
I want to discuss a few things with you. I'm considered an atheist by some, because I don't believe in God.

By atheists, I'm not considered one, because I practice Buddhism, a non-theistic spiritual path.

What is your experience being atheist in America? Bush I said atheists shouldn't be citizens or hold public office. It is doubtful an atheist could be elected POTUS in the US.

Some people say atheism is a religion because of it's non-beliefs.

What do you say?

Atheists don't exist. Those who call themselves Atheists are just lying to themselves.

i think you are lying to yourself about this.
By the way, in answer to the OP: In my experience many people claiming to be "Atheists" are actually just anti-Christian bigots using the title as a cover. Many people claiming to be Buddhists are just the same bigots.... The writer of the OP included and even has admitted so.

your stock keeps dropping

it must be tough believing that so many people are plotting against you

perhaps you should seek help befor eyou kill someone

just saying
I want to discuss a few things with you. I'm considered an atheist by some, because I don't believe in God.

By atheists, I'm not considered one, because I practice Buddhism, a non-theistic spiritual path.

What is your experience being atheist in America? Bush I said atheists shouldn't be citizens or hold public office. It is doubtful an atheist could be elected POTUS in the US.

Some people say atheism is a religion because of it's non-beliefs.

What do you say?

Atheists are individuals who are not theists (hence the Latin prefix "a" meaning opposite of). If one claims to be an atheists, he rejects the claims of the existence of god. The term atheism does not give us any other characteristics of the individual.

Now, most atheists are, however, also opposed to mysticism - the belief that one may acquire knowledge through non-sensory, non-definable means like intuition, revelation, or instinct. Buddhists believe that transmigration of the soul happens. If one beleives that the soul will be sent through space and time to another body, the devaluing of life isn't a big stretch.
I want to discuss a few things with you. I'm considered an atheist by some, because I don't believe in God.

By atheists, I'm not considered one, because I practice Buddhism, a non-theistic spiritual path.

What is your experience being atheist in America? Bush I said atheists shouldn't be citizens or hold public office. It is doubtful an atheist could be elected POTUS in the US.

Some people say atheism is a religion because of it's non-beliefs.

What do you say?

Imo, and this is strictly my opinion, as offensive as it may be to some, I feel that organized religion has been and continues to be a cancer on humanity--a source of death and destruction over who had and who has the better imaginary friend. Christianity is just as absurd as Islam is as absurd as Greek Paganism, etc.

The Bible is filled with nonsensical claims easily dis-proven by basic logic and reason, and has been in perpetual abandonment from its once-literal theistic claims as a result of the sciences' advancements. So today these claims are just metaphor, apparently, yet for nearly two thousand years these claims were preached literally. Those are two diametrically opposed concepts; if one is true the other must be false. Was the church preaching false word for two thousand years? And the Quran is just the codified ramblings of an Arabian pedophile who heard voices in his head, and the entire text can imo therefore be dismissed out of hand without further analysis. I could go on, but I've just offended about 2.5 billion people here. :razz:

Atheism is the pursuit of rational thought and the rejection of illogical and nonsense theistic claims purporting to be the truth. Atheism is being a good person simply to be a good person, not because of any promised eternal payoff. Atheism is the natural byproduct of human curiosity. It is simply mind-boggling to me how anyone can look at the world around us and up in the sky, and not be driven by curiosity for why and how it is the way it is, and to simply look at all this and say "it's all too complex, so therefore I will refer you to this book written thousands of years ago--which is the irrefutable word of my god. Oh and btw, this has hundreds of different interpretations, all of which have changed over the years, all of which claim to be the real interpretation. And that's that". No, that's not good enough, not for me.

To be satisfied by all these fables and tall tales, wherever they are set in the world, which were written at a time when horses and camels were the fastest method of transportation and it was impossible for a man to rape is wife and if you went to the edge of the Earth you fell off and it was okay to get married to a nine-year-old, all absurd in today's world, to try and use these fables on the same level as, and counters to, scientific research and evidence in argument, to try and minimize the advancements of the sciences in order to maximize the ego's security in the existence of a flying spaghetti monster, to just read this ancient stuff and then have it be a satisfactory answer to the world around us... it's simply, imo, a waste of the human mind when I see it happen. Like this guy: Kurt Wise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What makes Hinduism fundamentally different from ancient Egyptians worshiping Ra and that hierarchy? Location. Or better yet, what makes religion fundamentally different from a child's belief in The Closet Monster? What makes prayer fundamentally different from a letter to the North Pole?

