to shoot
during his visit to Smolensk)

Mar 1943 Smolensk Generalmajor Henning von Tresckow, Leutnant Fabian
von Schlabrendorff, Oberst Rudolf-Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff
(they placed a bomb on Hitlers aircraft, a Focke-Wulf 200 Condor, but
it failed to explode)

13 Mar 1943 Berlin Oberst Rudolf-Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff
(attempted to kill Hitler with a bomb during an exhibition of
Soviet equipment at the Berlin Zeughaus)

Dec 1943 Wolfschanze Hauptmann Axel Freiherr von dem
Busche-Streithorst (planned to kill Hitler with a bomb, but the show
was postponed)

1944 Wolfschanze Ewald von Kleist (planned to kill Hitler with a
but the show was postponed)

11 Mar 1944 Obersalzberg Hauptmann Eberhard von Breitenbuch (planned
to shoot Hitler, but could not get access to him)

6 July 1944 Obersalzberg Oberst Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
(brought a bomb to Obersalzberg)

11 July 1944 Obersalzberg Oberst Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
(brought a bomb to Obersalzberg, but as Hermann Göring and Heinrich
Himmler was not present, it was not used)
20 July 1944 Wolfschanze Oberst Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
(placed a bomb in the situation room, killing four people, but only
wounding Hitler)
1945 Berlin Albert Speer (planned to kill Hitler using gas)
The below is a list of known assassination plots & attempts directed
against Adolf Hitler, both before and during his time as leader of
Germany, some were no more than ideas but serious attempts were made
as well, the best known being the one on 20 July 1944.
Date Location Assassin / Plotter
July 1921 Munich ? (shots fired at Hitler during a rally at the

1923 Leipzig ? (shots fired at his car)
15 Mar 1932 Munich-Weimar ? (shots fired at the train car Hitler,
Joseph Goebbels & Dr. Wilhelm Frick was in)

June 1932 Stralsund ? (ambush on a road near Stralsund)

30 July 1932 Nuremberg ?

4 Mar 1933 Köningsberg Kurt Luttner (arrested 3 Mar for planning to
kill Hitler with a bomb at a rally in Köningsberg 4 Mar)

1933-34 ? At least 10 attempts or plots came to the attention of the
authorities, no additional details known

1933 Obersalzberg ? (a man in a SA-leaders uniform is arrested and a
gun is found on him)

1934 ? Ernst Röhm & Julius Uhl (most likely only alleged)

1936 Nuremberg Helmut Hirsch (Hirsch, a Jewish student, confessed to
having been sent by Otto Strasser to kill Hitler with a bomb)

1937-38 ? Émigré groups mainly in Czechoslovakia, but also in
Switzerland & Great Britain, plotted to kill Hitler, but nothing came
of it

Nov 1937 Berlin Josef Thomas (Thomas, a mentally ill man from
Elberfeld was arrested by the Gestapo 26 Nov 1937, he had travelled
Berlin to shoot Hitler and Hermann Göring)

Apr 1938 Munich Alexander Foote (Foote, an Englishman working as a
for the USSR investigated the possibilities of assassinating Hitler,
succeeding to get close to him in his favourite restaurant, Osteria
Bavaria, without any problem)

1938 Berlin F.W. Heinz (plans were made to arrest Hitler during the
Sudetenland crisis and Heinz, who were to lead those responsible for
the arrest, decided to kill him instead. The crisis was solved

1938 Munich Maurice Bavaud (Bavaud, a Swiss theology student, made
several attempts to shoot Hitler, but failed and was arrested when
trying to leave the country by train without a valid ticket)

1938-39 Berlin Colonel Noel Mason-MacFarlane (Mason-MacFarlane, the
Britsh Military Attaché, investigated the possibilities of
assassinating Hitler, but his ideas were rejected in London)

8 Nov 1939 Munich Georg Elser (Elser planted a bomb in the
Bürgerbräukeller. Hitler left 21:07 and the bomb went off 21:20,
killing eight people)

