Attempted Assassin Talked Personally To Sec of Def Mattis..Told Him Something Surprising


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is what people from shithole countries really think of America :2up::

Mattis: Meeting the Terrorist Who Tried to Kill Me Shows Why US is Greatest Country in the World – True Pundit
Defense Secretary James Mattis shared a story recently with troops about how he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt while he was a Marine Corps general during the Iraq War.

The Associated Press reported that Mattis told soldiers and sailors about the incident during a series of pre-Christmas visits to military facilities in order to illustrate an important point about how America is viewed.

The retired four-star general recounted that a Sunni Arab man in western Iraq (Anbar Province) was caught planting a roadside bomb shortly before Mattis and a small group of Marines passed by.

Learning the man spoke English, Mattis decided he wanted to meet with him.

“After Mattis offered a cigarette and coffee, the man said he tried to kill the general and his fellow Marines because he resented the foreigner soldiers in his land,” according to the AP. “Mattis said he understood the sentiment but assured the insurgent he was headed for Abu Ghraib, the infamous U.S.-run prison.”

What the man wondered next surprised Mattis.

“General,” the Arab fighter asked, “if I am a model prisoner do you think someday I could emigrate to America?”

Mattis told the military service members he shared the story to show them “the power of America’s inspiration.” – READ MORE
Darkies will often want whites to leave their countries. As soon as it happens, they move to white countries.
If you had a foreign force invade America, you wouldn’t want to kill the general ?

If Iraq is such a shithole why are we there ?
Darkies will often want whites to leave their countries. As soon as it happens, they move to white countries.

Then there will be no whites left in those white countries to produce the money for the welfare cheques for the darkies. So those white countries will be instantaneously shitholized then.
If you had a foreign force invade America, you wouldn’t want to kill the general ?

If Iraq is such a shithole why are we there ?

Killing the general may be a bad move, because then we need to guess who the replacement will be and start re learning the enemy tactics all over again.
Darkies will often want whites to leave their countries. As soon as it happens, they move to white countries.

Then there will be no whites left in those white countries to produce the money for the welfare cheques for the darkies.

Whitey is the reason these countries are fucked up to begin with .
In what sense? You can't put the charity pillar of Islam on a bill board, but you can put Coca Cola.
I see. So you think that whites built China and Japan? Africa will begin catching up.

No, because Africans think there is no knowledge and no logic apart from the propaganda of their colonial motherland. So as soon as they begin to make progress, an undue statist sophistication will kick in which will make them even poorer.
I see. So you think that whites built China and Japan? Africa will begin catching up.

No, because Africans think there is no knowledge and no logic apart from the propaganda of their colonial motherland. So as soon as they begin to make progress, an undue statist sophistication will kick in which will make them even poorer.

Africa was fucked up by the evil white man and their imperial bloodlust .
Darkies will often want whites to leave their countries. As soon as it happens, they move to white countries.

Then there will be no whites left in those white countries to produce the money for the welfare cheques for the darkies.

Whitey is the reason these countries are fucked up to begin with .
In what sense? You can't put the charity pillar of Islam on a bill board, but you can put Coca Cola.

Try picking up a history book.

Let’s take Iraq since it’s the example . After ww1 and 2 the white man carved up the Mid East as spoils of war . Invented the country of Iraq , ignoring local rivalries and incompatiblilty . Installed puppet dictators to brutalize the people . Used Iraq for a proxy war with Iran. The. Bombed the shit out of Iraq to bring its “freedom ” .

And you wonder why it’s a shithole ??
I see. So you think that whites built China and Japan? Africa will begin catching up.

No, because Africans think there is no knowledge and no logic apart from the propaganda of their colonial motherland. So as soon as they begin to make progress, an undue statist sophistication will kick in which will make them even poorer.

Africa was fucked up by the evil white man and their imperial bloodlust .

Yes, and this is interesting. Africans had lived in natural competition with each other. Then the whites exported their hive mind onto them. Removal of hive mind is as difficult as exorcism.
I see. So you think that whites built China and Japan? Africa will begin catching up.

No, because Africans think there is no knowledge and no logic apart from the propaganda of their colonial motherland. So as soon as they begin to make progress, an undue statist sophistication will kick in which will make them even poorer.

Africa was fucked up by the evil white man and their imperial bloodlust .

Yes, and this is interesting. Africans had lived in natural competition with each other. Then the whites exported their hive mind onto them. Removal of hive mind is as difficult as exorcism.

No. The whites came in to rape and pillage . That’s what they do .

Pick a random African country. Their history is polluted wh the evils of the white man.
Darkies will often want whites to leave their countries. As soon as it happens, they move to white countries.

Then there will be no whites left in those white countries to produce the money for the welfare cheques for the darkies.

Whitey is the reason these countries are fucked up to begin with .
In what sense? You can't put the charity pillar of Islam on a bill board, but you can put Coca Cola.

Try picking up a history book.

Let’s take Iraq since it’s the example . After ww1 and 2 the white man carved up the Mid East as spoils of war . Invented the country of Iraq , ignoring local rivalries and incompatiblilty . Installed puppet dictators to brutalize the people . Used Iraq for a proxy war with Iran. The. Bombed the shit out of Iraq to bring its “freedom ” .

And you wonder why it’s a shithole ??

The same is true for the post ww1 history of Central Europe. They carved up Austria-Hungary as spoils of war, invented the country of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Romania, ignoring local rivalries and incompatibility. Installed puppet heads of state to brutalize people. Used Hungary and Yugoslavia for a proxy war. Bombed the shit out of Bosnia to bring its freedom. And all those countries are now shitholes, unlike pre ww1.
I see. So you think that whites built China and Japan? Africa will begin catching up.

No, because Africans think there is no knowledge and no logic apart from the propaganda of their colonial motherland. So as soon as they begin to make progress, an undue statist sophistication will kick in which will make them even poorer.

Africa was fucked up by the evil white man and their imperial bloodlust .

Yes, and this is interesting. Africans had lived in natural competition with each other. Then the whites exported their hive mind onto them. Removal of hive mind is as difficult as exorcism.

No. The whites came in to rape and pillage . That’s what they do .

Pick a random African country. Their history is polluted wh the evils of the white man.

Or with the evils of the Muslim traders, who didn't rape you but trafficked you and castrated you on various slave markets.
If you had a foreign force invade America, you wouldn’t want to kill the general ?

If Iraq is such a shithole why are we there ?
We have that now and why we have trump. You need to learn. Tell me the difference
I see. So you think that whites built China and Japan? Africa will begin catching up.

No, because Africans think there is no knowledge and no logic apart from the propaganda of their colonial motherland. So as soon as they begin to make progress, an undue statist sophistication will kick in which will make them even poorer.

Africa was fucked up by the evil white man and their imperial bloodlust .
I see. So you think that whites built China and Japan? Africa will begin catching up.

No, because Africans think there is no knowledge and no logic apart from the propaganda of their colonial motherland. So as soon as they begin to make progress, an undue statist sophistication will kick in which will make them even poorer.

Africa was fucked up by the evil white man and their imperial bloodlust .

Yes, and this is interesting. Africans had lived in natural competition with each other. Then the whites exported their hive mind onto them. Removal of hive mind is as difficult as exorcism.

No. The whites came in to rape and pillage . That’s what they do .

Pick a random African country. Their history is polluted wh the evils of the white man.
Who was that?

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