Suppose there was irrefutable proof that none of these gods or God existed. How many people then would behave differently than they do now? I don't need religion. Our species, imo, doesn't need religion. But an atheist won't get elected President until I'm rolling around in a wheel chair with osteoporosis and leaving a trail of gray hair. If even then. I'm not offended by any of the "in god we trust" stuff littered through the government; it would be nice one day to have all that gone. We do, and you'll see a non-theistic President get elected.
This document is a letter that Jon Murray sent to every Member of Congress on February 21, 1990. In this letter, Mr. Murray describes the news conference that I attended, quotes exactly the conversation between Mr. Bush and myself, and then states:

Subsequent to these astonishing statements, I wrote to (then) Vice President Bush demanding a clarification of these remarks. More than two months later, on February 21, 1989, C. Boyden Gray, Counsel to the President, wrote to me from the White House as follows:

"Your letter of December 19, 1988, to President Bush has been referred to me for reply. As you are aware, the President is a religious man who neither supports atheism nor believes that atheism should be unnecessarily encouraged or supported by the government. Needless to say, the President supports the Constitution and laws of the United States, and you may rest assured that this Administration will proceed at all times with due regard for the legal rights of atheists, as will as others with whom the President disagrees."

This letter was a clear admission by the President, through his counsel, that he had indeed made the remarks and was not backing down from them.

Documents Prove Bush Questioned Citizenship of Atheists


It is no such thing. It is the standard boilerplate from a lawyer that the person he represents did nothing wrong, and thinks that everyone has the same rights. Only a complete retard would read this and think it is and admission of anything.
Excellent post Sheldon. I have one disagreement with you.

Atheism is the pursuit of rational thought and the rejection of illogical and nonsense theistic claims purporting to be the truth. Atheism is being a good person simply to be a good person, not because of any promised eternal payoff. Atheism is the natural byproduct of human curiosity.

You are endowing "atheism" with certain characteristics that may or may not be true. As I said earlier, atheism is simply the rejection of theism. Theism purports the existence of a god. Atheism, rejects that claim. Atheism is nothing more, and nothing less.

By saying "Atheism is being a good person simply to be a good person," you run the risk of the following logical fallacy:

  1. Atheists do good because they wish to.
  2. All Atheists do good.

But we know that conclusion not to be true.
Excellent post Sheldon. I have one disagreement with you.

Atheism is the pursuit of rational thought and the rejection of illogical and nonsense theistic claims purporting to be the truth. Atheism is being a good person simply to be a good person, not because of any promised eternal payoff. Atheism is the natural byproduct of human curiosity.

You are endowing "atheism" with certain characteristics that may or may not be true. As I said earlier, atheism is simply the rejection of theism. Theism purports the existence of a god. Atheism, rejects that claim. Atheism is nothing more, and nothing less.

By saying "Atheism is being a good person simply to be a good person," you run the risk of the following logical fallacy:

  1. Atheists do good because they wish to.
  2. All Atheists do good.

But we know that conclusion not to be true.

Fair enough. I didn't mean to imply that atheists do no wrong. I should have framed it as, when an atheist does a good thing it's not out of the expectation that some divine being will recognize and reward such behavior, which is in contrast to the underlying idea behind most religions.
Excellent post Sheldon. I have one disagreement with you.

Atheism is the pursuit of rational thought and the rejection of illogical and nonsense theistic claims purporting to be the truth. Atheism is being a good person simply to be a good person, not because of any promised eternal payoff. Atheism is the natural byproduct of human curiosity.

You are endowing "atheism" with certain characteristics that may or may not be true. As I said earlier, atheism is simply the rejection of theism. Theism purports the existence of a god. Atheism, rejects that claim. Atheism is nothing more, and nothing less.

By saying "Atheism is being a good person simply to be a good person," you run the risk of the following logical fallacy:

  1. Atheists do good because they wish to.
  2. All Atheists do good.

But we know that conclusion not to be true.

As an atheist and a republican I do good when I want to.
If you believe in anything that is NOT science based (and spiritualism is not science) then you are a BELIEVER.

What I want to know is why atheists are such big whining crybabies?

On the internet there are more atheists posting attacks on believers than believers attacking atheism.

Here's a thought...don't believe if you don't wanna.

How hard is that?

Yeah, you never hear christians playing the victim card.

You never see christians attack atheists for wanting simple things like only science taught in science classes or asking government to stay neutral on religion.

You never hear christians act like "whining crybabies" when the supreme court says you can't teach ID in class or you can't put jesus on a government building on Decemebr 25th.

Those things NEVER EVER happen, only atheists "whine and cry."

Truth is christians are cheered when they whine and cry to no end, and since atheists are immoral and disgusting because we don't buy into a 2,000 year old book than we take issue with something you have a problem with it.