11 Nov 1939 Berlin Dr Erich Kordt (Kordt, head of Joachim von
Ribbentrop's personal secretariat, planned to kill Hitler the day
before the planned offensive against France)

1939 Berlin Generaloberst Franz Halder (Halder, Chief of the General
Staff, repeatedly went to see Hitler with a loaded gun planning to
shoot him)

July 1940 Paris Oberleutnant d. R. Fritz-Dietlof Graf von der
Schulenburg, Dr Eugen Gerstenmaier (they planned to kill Hitler
the planned victory parade in Paris)

1943 Walki General der Gebirgstruppen Hubert Lanz, Generalmajor Dr
Hans Speidel, Oberst Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz (they planned to arrest
Hitler when he can to visit the troops near Poltawa)

Mar 1943 Smolensk Major Friedrich König (König planned to shoot
during his visit to Smolensk)

Mar 1943 Smolensk Generalmajor Henning von Tresckow, Leutnant Fabian
von Schlabrendorff, Oberst Rudolf-Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff
(they placed a bomb on Hitlers aircraft, a Focke-Wulf 200 Condor, but
it failed to explode)

13 Mar 1943 Berlin Oberst Rudolf-Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff
(attempted to kill Hitler with a bomb during an exhibition of
Soviet equipment at the Berlin Zeughaus)

Dec 1943 Wolfschanze Hauptmann Axel Freiherr von dem
Busche-Streithorst (planned to kill Hitler with a bomb, but the show
was postponed)

1944 Wolfschanze Ewald von Kleist (planned to kill Hitler with a
but the show was postponed)

11 Mar 1944 Obersalzberg Hauptmann Eberhard von Breitenbuch (planned
to shoot Hitler, but could not get access to him)

6 July 1944 Obersalzberg Oberst Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
(brought a bomb to Obersalzberg)

11 July 1944 Obersalzberg Oberst Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
(brought a bomb to Obersalzberg, but as Hermann Göring and Heinrich
Himmler was not present, it was not used)
20 July 1944 Wolfschanze Oberst Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
(placed a bomb in the situation room, killing four people, but only
wounding Hitler)
1945 Berlin Albert Speer (planned to kill Hitler using gas)

I've read about most of those, but not aware of the attempts in the early 1930''s. Didn't one of the Strasser brothers try and kill Hitler as well?
First of all there was no functioning US intelligence agency before or during WW2. The Navy intelligence was fighting with the Army intelligence and the US Courts had to determine whether Wild Bill Donovan's amateurs or J. Edgar Hoover's G-men would engage in espionage and counter espionage. Amazingly the Court ruled that Hoover/s FBI would be the lead espionage agency even though the FBI had no experience in espionage or counter espionage. Donovan had to fight every federal agency and the Military and risk arrest for engaging in espionage and counter espionage missions. Meanwhile the Nazi spy chief Admiral Canaris was trying to contact Allied intelligence agencies and was rebuffed.
First of all there was no functioning US intelligence agency before or during WW2. The Navy intelligence was fighting with the Army intelligence and the US Courts had to determine whether Wild Bill Donovan's amateurs or J. Edgar Hoover's G-men would engage in espionage and counter espionage. Amazingly the Court ruled that Hoover/s FBI would be the lead espionage agency even though the FBI had no experience in espionage or counter espionage. Donovan had to fight every federal agency and the Military and risk arrest for engaging in espionage and counter espionage missions. Meanwhile the Nazi spy chief Admiral Canaris was trying to contact Allied intelligence agencies and was rebuffed.

That was the British and French who dropped the ball with Canaris in 1938. That was the perfect time to rid the world of Hitler but Chamberlin got cold feet (as did some of the German military). Later on however Canaris saved the British by manuerving to keep Spain from joining the Axis in 1940. If Spain joins the Axis the British are denied access to Gibraltar and that would have cut them off from North Africa.
WOW fantastic!! Thanks for summarizing some of the attempts all in one place. I replied to your other thread before I found this one.

I've heard there were over 40 attempts on his life.

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