Attempted suicides double after reassignment surgery

And without procreation there is no species. It is as relevant today as it ever was.
People haven’t stopped having babies

You’re an idiot if you think a small fragment of the population not having babies poses some threat to the continuation of the species
People haven’t stopped having babies

You’re an idiot if you think a small fragment of the population not having babies poses some threat to the continuation of the species
Small segments of the population didn’t have babies throughout history idiot. My how desperate your cult is.
If a woman chooses not to get pregnant, is that another ”character defect”? I don’t get it.

If she chooses not to get pregnant, even though she wants to, but society pushes her to do its bidding, against what she wants? Then yes, it’s not only a character flaw on her behalf, but also the segment of society that pushed her.
I see you are confused and can't explain why seniors off themselves must be because they are gender confused
Seniors off themselves because they are gender confused? And here we thought it was most likely because of the debilitating effects of living long life’s.

Explain transglow.
Small segments of the population didn’t have babies throughout history idiot. My how desperate your cult is.
So why does other people have same-sex relations matter to you?

Who cares if it doesn’t line up with what’s biologically “natural”? Men are more than sperm machines and women aren’t incubators for babies.

Have babies if you want. Don’t if you don’t. What consenting adults do or dont do in their bedrooms is their business
So why does other people have same-sex relations matter to you?

Who cares if it doesn’t line up with what’s biologically “natural”? Men are more than sperm machines and women aren’t incubators for babies.

Have babies if you want. Don’t if you don’t. What consenting adults do or dont do in their bedrooms is their business
I see, now that you lost the point you need to wander off the trail.

Too funny. 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂
If she chooses not to get pregnant, even though she wants to, but society pushes her to do its bidding, against what she wants? Then yes, it’s not only a character flaw on her behalf, but also the segment of society that pushed her.
Who’s pushing women who want babies not to have any?

Any woman who wants a baby can have one unless she’s infertile.

If anything, there’s tremendous societal pressure TO have a baby. Whether she wants to or not.

Even though some women have no interest and no maternal instinct.
Seniors off themselves because they are gender confused? And here we thought it was most likely because of the debilitating effects of living long life’s.

Explain transglow.
You dumb Bingos didn't read the study nor do you really understand it. First it isn't really comprehensive in that it doesn't attempt to explain the causes for these psychological encounters or suicide attempts. Most trans studies that go into those details find that the vast majority are happy with their surgery but they still face increased risk of suicide and depression because of social stigma, hate and vitriol and lack of family support, not because of the surgery or being trans in and of itself. All that said this study did find that risk of suicide did doubled after vaginoplasty. It went from a whopping 1.5% to 3.3%.
You dumb Bingos didn't read the study nor do you really understand it. First it isn't really comprehensive in that it doesn't attempt to explain the causes for these psychological encounters or suicide attempts. Most trans studies that go into those details find that the vast majority are happy with their surgery but they still face increased risk of suicide and depression because of social stigma, hate and vitriol and lack of family support, not because of the surgery or being trans in and of itself. All that said this study did find that risk of suicide did doubled after vaginoplasty. It went from a whopping 1.5% to 3.3%.
Still a risk and the overall post surgical risks, physical and mental, are completely left out when you hear liberals screaming about GAC and how it's life saving. The real fact is, GAC is life changing because of the irreversible cosmetic surgery that has large risks post op, and requires long extensive post op maintenance of the newly formed body parts.

Then, there is the sexual dysfunction. For any man or women, who has experienced an orgasm and sexual pleasure, losing that sensitivity, arousal, and satisfaction, is a looming risk. Is cutting off your dick, or relocating a clitoris and taking the risk of losing sexual functional.."Affirming Care"? Fuck No. And what's even more sad, is the fake vagina or dick, don't even work. The vagina can close up if the person doesn't dilate regularly, and this can be a life long process. And the phake phallus, doesn't get hard, it's just a giant skin tag.