Yea......but...but....Atheists are trying to take away Christmas!

christmas...the pagan holiday that christians stole from pagans and then tried to deny everyone else from using

in the early days of America christmas wasn't celebrated

at some points in our history christians refused to celebrate it and it was practically illegal
What I think; Faith is a natural part of of Man. You have to faith in something otherwise you have no will to live. Men without purpose generally don't live for long. This is what makes us different from other forms of animals. Atheism is a form of faith though they deny it. All men believe in doesn't have to be true.
In history...the Christianity that man has practiced has not been in line with what the Bible teaches. If you look at the history of the majority of African nations...the white man used the bible as an excuse to colonize and oppress the black people. I am from one of those nations. In my opinion the dark ages was caused by the church. I believe in the God of the Bible and not in some established religious system.
What I think; Faith is a natural part of of Man. You have to faith in something otherwise you have no will to live. Men without purpose generally don't live for long. This is what makes us different from other forms of animals. Atheism is a form of faith though they deny it. All men believe in doesn't have to be true.

You have a broad definition of faith you confuse it with having a purpose or a passion in life Atheists can have a passion in living without having faith
Five Tips on How to Spot an Atheist

Usually Atheists are pale of skin.

Atheists are overweight.

Atheists have too many university diplomas!

Atheists Deceive! Atheists go under many different names. They call themselves, "humanists, agnostics, secular-humanists, moral relativists, , free-thinkers, undecided, Unitarians, and more recently, Brights Also be warned, Wiccans , Vegans, Yogists, and readers of science fiction are either Atheists or on the road to becoming an Atheist.

Atheists are afraid!

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How Report Atheists to the FBI

Oh and don't forget, ya'll have a national holiday, it falls on the first day in April every year.
There is no atheist experience.

I do not believe in the man in the sky and I do not follow anyone else's idea of spirituality.

Buddhism is just as dogma laden as any theistic religion. I got kicked out of catechism in third grade and haven't attended a church or religious ceremony since and I have not "experienced" any ill effects personal or societal.

Atheists who say they are discriminated against are just whiners like most of you sheep.
:lol: It was meant to infuriate atheists. It was obviously a major success. Thanks for playing. :thup:

Why don't you just tell us the "There are no atheists in foxholes" nonsense

Because Atheists are usually hyper-sensitive and full of themselves and it pleases me to piss them off. Now that I've gotten you guys, I'll tell you that another thing I like to post is the study about humans being wired to believe in God and another study about atheists being given a lie detector test and asked if they believe in God (and they all fail the test).

An atheist is a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. That's huge. So it begs the question, what kind of proof would an atheist require to believe in god?
There is no proof that God exists.

There is no proof that God doesn't exist.

A belief is a trust or confidence in the existence of or truth about something without any proof.

Thus, just as a person of faith knows there is a god, one who claims to know there is no God bases that claim on a belief. As faith is a set of beliefs, atheism must also be a faith.

An agnostic is one who realizes that they have no proof either of the existence of a god, nor of the nonexistence of a god. Lacking any emotional attachment to the topic, it seems as if the most rational approach to the topic would be from the standpoint of an agnostic.
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I cannot prove there are no monsters under your bed. You cannot prove there are monsters under your bed. Therefore by the logic of some it is just as likely they are there are as not.
There is no atheist experience.

I do not believe in the man in the sky and I do not follow anyone else's idea of spirituality.

Buddhism is just as dogma laden as any theistic religion. I got kicked out of catechism in third grade and haven't attended a church or religious ceremony since and I have not "experienced" any ill effects personal or societal.

Atheists who say they are discriminated against are just whiners like most of you sheep.

It is not Atheists with the annual whine about Chritmas being taken away and no God in School
There is no atheist experience.

I do not believe in the man in the sky and I do not follow anyone else's idea of spirituality.

Buddhism is just as dogma laden as any theistic religion. I got kicked out of catechism in third grade and haven't attended a church or religious ceremony since and I have not "experienced" any ill effects personal or societal.

Atheists who say they are discriminated against are just whiners like most of you sheep.

It is not Atheists with the annual whine about Chritmas being taken away and no God in School
True, but some self-labeled atheists have their own whines.
There is no atheist experience.

I do not believe in the man in the sky and I do not follow anyone else's idea of spirituality.

Buddhism is just as dogma laden as any theistic religion. I got kicked out of catechism in third grade and haven't attended a church or religious ceremony since and I have not "experienced" any ill effects personal or societal.

Atheists who say they are discriminated against are just whiners like most of you sheep.

It is not Atheists with the annual whine about Chritmas being taken away and no God in School

You are right, they are another bunch who, like the pro-choice crowd, think that now that the government is on their side everyone else should just STFU. Turn the tables on them and you'll hear them squawking again. Amazing how many people think the freedom of speech should only be extended to them.

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