Assault weapons ban

Funny how we have Tyranny with those weapons.'s not funny.

Secondly, you don't know what "tyranny is. Go spend a month in Venezuela where the left has completely "Triumphed"
Then get back to us....if you survive (unlikely)
Venezuela's fight with US & debt destroyed their currency and their civilization because they don't have any means of production (ie: manufacturing). Without a strong currency they can't buy anything from other countries & without manufacturing they cant make anything for themselves either. (guns played no part)

Reagan / Bush & Repubtards did the same to this country!!! They exported manufacturing jobs. So once Republicans massive debits take down the US dollar, we will be Venezuela. Reagan Republican's God Milton Friedman told them it's better to buy stuff from other countries with printed money than to make it ourselves. Then we don't have to work anymore, their Wallstreet donors get richer & crush union workers. (guns played no part)

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Funny how we have Tyranny with those weapons.'s not funny.

Secondly, you don't know what "tyranny is. Go spend a month in Venezuela where the left has completely "Triumphed"
Then get back to us....if you survive (unlikely)
Venezuela's fight with US & debt destroyed their currency and their civilization because they don't have any means of production (ie: manufacturing). Without a strong currency they can't buy anything from other countries & without manufacturing they cant make anything for themselves either. (guns played no part)

Reagan / Bush & Repubtards did the same to this country!!! They exported manufacturing jobs. So once Republicans massive debits take down the US dollar, we will be Venezuela. Reagan Republican's God Milton Friedman told them it's better to buy stuff from other countries with printed money than to make it ourselves. Then we don't have to work anymore, their Wallstreet donors get richer & crush union workers. (guns played no part)

Venezuela was destroyed by socialism. Their descent into desperate poverty began immediately after Chavez was elected and it had nothing to do with other nations.

The us has had no similar problems, we thrived under Reagan and continue to do so
“President Trump, America is scared and we need bold action. It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.
Oh look - an anti-gun loon, standing on the bodies of innocents and bathing in their blood, pushing his agenda.

There is no -rational- or -reasoned- argument for banning 'assault weapons'.
The assault weapons ban legislation put out yesterday got me thinking about when we enacted prohibition to halt the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol and alcoholic beverages as we know that ended up creating a bigger problem than the act was attempting to solve. Granted we are not talking about banning all guns like they were with alcohol this ban though does seem to be more far reaching than the last one so I wonder like prohibition could this ban end up causing more problems than it solves?

Absolutely. The goal is total firearm confiscation.
What do you consider "common sense"?

Owning a fire arm should never be a crime and owning it be infringed by the government. The Constitution says very clearly the the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The only crime should be if the firearm is used in a crime.

Yes, you can keep and bear arms. Here are your choices

Rifle that holds 4 bullets

Pick one. See? Now your rights are in tact and we don't have nuts walking into walmart with assault rifles.

Here is what I worry about. I worry that after we ban these guns, nuts will go shooting with revolvers. They won't kill as many people but they'll cause enough trouble that "liberals" will want to take those guns away too.

Then I'll agree with you guys. I'll tell them to fuck off too. But I see no reason to let the masses own military style weapons that can cause mass destruction. If Saddam can't have WMD's why can we? We can't even say we haven't used them. We use them every day.

The number of mass shootings across the U.S. so far in 2019 has outpaced the number of days this year, according to a gun violence research group. This puts 2019 on pace to be the first year since 2016 with an average of more than one mass shooting a day.

You just proved my point Moon Bat. That is very unreasonable. In fact bat shit crazy.

Like I said you can't trust a Moon Bat to be reasonable.

Thanks for playing.

Why do you need a semi automatic assault rifle?

Because I enjoy shooting them, building them and collecting them.

Why the fuck do you care as long as I don't use them in a crime?

Why don't you mind your own fucking business and leave my Constitutional rights alone? What is your problem?

Good thing we have a Bill of Rights in this country so that assholes like you can't take away our Liberties because you don't like them.

Because I don't want to wait for you to snap.

I have a friend who says when he's one day diagnosed as terminal, he's going to take out about 20 people who are on his hit list. It would be nice if he didn't have such a high powered weapon. I wish him, and you, didn't own them. But you do so feel free to keep them. But from now on we no longer sell them commercially. You can keep yours.

How do I know you won't snap and start kidnapping little girls?

You do know that little girls are kidnapped by people with legs and arms don't you so if you have legs and arms you are a little girl kidnapper in waiting
Every Terrorist needs access to these guns!

I am not a terrorist and I would love to have one.

However, a terrorists can get one on the black market or supplied by another government. My filthy ass oppressive government won't allow me to own one.

I want common sense gun control but I own guns. .

The problem is that you can't trust Libersals to define "proper sense".

What they claim is proper sense is really oppression.

Whenever the Liberals have the political power to impose gun control laws like in states like New York and California it is not common sense but pretty damn oppressive.
What do you consider some "proper sense" legislation.
According to the constitution there is none.

I want common sense gun control but I own guns. .

The problem is that you can't trust Libersals to define "proper sense".

What they claim is proper sense is really oppression.

Whenever the Liberals have the political power to impose gun control laws like in states like New York and California it is not common sense but pretty damn oppressive.
What do you consider some "proper sense" legislation.
According to the constitution there is none.
But it says a well regulated militia.

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