What really should be happening, is talking with these people that feel a need to be a gender they are not. Helping them to understand to be happy with their bodies as is. GAC should be an absolute last, last, option. But,
GAC and transitioning has turned into this medical and social fad. It being divisive and used to generate political votes. And many on the left are biting, hook, line and sinker, just because your political party is on that side.

People, think for yourselves for once.
Which is my point

As a species, we've moved beyond procreation being the whole point of our existence.

So same sex couple “violating nature” is irrelevant. We’re beyond all that

Not, violating nature, that implies a moral judgement.

If we give up on procreation being our whole point, our species ends. Didn't take you for a nihilist.
The logical thing to do is encourage the surgery and pretty soon none will be left

It wasn't long ago that the height of psychiatric treatment was to shove a metal rod into a person's brain and hope they didn't either die immediately or suffer convulsions the rest of their life. I predict that in another 100 years, psychiatrists will look back at what we're doing to confused children and shudder.
It wasn't long ago that the height of psychiatric treatment was to shove a metal rod into a person's brain and hope they didn't either die immediately or suffer convulsions the rest of their life. I predict that in another 100 years, psychiatrists will look back at what we're doing to confused children and shudder.
And in 500 years, when they dig up the bones and run the DNA, the gender will always be biologically male or female, regardless of how one mutilated their body or identified when they lived.
Leave it to the left wing to put a happy face on castration. Reassignment? Is that what they call it when they dose a underage person with hormones and drugs and destroy any future they ever had in an operation that them into some zombie hybred human before they were old enough to consent to it? WTF?
They're not old enough to get a Barbie tattoo, but they're old enough to consent to being sterilized and unable to have a normal sexual relationship for the rest of their lives. Interesting.
And in 500 years, when they dig up the bones and run the DNA, the gender will always be biologically male or female, regardless of how one mutilated their body or identified when they lived.
And the usual suspects would be running around, protesting that they're misgendering the skeletons.
Still a risk and the overall post surgical risks, physical and mental, are completely left out when you hear liberals screaming about GAC and how it's life saving. The real fact is, GAC is life changing because of the irreversible cosmetic surgery that has large risks post op, and requires long extensive post op maintenance of the newly formed body parts.
Well it's kind of important to determine if it's the care, the dysphoria or the hate and vitriol that is driving those rates. Most of the studies I've seen that try to answer that question put the blame on the hate and vitriol. This study didn't even try to sus out cause.
Then, there is the sexual dysfunction. For any man or women, who has experienced an orgasm and sexual pleasure, losing that sensitivity, arousal, and satisfaction, is a looming risk. Is cutting off your dick, or relocating a clitoris and taking the risk of losing sexual functional.."Affirming Care"? Fuck No. And what's even more sad, is the fake vagina or dick, don't even work. The vagina can close up if the person doesn't dilate regularly, and this can be a life long process. And the phake phallus, doesn't get hard, it's just a giant skin tag.
I take trans people's opinions on their sexual satisfaction over your own.

Why One Trans Woman Wants to Discuss Sex After Surgery

As she continued to explore her body, sex became better than she ever imagined. “When I was turned on, I would get really wet, and I was shocked, because I’d never heard a [trans] girl say that her vagina got wet,” she said. “I didn’t realize that it would be this beautiful, natural part of me. I was like, ‘Holy shit, this is beyond what I thought my sex life could be.’” She paused for dramatic effect. “But I still love anal sex. The best sex is if we do both. But I learned that you can’t go back and forth, because I got a UTI from that. I was like, ‘Fuck, this is what having a vagina is like?!’ My friend was cracking up, like, ‘Girl, you wanted a pussy.’ I was like, ‘This is too real.’”​
What really should be happening, is talking with these people that feel a need to be a gender they are not. Helping them to understand to be happy with their bodies as is. GAC should be an absolute last, last, option. But,
GAC and transitioning has turned into this medical and social fad. It being divisive and used to generate political votes. And many on the left are biting, hook, line and sinker, just because your political party is on that side.
What education or experience do you have to be recommending mental health treatments to people? Did you even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
People, think for yourselves for once.
You do that Bingo Bongo.

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